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Game sheet of frenchy (file), Game of April 24, 2012 at 07:33

Word find
Word played
1 BILMNOT             INTOMB H7 26 26  
2 ?AAEINT             (D)IAMANTE 11E 86 112  
3 BDEGHRU HIDE 7G 14 -20 14 1/2 HERB 12L 34 146 2/2
4 ADELRSV             ADVERBS O7 39 185 2/2
5 DEENTTW             WERE N10 32 217 2/2
6 ACEJNPT             JACENT N2 36 253 2/2
7 AGNORTU             OUTRANGE 5G 68 321 2/2
8 ?ELOPWY             (S)PEWY 4D 46 367 2/2
9 DHMOSUY             YODHS O1 81 448 2/2
10 ANNOSSU             NAUCH 4K 29 477 2/2
11 EIILNST             LINIEST 13C 79 556 2/2
12 ACGIORU             CRAG 12A 28 584 2/2
13 DILORST             DICOTS A10 27 611 2/2
14 AEILLUX             ILEX 10C 53 664 2/2
15 AFKORRU             OAF 14D 33 697 2/2
16 EIKOPRV             POKIE 5A 31 728 2/2
17 AEILOOR             LOOPIER A2 30 758 2/2
18 ADFILUZ             FUZIL 15F 60 818 2/2
19 ADEGMRU             GAUMED 1A 72 890 2/2

Total: 14/890 or -876 for 1.573%
Rank: -

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