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Game of April 18, 2012 at 20:25, 6 players
1. 541 pts argomearns
2. 349 pts raggedy01
3. 311 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bloott   H4    22    22   blotto
 2. aceiruw   I9    22    44   wice
 3. efhlnor  H12    51    95   fohn
 4. ?aaelou  15G    57   152   analogue
 5. aadorsv   4H    80   232   bravados
 6. ?artuuy  O10    48   280   yurtas
 7. adnosty   N1    34   314   snooty
 8. eiiintv   1J    39   353   invest
 9. acehirs   8A    92   445   chariest
10. abdeeil   K3    78   523   evadible
11. aaeioxz   7C    61   584   zex
12. eefgkmn  N10    43   627   knee
13. adgilru   8K    27   654   braid
14. aefilru   E4    34   688   flaxier
15. ginopqu   4A    54   742   quoif
16. dgiinos   2D    69   811   indigos
17. egmnpuw   1A    43   854   gump
18. eginrtw   9B    33   887   egret
19. eijmnpw  M13    40   927   jeu

Remaining tiles: imnpw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6707 Fileargomearns  3 16:00  -386  541     1.7080 sunshine12  1  9:26  -616  311 
  2.6383 Fileraggedy01   2  9:06  -578  349            Group: intermediate
  3.7080 Filesunshine12  1  9:26  -616  311     1.6707 argomearns  3 16:00  -386  541 
  4.6951 FileGLOBEMAN    1 10:47  -619  308     2.6383 raggedy01   2  9:06  -578  349 
  5.6204 Filejimbo       2  7:07  -660  267     3.6951 GLOBEMAN    1 10:47  -619  308 
  6.3817 Filemegadog     1 20:34  -660  267     4.6204 jimbo       2  7:07  -660  267 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3817 megadog     1 20:34  -660  267 

On 1st draw, BLOTTO H4 22 --- BLOTTO drunk [adj]
Other moves: BLOTT(O) H4 20, BLOTT(Y) H4 20, BLOT(T)O H4 20, BLO(T)TO H4 20, BL(O)TTO H4 20
BLOTTO H4 22 jimbo, argomearns
BOTTL(E) H4 20 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, WICE I9 22 --- WICE canny [adj]
Other tops: CLAWER 5G 22, CURLEW 5E 22, WAIR I6 22, WEAR I6 22, WEIR I6 22, WICE G9 22
Other moves: AWE G8 21, AWE I8 21, AW G8 20, AW I8 20, CARIBE 4D 20
AWE I8 21 argomearns, jimbo

On 3rd draw, FOHN H12 51 --- FOHN a warm dry wind [n]
Other moves: FERN H12 42, FLOE H12 42, FLOR H12 42, FOEN H12 42, FONE H12 42
HORN H12 42 jimbo
HOLE H12 42 argomearns
CHEF 11I 24 raggedy01
HOWLER 9G 16 megadog

On 4th draw, ANALO(G)UE 15G 57 --- ANALOGUE something that bears a resemblance to something else [n]
Other moves: A(B)OLLAE 5E 24, HAULA(G)E 14H 22, AULA G7 18, AULA(S) G7 18, AULO(I) G7 18
BLEA(T) 4H 12 jimbo
OWLE(T) 9H 7 megadog

On 5th draw, BRAVADOS 4H 80 --- BRAVADO a display of bravery [n] --- BRAVADO to display bravery [v]
Other moves: VARS O12 57, VORS O12 57, ARVOS O11 51, VARAS O11 51, VOARS O11 51
VORS O12 57 raggedy01
ROADS O11 45 argomearns, megadog
BRAVOS 4H 22 jimbo

On 6th draw, YURTA(S) O10 48 --- YURTA a portable tent [n]
Other moves: TRAY(S) O11 45, YURT(S) O11 45, AYU(S) O12 42, RAY(S) O12 42, RYA(S) O12 42
TRAY(S) O11 45 argomearns, raggedy01, jimbo
Y(E)AST O1 21 megadog

On 7th draw, SNOOTY N1 34 --- SNOOTY snobbish [adj]
Other tops: ASTONY N1 34
Other moves: ATONY N2 32, SOOTY N2 32, STONY N2 32, SAYON G7 31, SAY G7 29
SANDY O4 27 raggedy01
DAYS O1 24 jimbo
YODS O1 24 argomearns

On 8th draw, INVEST 1J 39 --- INVEST to commit something of value for future profit [v]
Other moves: INVITES 1H 33, VEST 1L 33, VINIEST 1I 33, VISE 1L 33, IDENT M3 25
INVEST 1J 39 jimbo, raggedy01, megadog
VISE 1L 33 argomearns

On 9th draw, CHARIEST 8A 92 --- CHARY cautious [adj]
Other moves: CAHIERS 2D 76, ERIACHS 2D 70, CHARIEST 7A 65, ARCHAISE L4 64, REINVEST 1H 33
REINVEST 1H 33 raggedy01, argomearns
ASH O6 23 jimbo
SHIRT 8D 9 megadog

On 10th draw, EVADIBLE K3 78 --- EVADE to escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit [adj] --- EVADIBLE able to be evaded [adj]
Other moves: RIDEABLE D8 74, HIDABLE B8 34, BALED J6 31, BEHEAD 14F 31, BIELD J6 31
BIELD J6 31 argomearns
AID O6 17 jimbo
SLAB G8 14 raggedy01
CABLED A8 12 megadog

On 11th draw, ZEX 7C 61 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other tops: ZAX 7C 61
Other moves: BAIZA 8K 51, BAIZE 8K 51, AZO 7B 50, ZEA G13 48, ZOA G13 48
BAIZE 8K 51 argomearns, sunshine12
ZOA G13 48 raggedy01, GLOBEMAN
HAZE B8 36 megadog

On 12th draw, KNEE N10 43 --- KNEE to strike with the knee (a joint of the leg) [v]
Other moves: EEK N8 36, NEK N8 36, KEF N8 34, BEGEM 8K 33, FEHME 14F 33
EEK N8 36 sunshine12
EKE O6 26 argomearns
ZAG C7 15 raggedy01
GERMEN D6 9 megadog

On 13th draw, BRAID 8K 27 --- BRAID broad [adj] --- BRAID to weave together [v]
Other tops: BLAUD 8K 27, BLUID 8K 27, BUILD 8K 27
Other moves: AG 9B 25, BRAIL 8K 24, DIXI E5 24, GLAURIER D1 22, GUARD 2F 22
BRAID 8K 27 raggedy01, argomearns
AG 9B 25 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
ZAG C7 15 megadog

On 14th draw, FLAXIER E4 34 --- FLAXY flaxen [adj]
Other moves: REINVEST 1H 33, ALEF 2G 28, ALIF 2G 28, LAUF 2G 28, LEAF 2G 28
REINVEST 1H 33 argomearns
REIF 2G 28 sunshine12
CRUEL A8 8 megadog

On 15th draw, QUOIF 4A 54 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: QUIPO 2F 42, QUINO 2F 40, QUOIN 2F 40, PIQUET 13J 34, QI D3 32
QUOIF 4A 54 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
QUIET 13K 28 argomearns

On 16th draw, INDIGOS 2D 69 --- INDIGO a blue dye [n]
Other moves: DISINVEST 1G 39, SOD F4 35, SOG F4 35, HIDINGS B8 32, SIN F4 29
SOD F4 35 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
DOGS F1 26 argomearns
CODINGS A8 12 megadog

On 17th draw, GUMP 1A 43 --- GUMP to catch fish by hand [v]
Other moves: GEUM 1A 37, NEUM 1A 34, MENG 1A 32, MUNG 1A 32, PUNG 1A 32
MUNG 1A 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ZAP C7 17 megadog

On 18th draw, EGRET 9B 33 --- EGRET a wading bird [n]
Other moves: GREE 9C 27, GREN 9C 27, SWIG G8 25, GEE 9C 24, WEST G6 24
GEE 9C 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WRIN(G) L11 14 argomearns

On 19th draw, JEU M13 40 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: IDEM M3 27, IMP 5A 26, JOW C3 26, JAW M7 25, MEWL J12 25
JEU M13 40 argomearns
JOW C3 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
JUMP B3 21 megadog

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