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Game of April 22, 2012 at 05:24, 1 player
1. 95 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefjlru   H4    48    48   jarful
 2. ?ailruw   7C    69   117   weariful
 3. eerstvw   E5    52   169   weavers
 4. beinrtt   4H    28   197   jiber
 5. ademnot   3I    40   237   modena
 6. ?cdeipt   O1   101   338   discept
 7. adgopst   8K    69   407   apods
 8. enortty   K8    72   479   attorney
 9. aegioot  15F    30   509   egoity
10. eeintxy   5J    45   554   ex
11. abegoot  14F    28   582   bag
12. aefinny  13G    32   614   fay
13. aeimnot   1H    86   700   nematoid
14. eglnosu  10D    27   727   urges
15. cdeinvz   7M    46   773   zit
16. aehqrtu   D2    35   808   equate
17. hiklors   2A    46   854   shreik
18. aceinno   M7    38   892   zooecia
19. dillnov   6B    20   912   vote
20. dhilnno  N10    30   942   dhol

Remaining tiles: ilnnn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4104 Filedenbay      0  5:06  -847   95     1.4104 denbay      0  5:06  -847   95 

On 1st draw, JARFUL H4 48 --- JARFUL the quantity held by a jar (a cylindrical container) [n]
Other moves: JARUL H4 40, JURAL H4 40, JUREL H4 40, JARFUL H3 34, JARFUL H7 34

On 2nd draw, W(E)ARIFUL 7C 69 --- WEARIFUL tiresome [adj]
Other moves: AWL(S) 10E 30, JAW(A)RI 4H 30, J(A)WARI 4H 30, J(O)WARI 4H 30, WIL(T)JA 4D 30

On 3rd draw, WEAVERS E5 52 --- WEAVER one that weaves [n]
Other moves: SWEATER 5E 40, EVERT 8A 36, EVETS 8A 36, EWERS 8A 36, EWEST 8A 36

On 4th draw, JIBER 4H 28 --- JIBER one that jibes [n]
Other moves: JITTER 4H 26, WRITTEN C7 22, BEIN D9 20, ATEBRIN 5H 18, BATTIER 5G 18

On 5th draw, MODENA 3I 40 --- MODENA a shade of crimson [n]
Other moves: WOMANED 5E 38, MANED 3I 37, MATED 3I 37, MONAD 3I 37, MOTED 3I 37

On 6th draw, DI(S)CEPT O1 101 --- DISCEPT to debate [v]
Other moves: CAPTI(V)ED N2 78, TAP(P)ICED N2 78, TA(P)PICED N2 78, SC(R)IPTED 11E 74, SPIC(A)TED 11E 74

On 7th draw, APODS 8K 69 --- APOD an animal without feet or fins [n]
Other moves: ADOPTS 8J 68, PADS 8L 66, PODS 8L 66, DAPS 8L 63, DOPAS 8K 63

On 8th draw, ATTORNEY K8 72 --- ATTORNEY a lawyer [n]
Other tops: SNOTTERY 11E 72
Other moves: AROYNT 5H 45, OYER 5J 36, ONEYRE 5J 34, OYE 5J 34, YENTE 5K 33

On 9th draw, EGOITY 15F 30 --- EGOITY the essence of the ego [n]
Other tops: GAIETY 15F 30
Other moves: AGO 2I 27, GOATY 15G 27, GOETY 15G 27, GOOEY 15G 27, AGE 5J 26

On 10th draw, EX 5J 45 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: TEENY 14B 45
Other moves: YEX 5K 43, EXTERN 12G 42, TEX 9K 39, TIX 9K 39, XI 9M 37

On 11th draw, BAG 14F 28 --- BAG to put into a bag (a flexible container) [v]
Other moves: BAT 14F 26, BEAT L11 24, BEGAT 14B 24, BEGOT 14B 24, OBA 14E 24

On 12th draw, FAY 13G 32 --- FAY slightly mad [adj] --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other tops: FEY 13G 32, FEY L11 32
Other moves: FAERY 12H 30, FAIRY 12H 30, FANNY 13I 30, FAYRE 12H 30, FENNY 13I 30

On 13th draw, NEMATOID 1H 86 --- NEMATOID pertaining to worms parasitic on the intestines [adj]
Other moves: DOMINATE N8 84, DOMAINE N8 32, TEAM 2G 31, NAM 2H 30, TAM 2H 30

On 14th draw, URGES 10D 27 --- URGE to drive forward [v]
Other tops: ERGOS 10D 27
Other moves: GROUSE 10D 26, ENROLS 10C 25, GRENS 10D 25, GRUES 10D 25, NEROLS 10C 25

On 15th draw, ZIT 7M 46 --- ZIT a pimple [n]
Other moves: DEZINC N8 38, ZINE F2 38, DIZEN N8 35, COZIED M7 31, COZED M7 30
WIZ C7 25 denbay

On 16th draw, EQUAT(E) D2 35 --- EQUATE to be regarded as equal [v]
Other moves: QUA 2F 34, QUAR(E) D3 33, QUAT(E) D3 33, TEHR F4 33, HARP 6L 29
THEW 5B 10 denbay

On 17th draw, SHREIK 2A 46 --- SHREIK to utter a scream [v]
Other moves: SHEIK 2B 44, SKIRL 12H 35, SKIRR 12H 35, SHIRK C10 31, HIKERS 2A 30
HIKERS 2A 30 denbay

On 18th draw, ZOOECIA M7 38 --- ZOOECIUM a sac secreted and lived in by an aquatic organism [n]
Other moves: ACE 1A 30, ECO 1A 30, ICE 1A 30, OCA 1A 30, SONANCE A2 30
CRONE 12J 14 denbay

On 19th draw, VOTE 6B 20 --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v]
Other moves: DIV N12 19, DO 12H 18, DIV N13 17, IO 1A 17, TIEROD L1 17
SOLID A2 7 denbay

On 20th draw, DHOL N10 30 --- DHOL an large cylindrical drum, used in Indian music [n]
Other moves: HOLD N11 27, HOND N11 27, DHOL N12 24, HIN 8A 24, HON 8A 24
SHOD A2 9 denbay

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