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Game of April 21, 2012 at 21:34, 6 players
1. 574 pts PIThompson
2. 560 pts Davina
3. 401 pts Andy1990

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abhirtv   H4    28    28   habit
 2. ?doqrsv   G7    47    75   quods
 3. eejnrty  11E    40   115   yestern
 4. eirstux  H11    39   154   tuxes
 5. ?afgipp   K5    80   234   flapping
 6. aeeiort  15A    77   311   etaerios
 7. aaegikl  J10    40   351   kraal
 8. aeforuv   B9    42   393   overfat
 9. ainortu   A3    76   469   rainout
10. eeirstu   C3    72   541   suetier
11. lmoorst   D4    37   578   sloom
12. acdlmoz   L1    43   621   colza
13. acdegiu   1H    36   657   caducei
14. dhinnot  14D    33   690   doh
15. beeimnt   E5    33   723   mene
16. biinnrt  13B    27   750   frib
17. eginnvw  12A    38   788   grew
18. dginnty   8K    33   821   pinny
19. dgijntw   N5    29   850   djinn

Remaining tiles: gltvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7679 FilePIThompson  5 16:27  -276  574     1.7679 PIThompson  5 16:27  -276  574 
  2.6914 FileDavina      3 16:59  -290  560            Group: intermediate
  3.5738 FileAndy1990    0 20:32  -449  401     1.6914 Davina      3 16:59  -290  560 
  4.6701 Filedannyboy    1  7:01  -610  240     2.6701 dannyboy    1  7:01  -610  240 
  5.5652 Filetonikay     0  9:42  -658  192     3.6778 argomearns  0  0:55  -804   46 
  6.6778 Fileargomearns  0  0:55  -804   46            Group: novice
                                             1.5738 Andy1990    0 20:32  -449  401 
                                             2.5652 tonikay     0  9:42  -658  192 

On 1st draw, HABIT H4 28 --- HABIT to clothe or dress [v]
Other tops: BAITH H8 28, BIRTH H8 28, BRITH H8 28
Other moves: BAITH H4 26, BIRTH H4 26, BRAVI H4 26, BRITH H4 26, AIRTH H8 24
HABIT H4 28 Davina
BIRTH H8 28 PIThompson
BAITH H8 28 dannyboy
BIRTH H4 26 Andy1990

On 2nd draw, Q(U)ODS G7 47 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: Q(U)OD G7 46, Q(I)S G7 44, Q(I) G7 42, D(I)SHABIT H1 39, Q(U)RSH 4D 32
Q(U)ODS G7 47 Davina
Q(U)OD G7 46 argomearns
Q(I)S G7 44 dannyboy, PIThompson
DOV(E)S I1 18 Andy1990

On 3rd draw, YESTERN 11E 40 --- YESTERN pertaining to yesterday [adj]
Other moves: JERSEY 11D 32, JANTY 5G 30, JETE I3 30, JEER F9 29, TEENY H11 29
JANTY 5G 30 PIThompson
JEER F9 29 dannyboy, Davina
JETS 11D 22 Andy1990

On 4th draw, TUXES H11 39 --- TUX a tuxedo [n]
Other tops: TEXTS H11 39
Other moves: SEXIER I7 37, XIS I5 37, REX 12D 34, SEX 12D 34, SEX I7 34
XIS I5 37 Davina
SEX I7 34 dannyboy
REX 12D 34 Andy1990
TUX 12D 34 PIThompson

On 5th draw, F(L)APPING K5 80 --- FLAP to move, as of wings [v] --- FLAPPING the act of flapping [n]
Other tops: F(R)APPING K5 80
Other moves: HAPPI(N)G 4H 28, PIGFA(C)E 14B 28, PI(L)AF 12B 28, FRAPP(E) J10 26, GIPP(O) 12A 26
FIG(O) I3 22 PIThompson
IF I13 21 dannyboy
FAG I3 19 Andy1990
FIG I3 19 Davina

On 6th draw, ETAERIOS 15A 77 --- ETAERIO an aggregated fruit like a blackberry [n]
Other moves: EPEIRA 8J 27, OPIATE 8J 27, EATERIE I8 25, REATE L4 25, PAIRE 8K 24
PETER 8K 24 PIThompson
PATER 8K 24 Davina, dannyboy
PEART 8K 24 Andy1990

On 7th draw, KRAAL J10 40 --- KRAAL to pen in a type of enclosure [v]
Other tops: LEAK 14C 40
Other moves: PALKI 8K 36, GLEEK 14F 33, GLAIK 12K 30, GLIKE 12A 29, GLIKE L1 29
LEAK 14C 40 PIThompson
PLAGE 8K 27 dannyboy
LAKE 12B 21 Davina
LIKE I1 18 Andy1990

On 8th draw, OVERFAT B9 42 --- OVERFAT too fat [adj]
Other moves: FAVOUR 12A 39, FAUVE 12A 35, FAUVE L1 35, FOVEA 12A 35, FOVEA L1 35
FAVOUR 12A 39 Davina
PAVER 8K 33 PIThompson, dannyboy
PROVE 8K 33 Andy1990

On 9th draw, RAINOUT A3 76 --- RAINOUT atomic fallout occurring in precipitation [n]
Other moves: UPTORN 8J 27, ARIOT L6 25, PAINT 8K 24, PANTO 8K 24, PARTI 8K 24
ARIOT L6 25 PIThompson
PAINT 8K 24 Andy1990, tonikay
POINT 8K 24 Davina

On 10th draw, SUETIER C3 72 --- SUETY resembling suet [adj]
Other moves: EUTEXIAS 13D 33, URITES I2 32, RETES I3 31, RITES I3 31, SUITER 15J 31
URITES I2 32 PIThompson
SUITER 15J 31 Davina
ASTER 13J 26 tonikay, Andy1990

On 11th draw, SLOOM D4 37 --- SLOOM to slumber [v]
Other moves: TOMOS I3 35, LOTOS I3 31, ROTOS I3 31, SMOOR D4 31, SMOOT D4 31
TOMOS I3 35 PIThompson
PROMO 8K 30 Davina
MOS I5 27 tonikay
F(L)APPINGS K5 18 Andy1990

On 12th draw, COLZA L1 43 --- COLZA a plant of the cabbage family [n]
Other moves: ADZE 14E 38, ADZ L12 34, CAZ G3 33, COZ G3 33, MOZ G3 33
MOZ G3 33 PIThompson
COZ G3 33 Davina
AZO J6 32 tonikay
ZO J4 16 Andy1990

On 13th draw, CADUCEI 1H 36 --- CADUCEUS a heraldic wand or staff [n]
Other moves: PACED 8K 33, PUDIC 8K 33, GRACED 12A 32, GRICED 12A 32, PAGED 8K 30
PACED 8K 33 Davina, PIThompson, Andy1990
CAGE 1L 21 tonikay

On 14th draw, DOH 14D 33 --- DOH a musical note [n]
Other moves: NOH 14D 31, HIE 14F 29, HOE 14F 29, HOND 2K 29, OH 14E 28
DOH 14D 33 PIThompson
HOE 14F 29 Davina
OH M4 25 tonikay

On 15th draw, MENE E5 33 --- MENE to lament [v]
Other moves: BREME 12A 29, TEME E3 28, BEEN L7 27, BEET L7 27, BEIN L7 27
TEME E3 28 PIThompson, Davina
TEME I3 20 Andy1990
TIME M5 15 tonikay

On 16th draw, FRIB 13B 27 --- FRIB heavy wool removed in woolclassing [n]
Other moves: BIRLINN 3I 24, PRINT 8K 24, FRIT 13B 21, BIRO 2I 19, BITO 2I 19
FRIB 13B 27 PIThompson
PRINT 8K 24 Andy1990
BRIN 12A 18 Davina

On 17th draw, GREW 12A 38 --- GREW to shudder [v] --- GROW to cultivate [v]
Other moves: WREN 12A 34, REV 12B 30, REW 12B 30, GREN 12A 26, UNAGEING 12H 26
REW 12B 30 Davina
GIEN L7 25 PIThompson
GIVEN M5 21 Andy1990

On 18th draw, PINNY 8K 33 --- PINNY a pinafore [n]
Other moves: TIDY I3 24, DINGY M5 22, TINY I3 22, TONDI 2K 22, DINGY F1 21
PINNY 8K 33 Davina
Y*D I3 19 PIThompson
TOED 6C 9 tonikay

On 19th draw, DJINN N5 29 --- DJINN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: DJIN J1 28, DJIN N5 28, JIG I3 27, JINN N6 27, JIN N6 26
DJINN N5 29 PIThompson
JIG I3 27 Davina
JIN I3 25 Andy1990
JAW 5G 13 tonikay

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