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Game of April 20, 2012 at 04:21, 3 players
1. 606 pts Zweep
2. 237 pts susieq8182
3. 45 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. degiotx   H8    42    42   detox
 2. eiiiltw   G9    33    75   wile
 3. adehost  13A    87   162   hoasted
 4. aeknrtu  A12    48   210   khat
 5. bdgnoos  11E    40   250   oblongs
 6. ?elnoty   I3    75   325   ymolten
 7. abeimno   H1    48   373   anomie
 8. eeooprv  F11    28   401   breve
 9. ?eiisuz   4G    88   489   immunizes
10. aaipprs  15C    42   531   appears
11. adehlov   M2    42   573   vozhd
12. adginno  B10    30   603   agood
13. aegiinu   A5    23   626   guinea
14. abeillu   2J    32   658   blive
15. aeefnrt   K7    61   719   fenestra
16. eimnoqr  15K    36   755   enorm
17. aciiruw   O4    30   785   scraw
18. fiiltuy  12K    30   815   tufty
19. cijlqru  12A    43   858   koji
20. ciilqru   6F    36   894   quell

Remaining tiles: ciir

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6481 FileZweep       4 20:54  -288  606     1.7524 susieq8182  0 11:24  -657  237 
  2.7524 Filesusieq8182  0 11:24  -657  237            Group: intermediate
  3.6411 Fileannelhynz   0  0:50  -849   45     1.6481 Zweep       4 20:54  -288  606 
                                             2.6411 annelhynz   0  0:50  -849   45 

On 1st draw, DETOX H8 42 --- DETOX to remove a toxin from [v]
Other moves: DETOX H4 30, DOXIE H4 30, DOXIE H8 28, OXIDE H4 28, OXIDE H8 28
DETOX H8 42 Zweep

On 2nd draw, WILE G9 33 --- WILE to entice [v]
Other tops: WITE G9 33
Other moves: IWI G8 24, LEW G7 23, TEW G7 23, WET G9 23, WIT G9 23
WILE G9 33 Zweep

On 3rd draw, HOASTED 13A 87 --- HOAST to cough [v]
Other moves: HOASTED F4 81, HOASTED I3 80, DOSEH F6 41, HEXADES 12F 36, ODAH F7 36
DAH F8 35 Zweep

On 4th draw, KHAT A12 48 --- KHAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: KHAN A12 48, KHET A12 48
Other moves: REAK F7 41, TEAK F7 41, TREK F7 41, NEK F8 40, TAK F8 40
TREK F7 41 Zweep

On 5th draw, OBLONGS 11E 40 --- OBLONG something that is oblong (elongated) [n]
Other moves: KOBOS 12A 34, OOLONGS 11E 32, DOOB F7 30, KOBO 12A 30, DOB F8 29
GOB F8 29 Zweep

On 6th draw, Y(M)OLTEN I3 75 --- MELT to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat [v]
Other moves: ELYT(R)ON I3 71, T(E)LEGONY J7 71, (A)NOLYTES K4 70, TEL(E)GONY J7 69, (A)NOLYTE F3 67
TOY I7 27 Zweep

On 7th draw, ANOMIE H1 48 --- ANOMIE a collapse of the social structures governing a given society [n]
Other moves: BEAM H1 44, AMBO H1 36, BEMA H1 36, BIMA H1 36, BOMA H1 36
BEAM H1 44 Zweep
BAM H1 28 annelhynz

On 8th draw, BREVE F11 28 --- BREVE a symbol used to indicate a short vowel [n]
Other moves: POOR B11 22, PER 12C 21, POO 12C 21, VEEP 10B 21, APE 14A 20
PROVEN 2C 19 Zweep

On 9th draw, IM(M)U(N)IZES 4G 88 --- IMMUNIZE to render immune from infection [v]
Other moves: SEIZU(R)E 15E 45, (F)UZEES 15C 45, SEIZE 15E 42, SEIZE(D) 15E 42, SEIZE(R) 15E 42
SEIZE 15E 42 Zweep

On 10th draw, APPEARS 15C 42 --- APPEAR to become visible [v]
Other moves: APPEAR 15C 39, APEPSIA 15D 36, PRAOS B10 36, PREPS 15D 36, PAPERS 15C 33
PIPERS 15C 33 Zweep
PAPERS 15C 33 susieq8182

On 11th draw, VOZHD M2 42 --- VOZHD a supreme Russian leader [n]
Other moves: SHAVED O4 39, SHOVED O4 39, ODAH 5K 37, DEVA J6 36, HAZED M2 36
SHOVED O4 39 susieq8182, Zweep

On 12th draw, AGOOD B10 30 --- AGOOD heartily [adv]
Other tops: DONA J6 30
Other moves: GONION B9 28, SANDING O4 27, ANION B10 24, DAG J6 24, DIG J6 24
DON J6 22 susieq8182
DIGS O1 18 Zweep

On 13th draw, GUINEA A5 23 --- GUINEA a former British coin [n]
Other moves: GANGUE J8 22, GAUGE J8 21, SAGUIN O4 21, GANG J8 20, GENUA A6 20
GUISE O1 18 susieq8182
SINGE O4 18 Zweep
GANE A7 17 annelhynz

On 14th draw, BLIVE 2J 32 --- BLIVE immediately [adv]
Other moves: ISABEL O3 24, LIBEL G3 24, SUABLE O4 24, USABLE O3 24, ALIBLE 14I 22
BLASE O1 21 Zweep
SABLE O4 21 susieq8182

On 15th draw, FENESTRA K7 61 --- FENESTRA a small anatomical opening [n]
Other tops: REFASTEN K7 61
Other moves: FEET J6 42, FENT J6 42, DEFEATER 8H 39, DEFERENT 8H 39, AFREET 14I 36
STRAFE O4 27 Zweep

On 16th draw, ENORM 15K 36 --- ENORM enormous [adj]
Other moves: MEN J6 33, IRONMEN 2B 30, MERINO B2 29, MAINER 14J 28, MAINOR 14J 28
QI L1 21 Zweep, susieq8182

On 17th draw, SCRAW O4 30 --- SCRAW thin turf [n]
Other moves: ERICA 8K 24, WIRRA 13I 24, CURARI 13I 22, SCAUR O4 21, AURIC N6 20
SCRAW O4 30 Zweep
AWA 14I 16 susieq8182

On 18th draw, TUFTY 12K 30 --- TUFTY abounding in tufts [adj]
Other moves: FY 1N 29, FY L8 26, FRUITY 13J 24, FUTILELY 6C 24, GULFY 5A 24
GUILTY 5A 20 Zweep
FAIL 14J 19 susieq8182

On 19th draw, KOJI 12A 43 --- KOJI a Japanese fungus which breaks down soy beans into soy sauce [n]
Other moves: QUELL 6F 36, JAIL 14J 31, JAI 14J 28, JIN 2F 26, JUN 2F 26
JAIL 14J 31 Zweep
JUT N10 26 susieq8182

On 20th draw, QUELL 6F 36 --- QUELL to suppress [v]
Other moves: QIS I13 22, QI L1 21, FICO M12 18, CURLI B1 17, CAUL 14J 16
QUELL 6F 36 Zweep
QIS I13 22 susieq8182

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