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Game sheet of Davina (file), Game of April 22, 2012 at 14:37

Word find
Word played
1 ADEHIRU HIRED H4 26 -2 26 5/6 HAIRED H4 28 28 5/6
2 CEMORTZ             CHOMETZ 4G 46 74 5/6
3 ?ADOWWY             WAYWOD(E) G8 78 152 5/6
4 AAABNRT             ABRADANT 13C 74 226 5/7
5 AAIMOSS             MISSA 15D 47 273 8/8
6 AABDEFI             FAZED M2 36 309 8/8
7 ELNOPTU             OPULENT L6 73 382 8/8
8 ?BEINOR             BRO(W)NIER E6 68 450 8/8
9 AFGNORV             FORGO 8A 33 483 8/8
10 AEGHIIO             HOAGIE M10 29 512 8/8
11 DEIJNNT             JEED 15L 60 572 8/8
12 EEGILQY             GAYS F12 32 604 8/8
13 AINPSTV             SPINE N11 29 633 8/8
14 ACIIRTU             MURIATIC J4 66 699 8/8
15 EELLORT             FORETELL A8 86 785 8/8
16 NOQTUVV             VETO K3 23 808 8/8
17 EIKLNQU             QUINE O7 46 854 8/8
18 EIKLNSV             SKIVER C3 28 882 8/8

Total: 26/882 or -856 for 2.947%
Rank: -

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