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Game of April 24, 2012 at 15:20, 6 players
1. 236 pts milklady99
2. 228 pts ding
3. 130 pts micmac

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehilrx   H8    46    46   helix
 2. ?eeiorv   I8    84   130   erosive
 3. inoppty   J6    35   165   poynt
 4. ?adegiz   K1    91   256   agrized
 5. aehrstt   L6    84   340   hatters
 6. addelrr   1G    30   370   adread
 7. eilnorw   4H    26   396   winier
 8. aeflnuv   5D    27   423   fauve
 9. ceeoort   4A    32   455   cooee
10. denorsw   A2    92   547   decrowns
11. aablmmn   3I    41   588   barman
12. acgmnot   B6    31   619   moat
13. ajlprsu   2M    38   657   jap
14. fiosttu   8L    21   678   tift
15. acinrss  14H    74   752   cerasins
16. egglnou   2A    26   778   dugong
17. biklloy  O12    39   817   bisk
18. eiilouy   C9    21   838   yule
19. illoqtu  12A    48   886   quell

Remaining tiles: iiot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.3677 Filemilklady99  1 18:11  -650  236     1.7190 sunshine12  1  1:07  -838   48 
  2.3833 Fileding        0 17:44  -658  228            Group: intermediate
  3.4236 Filemicmac      0  9:58  -756  130     1.6422 annelhynz   0  2:34  -833   53 
  4.6422 Fileannelhynz   0  2:34  -833   53            Group: novice
  5.7190 Filesunshine12  1  1:07  -838   48     1.5246 leobill     1  2:42  -850   36 
  6.5246 Fileleobill     1  2:42  -850   36            Group: not rated
                                             1.3677 milklady99  1 18:11  -650  236 
                                             2.3833 ding        0 17:44  -658  228 
                                             3.4236 micmac      0  9:58  -756  130 

On 1st draw, HELIX H8 46 --- HELIX something spiral in form [n]
Other moves: RELAX H8 40, HELIX H4 38, HELIX H5 30, HELIX H6 30, HELIX H7 30
HEX H7 26 ding

On 2nd draw, ERO(S)IVE I8 84 --- EROSIVE causing erosion [adj]
Other moves: EVIL(D)OER 10E 70, LOVE(L)IER 10H 70, OVER(V)EIL 10A 70, O(V)ERLIVE 10D 70, VOLERIE(S) 10F 70
VIXE(N) 12F 14 milklady99
VEXE(D) 12F 14 ding

On 3rd draw, POYNT J6 35 --- POYNT to point [v]
Other moves: NY J9 30, YO J10 29, NIPPY J4 27, TIPPY J4 27, TYPP J5 27
PLOY 10G 17 ding

On 4th draw, AG(R)IZED K1 91 --- AGRIZE to terrify [v]
Other tops: AG(N)IZED K1 91, AG(U)IZED K1 91
Other moves: AGE(N)IZED 14G 86, AGE(N)IZED 14C 72, (O)XIDIZE 12G 46, DEG(L)AZE 14H 42, ZED(S) K5 42
(S)EZ 14H 31 annelhynz
ZIP(P)ED 6H 17 milklady99

On 5th draw, HATTERS L6 84 --- HATTER a hatmaker [n] --- HATTER to trouble [v]
Other moves: SHATTER L7 82, RATHEST L6 81, SHATTER K9 81, THEATERS 14G 76, THEATRES 14G 76
HAG 2I 9 ding
SH*T 1I 8 milklady99

On 6th draw, ADREAD 1G 30 --- ADREAD to fear [v]
Other tops: LADDER 1J 30, RADDER 1J 30, RADDLE 1J 30
Other moves: ADDER 1K 27, ADDLE 1K 27, ADRAD 1H 27, ADRAD 1K 27, ADRED 1K 27
LADDER 1J 30 milklady99
TRAD 8L 15 ding

On 7th draw, WINIER 4H 26 --- WINEY having the qualities of wine [adj]
Other tops: WILIER 4H 26
Other moves: LOWRIE 2B 24, LOWRIE 2D 24, OWLIER 2B 24, WO(R)REL 3I 24, OWRIE 2E 23
TWIN 8L 21 milklady99
TOWN 8L 21 ding
WORE 14F 15 micmac

On 8th draw, FAUVE 5D 27 --- FAUVE a member of a group of expressionist painters [n]
Other moves: FA J14 26, FE J14 26, FAVE 5E 25, LEAF M7 25, FLAUNE 2B 24
EVE 14I 14 ding
TUNE 8L 12 micmac
VALUE 14E 10 milklady99

On 9th draw, COOEE 4A 32 --- COOEE to cry out shrilly [v]
Other moves: CERE 4A 28, CERO 4A 28, CETE 4A 28, CORE 4A 28, COTE 4A 28
CROFT D2 20 milklady99
ERECT 11K 14 ding
CORE 14F 12 micmac

On 10th draw, DECROWNS A2 92 --- DECROWN to deprive of a crown; depose [v]
Other moves: DOWNERS 2A 78, REENDOWS 14G 78, REENDOWS 14H 78, WONDERS 2A 78, ENDOWERS 14D 68
COWERS A4 33 ding
TOWS 8L 21 micmac
SNOW 12L 11 milklady99

On 11th draw, BA(R)MAN 3I 41 --- BARMAN a male bartender [n]
Other moves: EMBALM 14I 36, BAM 3G 26, MAM 3G 26, BLAM 3F 25, MAMBA 2D 24
SAMBA 9A 12 milklady99
BLAME 14E 11 micmac

On 12th draw, MOAT B6 31 --- MOAT to surround with a moat (a water-filled trench) [v]
Other moves: MEGATON 14H 28, MOA B6 28, OGAM 2J 27, CAMO B1 26, MO B6 25
TANG 8L 15 milklady99
CAME 14F 14 micmac
OMEGA 14G 12 ding

On 13th draw, JAP 2M 38 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: JULEPS 14F 37, JULEP 14F 36, JAR 2M 34, JUS 2M 34, JAPERS 14F 33
JO C3 18 micmac
PAN N1 10 ding
SPEAL E2 7 milklady99

On 14th draw, TIFT 8L 21 --- TIFT to lunch [v]
Other tops: SO 1N 21, TO 1N 21, TOFT 8L 21, TOFU 8L 21, TOITS K10 21, TOUTS K10 21, TUFT 8L 21
Other moves: FOUEST 14F 19, FOUETS 14F 19, ITS 3C 19, SOT C6 19, TOIT K10 19
TUFT 8L 21 leobill
TOTS 8L 12 milklady99
FERN 9G 11 micmac

On 15th draw, CERASINS 14H 74 --- CERASIN the insoluble portion of cherry-tree gum [n]
Other moves: RACINESS 14D 68, ARCSINES 14C 64, ARSENICS 14F 64, FARCINS N8 28, CASUS F2 23
CARES 14F 15 leobill
CRESS 14G 9 ding
STIRS 9A 6 milklady99

On 16th draw, DUGONG 2A 26 --- DUGONG an aquatic mammal [n]
Other tops: DOGLEG 2A 26
Other moves: GO 1N 25, GU 1N 25, NO 1N 21, NU 1N 21, DONGLE 2A 20
NOSE O12 15 milklady99
EGGS O11 8 micmac

On 17th draw, BISK O12 39 --- BISK a thick soup [n]
Other tops: BOSK O12 39
Other moves: KY C7 35, KOI 13M 30, BO 1N 29, LISK O12 27, BY C8 26
KI M13 12 ding
YOBS O11 10 milklady99
BILLS O10 8 micmac

On 18th draw, YULE C9 21 --- YULE Christmas time [n]
Other tops: YULE 1B 21
Other moves: YE 1D 20, YO 1D 20, YOU C9 20, YU 1D 20, OY C7 19
NAY 8A 6 milklady99

On 19th draw, QUELL 12A 48 --- QUELL to suppress [v]
Other moves: QUILT O4 24, QUOIT O4 24, QI M13 22, TO 1N 21, VOLT G5 18
QUELL 12A 48 sunshine12
QI M13 22 annelhynz, milklady99, ding

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