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Game of April 20, 2012 at 21:59, 5 players
1. 583 pts PIThompson
2. 528 pts sunshine12
3. 501 pts Davina

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aabdlsu   H4    24    24   blauds
 2. ?abfiin   5E    44    68   fabling
 3. aehinty   6C    36   104   they
 4. ?aikpsv   L1    46   150   kivas
 5. ?eepttu   8A    83   233   puttered
 6. aiiorsw   1H    36   269   awork
 7. deinrtw   B8    82   351   underwit
 8. aeijors   3I    50   401   jarvies
 9. ehinopz   O3    48   449   sozine
10. hilnors   N6    35   484   horis
11. adeggmo   M7   102   586   demagog
12. eeilntv   2B    76   662   veinlet
13. aelmopr  15B    95   757   temporal
14. cfglnoo   D1    26   783   fico
15. aeilnou  A14    47   830   la
16. aoqrtuu  12H    50   880   quarto
17. cdegino  13F    32   912   coigne
18. deinouy  14J    39   951   deny

Remaining tiles: ioux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7685 FilePIThompson  5 13:03  -368  583     1.7685 PIThompson  5 13:03  -368  583 
  2.7110 Filesunshine12  4 16:44  -423  528     2.7110 sunshine12  4 16:44  -423  528 
  3.6937 FileDavina      2 12:23  -450  501            Group: intermediate
  4.3797 Filemegadog     0 12:26  -801  150     1.6937 Davina      2 12:23  -450  501 
  5.5709 FileWEASEL      0  0:53  -948    3            Group: novice
                                             1.5709 WEASEL      0  0:53  -948    3 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3797 megadog     0 12:26  -801  150 

On 1st draw, BLAUDS H4 24 --- BLAUD to strike [v]
Other moves: BALDS H4 22, BAUDS H4 22, BLADS H4 22, BLAUD H4 22, BLAUDS H8 22
BLAUDS H4 24 sunshine12
BALDS H4 22 PIThompson, Davina

On 2nd draw, FABLIN(G) 5E 44 --- FABLE to compose or tell fictitious tales [v] --- FABLING the telling of fables [n]
Other tops: BAILIF(F) 5E 44, BAILI(F)F 5E 44
Other moves: FAILIN(G) 5E 36, (T)AILFIN 5E 36, AIBLIN(S) 5E 32, BAILIN(G) 5E 32, FIBBIN(G) 4F 26
FIBBIN(G) 4F 26 Davina
FAIN(S) I3 20 sunshine12, PIThompson

On 3rd draw, THEY 6C 36 --- THEY the 3d person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other tops: YEAH 6C 36
Other moves: HAY 6D 35, HEY 6D 35, YAH 6D 35, YEH 6D 35, HEAT 6F 34
THEY 6C 36 sunshine12, Davina, PIThompson

On 4th draw, KIVAS L1 46 --- KIVA an underground ceremonial chamber [n]
Other moves: KAV(A)S L1 44, KIV(A)S L1 44, KVA(S)S L1 44, K(A)VAS L1 44, K(I)VAS L1 44
KIVAS L1 46 sunshine12, PIThompson
PA(R)KS L1 38 Davina

On 5th draw, PUTTE(R)ED 8A 83 --- PUTTER to occupy oneself in a leisurely or ineffective manner [v]
Other tops: UP(J)ETTED 8A 83
Other moves: PETUNT(S)E J1 63, PETUNT(Z)E J1 63, UPSETTE(R) 9F 63, PETU(N)TSE 9B 62, (O)UTKEEP 1I 36
U(N)KEPT 1J 33 sunshine12
KEEP 1L 30 Davina, PIThompson

On 6th draw, AWORK 1H 36 --- AWORK at work [adv]
Other moves: KAWS 1L 33, KIWI 1L 33, KOWS 1L 33, WAIRS 2J 32, OKRAS 1K 27
KAWS 1L 33 sunshine12, PIThompson
KOWS 1L 33 Davina

On 7th draw, UNDERWIT B8 82 --- UNDERWIT a half-wit [n]
Other moves: UNDERWIT 7H 67, WEIRD 2J 49, INDEW 2F 40, UNWIRED B8 38, DEW 2H 36
WEIRD 2J 49 PIThompson, sunshine12
DEW 2H 36 Davina

On 8th draw, JARVIES 3I 50 --- JARVIE a driver of a horse-drawn taxi [n]
Other moves: JARVIE 3I 48, JIAOS 2F 41, JIAO 2F 34, INJERAS J4 32, JABS 4F 32
JIVERS 3J 32 Davina, PIThompson
JAR 2F 28 sunshine12

On 9th draw, SOZINE O3 48 --- SOZINE a type of protein [n]
Other moves: HIZEN 2D 39, PISH O1 39, POSH O1 39, PRIZE 12A 38, WHIZ 13B 38
PISH O1 39 PIThompson
ZOS O1 36 sunshine12
ZIN 2F 34 Davina
SIZE O3 14 megadog

On 10th draw, HORIS N6 35 --- HORI a Maori (derogatory term) [n]
Other tops: HORNS N6 35
Other moves: OHS A13 34, HINS N6 32, HONS N6 32, HORI N6 32, HORN N6 32
HORNS N6 35 Davina, sunshine12, PIThompson
HORSE 8K 9 megadog

On 11th draw, DEMAGOG M7 102 --- DEMAGOG to behave like a demagog (a leader who appeals to emotions and prejudices) [v]
Other moves: DEMAGOG 2B 85, DEMAGOG M9 85, MAGGED M9 37, MOGGED M9 37, AGOGE M6 33
MOGGED M9 37 Davina
MAGGED M9 37 sunshine12
MAGE M7 30 PIThompson
GAMES 10J 12 megadog

On 12th draw, VEINLET 2B 76 --- VEINLET a small vein [n]
Other moves: WEEVIL 13B 26, LEET C11 24, TEEN C11 24, TWELVE 13A 24, VRIL 12A 22
WEEVIL 13B 26 megadog
VRIL 12A 22 PIThompson
WIVE 13B 20 Davina
ETTLE 15A 18 sunshine12

On 13th draw, TEMPORAL 15B 95 --- TEMPORAL a bone of the skull [n]
Other moves: PREMOLAR 12A 82, PREMORAL 12A 82, TEMPORAL D8 76, TEMPLAR 15B 42, PALMER O10 38
PALM L12 33 PIThompson
MAP L12 25 sunshine12
MEAL A11 21 Davina
WORM 13B 18 megadog

On 14th draw, FICO D1 26 --- FICO something of little worth [n]
Other tops: CONF 12L 26, COOF 12L 26
Other moves: FIGO D1 24, FROG 12A 24, GOLF 12L 24, GOOF 12L 24, FOOL A11 23
FROG 12A 24 PIThompson
FUN 7G 20 sunshine12
FOE N1 12 Davina
FLOG 13J 8 megadog

On 15th draw, LA A14 47 --- LA the sixth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other moves: ATEMPORAL 15A 39, LEONE C11 26, ULAN L7 23, BANIA 4H 22, LUNA L10 21
LUNE L12 17 PIThompson
LANE L12 17 sunshine12
WAIL 13B 14 Davina

On 16th draw, QUARTO 12H 50 --- QUARTO the size of a piece of paper cut four from a sheet [n]
Other moves: QUARTO F10 37, QUORUM D10 34, QUOTUM D10 34, EQUATOR 11B 32, QUOTA 12K 30
QUARTO 12H 50 PIThompson
QUARTO F10 37 megadog
QUAG 11J 28 Davina
QUA 5A 14 sunshine12

On 17th draw, COIGNE 13F 32 --- COIGNE to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: CEDING 13E 30, CODING 13E 30, COIGN 13F 29, DINGE 13G 29, DEIGN 13F 28
WINGED 13B 26 PIThompson
CINE 13G 26 sunshine12
CORING K10 18 megadog
DECOR K8 16 Davina

On 18th draw, DENY 14J 39 --- DENY to declare to be untrue [v]
Other moves: DOYEN 14K 38, NOYED 14K 37, DYNE 14L 32, NYED 14L 32, Y*D 14J 32
DENY 14J 39 PIThompson
YEN 14J 31 sunshine12, Davina
DENY 11A 8 megadog

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