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Game of April 21, 2012 at 22:20, 4 players
1. 548 pts Davina
2. 451 pts tonikay
3. 101 pts primrose

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abcdost   H3    24    24   octads
 2. aehilmt   3C    84   108   halimote
 3. ?ddeirv   8A    89   197   dividers
 4. ?beootw   A1    92   289   bentwood
 5. efiknrr   2J    45   334   firer
 6. aeenosy   1K    39   373   sayon
 7. einprtu   5D    90   463   inputter
 8. adeijlm   2D    39   502   jam
 9. egilstw   3L    38   540   ewts
10. aadiino   1E    27   567   danio
11. eegnprs   J5    69   636   epergnes
12. beiknoz   O3    48   684   sozine
13. aagilor   D2    26   710   jagir
14. aailnuv  12H    26   736   visual
15. bcegiln   N6    31   767   bingle
16. acehiqt  O11    44   811   theca
17. aailouy   B5    31   842   oy
18. aiklquu   M7    26   868   ka
19. afilouu   L6    29   897   oaf
20. eilquux  K10    42   939   exul

Remaining tiles: iquu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6925 FileDavina      2 15:05  -391  548     1.7682 PIThompson  0  1:58  -903   36 
  2.5651 Filetonikay     1 29:22  -488  451            Group: intermediate
  3.3820 Fileprimrose    0 10:29  -838  101     1.6925 Davina      2 15:05  -391  548 
  4.7682 FilePIThompson  0  1:58  -903   36            Group: novice
                                             1.5651 tonikay     1 29:22  -488  451 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3820 primrose    0 10:29  -838  101 

On 1st draw, OCTADS H3 24 --- OCTAD a group of eight [n]
Other moves: CODAS H4 22, OCTADS H8 22, BASTO H4 20, BOAST H4 20, BOATS H4 20
COAST H4 20 Davina
SCAB H5 16 tonikay
COBS H7 16 primrose

On 2nd draw, HALIMOTE 3C 84 --- HALIMOTE the court of a guild [n]
Other moves: MELTITH 5E 48, HALIMOT 3C 32, CHAMLET 4H 28, HALITE I4 28, HEMATIC 4B 28
CHIME 4H 24 Davina
HAIL G6 20 tonikay
HAILED 7C 15 primrose

On 3rd draw, D(I)VIDERS 8A 89 --- DIVIDER one that divides [n]
Other moves: DIV(I)DERS 8A 86, DIVERT(E)D 5C 74, DIV(E)RTED 5C 74, REDIV(I)DE J2 72, RED(I)VIDE J2 72
V(A)DED 2B 42 Davina
DIVED 2J 35 tonikay
DRIVE 7H 10 primrose

On 4th draw, BE(N)TWOOD A1 92 --- BENTWOOD wood bent for use in furniture [n]
Other moves: WOOB(U)T 2J 49, WOOE(D) 2J 43, WOOE(R) 2J 43, WOOT(Z) 2J 43, WOO(S)E 2J 43
B(L)OW 4A 37 Davina
W(E)B 2J 28 tonikay

On 5th draw, FIRER 2J 45 --- FIRER one that fires [n]
Other tops: FINER 2J 45, FRIER 2J 45
Other moves: NEK 2D 37, FIKE 2J 32, FINK 2J 32, FIRK 2J 32, FRANK D1 32
FRANK D1 32 Davina
KINE F2 18 tonikay

On 6th draw, SAYON 1K 39 --- SAYON a jacket [n]
Other tops: SEYEN 1K 39
Other moves: AYES 1L 34, EYAS 1L 34, EYEN 1L 34, EYES 1L 34, OYES 1L 34
AYES 1L 34 Davina
YEA 1M 25 tonikay

On 7th draw, INPUTTER 5D 90 --- INPUTTER someone who feeds in information [n]
Other moves: INPUTTER 5C 70, PREUNITE F6 68, PAINTURE 6G 64, PRUDENT E5 40, PUTTIER 5E 36
PEN 3M 29 Davina
PERT G6 16 tonikay
PRINT 5D 14 primrose

On 8th draw, JAM 2D 39 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: CAMELID 4H 38, JADE 2D 38, MADE 3L 35, MAD 3L 33, MAELID 4J 33
JADE 2D 38 tonikay
MEAD 6J 25 Davina
JIVED C6 18 primrose

On 9th draw, EWTS 3L 38 --- EWT a small salamander [n]
Other moves: EWT 3L 36, WET 3M 33, STEW 3L 32, WE(I)LS B6 32, WE 3M 31
WET 3M 33 Davina
STEW L5 22 primrose
SWIG L5 21 tonikay

On 10th draw, DANIO 1E 27 --- DANIO an aquarium fish [n]
Other moves: SODAIN O3 24, OD B5 19, OID(I)A B5 19, AD 4K 18, OD 4K 18
OD B5 19 Davina
ADO 1F 17 tonikay
DRAIN K4 6 primrose

On 11th draw, EPERGNES J5 69 --- EPERGNE an ornamental centrepiece for a table [n]
Other moves: EPERGNES F8 65, REGS 4J 39, CERES 4H 34, SPEERS O3 33, SPENSE O3 33
SPREES O3 33 Davina
RES 4J 23 tonikay

On 12th draw, SOZINE O3 48 --- SOZINE a type of protein [n]
Other moves: BIZONES 12D 38, BO(I)NK B6 38, OZONE 6A 38, EBONIZE 11D 36, OZEKI 11H 36
EBONIZE 11D 36 PIThompson
BIZ I11 30 Davina
ZONKS 12F 19 tonikay

On 13th draw, JAGIR D2 26 --- JAGIR a land tax [n]
Other moves: GARIAL N6 24, OVARIAL C7 24, GORAL N6 23, ALOGIA K10 22, VARIOLA C8 22
RAD 7F 10 tonikay

On 14th draw, VISUAL 12H 26 --- VISUAL something that illustrates by pictures of diagrams [n]
Other moves: VASAL 12H 24, NIVAL K11 22, UNVAILS 12D 22, SALIVA 12J 20, SALVIA 12J 20
VENAL 11I 16 Davina
DIVA E8 16 tonikay

On 15th draw, BINGLE N6 31 --- BINGLE to style the hair a particular way [v]
Other moves: BINGE N6 30, BE(I)NG B6 29, GENIC N6 29, BING N6 27, GIBEL N6 27
VICE H12 27 Davina
BEG 11I 22 tonikay

On 16th draw, THECA O11 44 --- THECA a protective anatomical covering [n]
Other tops: THEIC O11 44
Other moves: AITCH O11 35, ETHIC O11 35, TACHE O11 35, TEACH O11 35, EH B5 31
EH B5 31 Davina
HE M7 22 tonikay

On 17th draw, OY B5 31 --- OY a grandchild [n] --- OY used to express dismay or pain [interj]
Other moves: YOU M7 28, LOY M5 25, AVAIL H11 24, LEY 11I 24, OY M6 24
OY B5 31 Davina
YOU M7 28 tonikay

On 18th draw, KA M7 26 --- KA the spiritual self of a human being in Egyptian religion [n] --- KA to serve [v]
Other moves: UVULA H11 24, LAKE 13L 22, LIKE 13L 22, VAIL H12 21, VALI H12 21
KA M7 26 tonikay
EQUAL F8 16 Davina

On 19th draw, OAF L6 29 --- OAF a clumsy, stupid person [n]
Other moves: IF B1 24, OF B1 24, UVULA H11 24, FOLIA L8 23, FLAIL M11 22
OAF L6 29 Davina
FA L8 20 tonikay

On 20th draw, EXUL K10 42 --- EXUL an exile [n]
Other moves: EX B1 40, LEX 11I 40, EX 11J 36, XU K11 36, XI 13L 31
LEX 11I 40 Davina
XI 13L 31 tonikay

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