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Game of April 18, 2012 at 21:11, 9 players
1. 611 pts sunshine12
2. 607 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 597 pts susieq8182

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abgiijo   H6    24    24   gajo
 2. ?akprst   7G    70    94   ratpacks
 3. ?ehlprt   K4    98   192   thrapple
 4. aeelmnw   N3    67   259   wealsmen
 5. aeefort   O1    52   311   trefa
 6. aeiqtuy  O10    59   370   equity
 7. cdefnos   M2    42   412   conf
 8. cehnoor  14I    40   452   cheroot
 9. amnosuw  13J    38   490   swam
10. bddoruv  15L    29   519   body
11. adeegos  10C    25   544   geodes
12. dilnort   O8    74   618   inequity
13. einnrst   E5    82   700   ternions
14. aabdegt   F1    28   728   abated
15. aiiiuvy   M7    29   757   kay
16. adeilou   C5    62   819   dialogue
17. eiiruvx   1A    60   879   exuvia
18. iiilorz  13A    48   927   zori
19. giiilnv  A13    39   966   zig

Remaining tiles: iilnuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7087 Filesunshine12  4 21:46  -355  611     1.7087 sunshine12  4 21:46  -355  611 
  2.6976 FileGLOBEMAN    4 21:11  -359  607     2.7494 susieq8182  5 20:27  -369  597 
  3.7494 Filesusieq8182  5 20:27  -369  597            Group: intermediate
  4.6988 FileDavina      3 14:48  -385  581     1.6976 GLOBEMAN    4 21:11  -359  607 
  5.6367 Filescrab21     3 16:20  -428  538     2.6988 Davina      3 14:48  -385  581 
  6.3798 Fileprimrose    0 17:35  -734  232     3.6367 scrab21     3 16:20  -428  538 
  7.6731 Fileargomearns  1  9:42  -761  205     4.6731 argomearns  1  9:42  -761  205 
  8.6388 Fileraggedy01   1  5:20  -814  152     5.6388 raggedy01   1  5:20  -814  152 
  9.3823 Filemegadog     1 13:18  -830  136            Group: not rated
                                             1.3798 primrose    0 17:35  -734  232 
                                             2.3823 megadog     1 13:18  -830  136 

On 1st draw, GAJO H6 24 --- GAJO a non-gypsy [n]
Other tops: GAJO H5 24, GAJO H7 24, GAJO H8 24, JAB H6 24, JAB H7 24, JAB H8 24, JIB H6 24, JIB H7 24, JIB H8 24, JOB H6 24, JOB H7 24, JOB H8 24
Other moves: JAG H6 22, JAG H7 22, JAG H8 22, JIAO H5 22, JIAO H6 22
JOB H7 24 raggedy01, scrab21
JAB H6 24 susieq8182, Davina
JOB H8 24 sunshine12
JAB H7 24 argomearns
JAB H8 24 megadog
JIG H7 22 primrose

On 2nd draw, RATPA(C)KS 7G 70 --- RATPACK a rowdy gang of youngsters [n]
Other moves: PARTAK(E)S 7D 69, POST(M)ARK 9G 68, PARTAK(E)S 7G 67, RATPA(C)KS 7D 66, PARK(A)S 10C 34
P(A)RKAS 10C 34 scrab21, susieq8182
TAK(E)S 10D 31 Davina
K(E)ST 10F 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
PAST(O)R 10F 26 argomearns
JAP(E)RS 8H 15 megadog
GAJOS H6 13 raggedy01
TASK 7G 10 primrose

On 3rd draw, THRA(P)PLE K4 98 --- THRAPPLE to throttle [v]
Other tops: PLEATH(E)R K4 98, PL(E)ATHER K4 98, THRAP(P)LE K4 98, (C)HAPTREL K5 98
Other moves: (C)H(A)PTREL L7 80, PH(I)LTER G9 72, PH(I)LTER I9 72, PH(I)LTRE G9 72, PH(I)LTRE I9 72
H(A)TE 8L 45 sunshine12, raggedy01, GLOBEMAN
(C)H(A)PTER L7 28 Davina
HE(S)P 10F 28 argomearns
T(O)P I7 22 scrab21

On 4th draw, WEALSMEN N3 67 --- WEALSMAN a statesman [n]
Other moves: ENMEWS N2 38, ENMEW L11 30, WAME L1 30, WEEM L2 29, KEELMAN M7 28
WAME L1 30 Davina
TAW I7 28 sunshine12, argomearns, GLOBEMAN, susieq8182, scrab21
TWEEN 4K 18 primrose
PALM 9K 9 megadog

On 5th draw, TREFA O1 52 --- TREFA not kosher [adj]
Other moves: REEF O1 47, TREF O1 47, AFORE O8 46, AFORE O1 37, FEATER M9 37
REEF O1 47 Davina, susieq8182, raggedy01
AFORE O8 46 argomearns, sunshine12
EF O8 32 scrab21
FEET O1 32 primrose

On 6th draw, EQUITY O10 59 --- EQUITY fairness or impartiality [n]
Other moves: EQUITY 4G 56, QUYTE 4H 54, QUAI L1 50, QUATE 4H 48, QUITE 4H 48
EQUITY O10 59 susieq8182
QUAI L1 50 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, Davina
QUITE 4H 48 primrose
QUA M1 36 scrab21
TAY I7 28 argomearns
QUIT 1L 23 raggedy01

On 7th draw, CONF M2 42 --- CONF an online conference [n]
Other moves: FENDS 12H 40, FEODS 12H 40, FONDS 12H 40, FENDS M9 38, FEODS M9 38
FONDS M9 38 Davina, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
CODES 10D 25 susieq8182
COSE 12I 25 argomearns
FOE M1 24 scrab21
FENDS 12G 23 megadog

On 8th draw, CHEROOT 14I 40 --- CHEROOT a square-cut cigar [n]
Other moves: HEROON M9 38, HERON M9 36, HONER M9 36, HONOR M9 36, COHORT 14J 34
CHEROOT 14I 40 scrab21
HONOR M9 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HEN N13 26 susieq8182
HONOR L11 23 Davina
HONEY 15K 12 megadog
HONE 11H 7 primrose

On 9th draw, SWAM 13J 38 --- SWIM to propel oneself in water by natural means [v]
Other tops: SWUM 13J 38
Other moves: ANOW 13J 33, SNAW 13J 33, SNOW 13J 33, MAW 13K 32, MOW 13K 32
SWAM 13J 38 Davina
MAW 13K 32 susieq8182
TOWNS I7 30 scrab21
SWARM L11 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 10th draw, BODY 15L 29 --- BODY to give form to [v]
Other moves: BORD F7 27, BROD F7 27, BUOY 15L 27, BURD F7 27, BURY 15L 27
TOD I7 20 scrab21, susieq8182, Davina
BOD M9 19 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
DROVE 11G 9 primrose

On 11th draw, GEODES 10C 25 --- GEODE a type of rock [n]
Other moves: D*G*S 10D 24, DEGAS 10D 24, DOGES 10D 24, EDGES 10D 24, GADES 10D 24
GEODES 10C 25 susieq8182
GADES 10D 24 Davina, scrab21
DOSE 10F 22 sunshine12
GOADS 10D 22 primrose, GLOBEMAN

On 12th draw, INEQUITY O8 74 --- INEQUITY unfairness [n]
Other moves: TORDION E5 32, INDOL 11C 28, TONDI 11B 26, TRILD 11A 23, DIOL 11D 22
TONDI 11B 26 susieq8182
LORD 11B 21 Davina
TOD I7 20 scrab21, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
TREND D8 14 primrose
GLINT C10 12 megadog

On 13th draw, TERNIONS E5 82 --- TERNION a group of three [n]
TERNIONS E5 32 susieq8182
TENNERS D6 16 Davina
RETINES D9 16 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
GRINS C10 12 primrose
RESTING C4 10 megadog
STRING C5 9 scrab21

On 14th draw, ABATED F1 28 --- ABATE to reduce in degree or intensity [v]
Other tops: BEGAD F2 28
Other moves: BAAED F2 27, BATED F2 27, BEGAN 8A 27, BADGE D1 26, ABATED D1 25
ABATED F1 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BEGAN 8A 27 susieq8182
ABATED D1 25 Davina
TAB I7 24 scrab21
BAGGED C7 16 megadog
GATED C10 14 primrose

On 15th draw, KAY M7 29 --- KAY the letter K [n]
Other moves: TAY I7 28, AY G2 22, IVY D12 22, YA M9 22, YA G3 20
KAY M7 29 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
TAY I7 28 scrab21, susieq8182
AY G2 22 Davina

On 16th draw, DIALOGUE C5 62 --- DIALOGUE to carry on a conversation [v]
Other moves: ALODIA 1A 27, AULOI D4 24, DOLINA 8A 24, DOLINE 8A 24, DOUANE 8A 24
LADEN 8A 21 Davina
ALODIA 1F 21 susieq8182
TOD I7 20 scrab21
TAD I7 20 sunshine12
LAID 1E 15 megadog
GLADE C10 14 primrose

On 17th draw, EXUVIA 1A 60 --- EXUVIUM the moulted covering of an animal [n]
Other moves: VEX B4 57, REX B4 54, EX B5 53, VARIX 1E 45, REX G1 41
EXUVIA 1A 60 susieq8182
VEX B4 57 Davina, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, scrab21
REX 11J 10 primrose

On 18th draw, ZORI 13A 48 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other moves: ZERO G9 44, ZEL G9 43, ZORI D4 39, ZOL 8A 36, ZOIC 2J 35
ZERO G9 44 susieq8182
ZOL 8A 36 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
ZO D4 27 Davina, scrab21

On 19th draw, ZIG A13 39 --- ZIG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: ZIN A13 36, LIG G1 32, LIG 2A 31, LIN 2A 28, LIN G1 28
ZIG A13 39 Davina, scrab21, susieq8182, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

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