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Game sheet of Davina (file), Game of April 22, 2012 at 13:51

Word find
Word played
1 AACERVW WAVER H4 30   30 2/4       30 2/4
2 CEEINNO WINCE 4H 20   50 2/4       50 2/4
3 ?DLNNUW W(A)ND G7 22 -26 72 3/4 N(E)WWAVER H1 48 98 2/4
4 DHILLOT OH 5J 26 -2 98 2/4 HILD M1 28 126 2/4
5 AFHIOPT PHAT 1L 36 -9 134 3/4 PHOH 1L 45 171 3/4
6 ABDEFKT BACKED K2 30 -6 164 3/4 KAIF 2K 36 207 3/4
7 EOORRSY COSY K4 18 -11 182 4/4 OOSY 9F 29 236 3/4
8 ALMOSUZ MOZ F8 34 -4 216 3/4 ZAMOUS(E) 2B 38 274 3/4
9 BINNOTX BOX 3A 53 -6 269 2/4 TOXIN 3A 59 333 3/4
10 AAEIMTT MET 4D 27 -71 296 4/6 CATAMITE K4 98 431 3/6
11 EGLNNRU ER 4C 24 -18 320 2/5 LEG 4B 42 473 3/6
12 AEGINRS MAGES 8K 27 -56 347 3/5 ERASING L6 83 556 3/6
13 ?DEIPRT MATED 8K 24 -50 371 2/5 RIPT(I)DE 10A 74 630 3/7
14 DEILNRY DERRY A8 39 -34 410 1/4 INVERTEDLY 6F 73 703 3/7
15 ABCERTU CURBER A8 33 -134 443 3/4 CARBURET A8 167 870 3/7
16 EEGORSU MAGES 8K 24 -50 467 1/4 SUPEREGO C8 74 944 3/7
17 ABEFINO FE 11E 22 -23 489 3/5 FOYNE O4 45 989 3/7
18 ADILOQV AQUA 9A 26 -19 515 2/5 OVOIDAL 15C 45 1034 3/7
19 ABEIQTU QAT 14F 68   583 4/6       1102 3/8

Total: 583/1102 or -519 for 52.90%
Rank: 6342

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