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Game of April 24, 2012 at 20:47, 7 players
1. 595 pts PIThompson
2. 461 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 388 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eglmrsy   H8    30    30   germy
 2. ?iinprs  11E    94   124   primines
 3. adelosw   L6    82   206   dowlases
 4. cdejrtu   6J    33   239   judder
 5. allmotu   O2    36   275   tumoral
 6. eeflorr   2J    34   309   ferret
 7. acegost   J8    67   376   cognates
 8. acdfnos  12A    30   406   fonda
 9. ?iiknot   1E    87   493   doitkin
10. beehors   3E    73   566   herbose
11. aegqtuv  B10    68   634   quote
12. aeiilnn   8A    80   714   aliening
13. ailnoyz  15G    57   771   zoysia
14. adeiuvx   7A    41   812   dex
15. aiinpuw  A12    37   849   fawn
16. bcgiott   2D    29   878   cob
17. aaegltu   C3    30   908   eutaxia
18. giilptv   D4    25   933   pig

Remaining tiles: hiltvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7690 FilePIThompson  7 17:08  -338  595     1.7690 PIThompson  7 17:08  -338  595 
  2.6916 FileGLOBEMAN    2 18:02  -472  461     2.7187 sunshine12  2 12:24  -609  324 
  3.6320 FileGrace_Tjie  2 12:23  -545  388            Group: intermediate
  4.7187 Filesunshine12  2 12:24  -609  324     1.6916 GLOBEMAN    2 18:02  -472  461 
  5.3804 Fileprimrose    0  7:27  -875   58     2.6320 Grace_Tjie  2 12:23  -545  388 
  6.6728 Fileargomearns  0  1:25  -900   33     3.6728 argomearns  0  1:25  -900   33 
  7.6907 FileDavina      0  1:05  -911   22     4.6907 Davina      0  1:05  -911   22 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3804 primrose    0  7:27  -875   58 

On 1st draw, GERMY H8 30 --- GERMY full of germs [adj]
Other moves: YELMS H4 28, YLEMS H4 28, GERMY H4 26, GERMY H5 22, GERMY H6 22
GERMY H8 30 PIThompson
GEMS H8 14 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, PRIMIN(E)S 11E 94 --- PRIMINE the outer covering of an ovule [n]
Other tops: PRIMIN(G)S 11E 94
Other moves: PRIS(S)ING 8A 83, PR(A)ISING 8A 83, SPIR(L)ING 8A 83, SPIR(T)ING 8A 83, SP(E)IRING 8A 83
PRIMIN(G)S 11E 44 PIThompson
P(E)RMS 11E 16 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, DOWLASES L6 82 --- DOWLAS a type of cloth [n]
Other moves: DOWLASES L4 76, LEASOW(E)D K5 72, LEASOWED 9B 69, LEASOWED 9G 65, WALDO 12A 30
DAW G7 25 PIThompson
WOE 12C 16 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, JUDDER 6J 33 --- JUDDER to vibrate [v]
Other moves: TRUCED M2 30, JUD G7 29, JUD I7 29, CURED M3 28, JUSTED 13J 28
JUDDER 6J 33 PIThompson
JET K5 25 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, TUMORAL O2 36 --- TUMOR an abnormal swelling [adj] --- TUMORAL relating to a tumor [adj]
Other moves: MORALL O4 33, MORTAL O4 33, MORULA O4 33, MORAL O4 30, MORAT O4 30
MORTAL O4 33 PIThompson
MOLT M12 20 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, FERRET 2J 34 --- FERRET to search out by careful investigation [v]
Other tops: FLORET 2J 34
Other moves: REEFY 12D 33, FRERE 12A 28, FRORE 12A 28, FORE M12 23, REFELT 2J 22
FRORE 12A 28 PIThompson
FLEE 12C 20 Grace_Tjie

On 7th draw, COGNATES J8 67 --- COGNATE one that is related to another [n]
Other tops: ECOTAGES 9B 67
Other moves: ESCARGOT F7 65, SOCAGE 1E 32, CAGOT 1G 31, COSTAE 1E 29, ASCOT 1G 28
CAGOT 1G 31 PIThompson
TOGS M12 16 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, FONDA 12A 30 --- FONDA a tavern [n]
Other tops: CONFS 15F 30, FONDAS 15E 30
Other moves: FADO 1G 29, FAINS G9 29, FOINS G9 29, DEFOCUS K1 28, CANSOS 15G 27
FANDS 15F 27 Grace_Tjie
FADS 15G 24 PIThompson

On 9th draw, (D)OITKIN 1E 87 --- DOITKIN an old Dutch coin [n]
Other moves: (D)OITKINS 15C 86, ISOK(O)NT 15I 45, IS(O)KONT 15I 45, KITIN(G)S 15D 45, K(A)INITS 15D 45
FINK A12 33 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, argomearns
STINKO 15J 33 PIThompson
KNIT 1H 31 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, HERBOSE 3E 73 --- HERBOSE abounding with herbs [adj]
Other moves: BOSHES 15H 36, HERBOSE 15E 36, HEREOF A7 36, BEFORE A10 33, BOHS 2D 33
BOHS 2D 33 PIThompson, sunshine12
BOH 2D 30 GLOBEMAN, Grace_Tjie

On 11th draw, QUOTE B10 68 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other tops: QUOTA B10 68
Other moves: QUATE 4A 53, EQUANT C8 50, QUANT C9 48, QUENA C9 48, QUAGS 15F 45
QUOTE B10 68 Grace_Tjie
QUOTA B10 68 PIThompson
QUATE 4A 53 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 12th draw, ALIENING 8A 80 --- ALIEN to transfer to another, as property [v]
Other moves: ANILINES 15C 77, ANILINE 4A 75, ANILINE N8 70, FANE A12 25, FEAL A12 25
FEAL A12 25 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
SALINE 15J 21 PIThompson
ALIENS 15E 18 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, ZOYSIA 15G 57 --- ZOYSIA a perennial grass [n]
Other moves: ZAYINS 15E 54, INLAY 2B 51, ONLAY 2B 51, AZLONS 15E 45, AZLON 2B 42
ZILAS 15F 42 sunshine12
ZONAL 2B 42 PIThompson
ZO 4D 27 Grace_Tjie
SNAIL 15J 6 primrose

On 14th draw, DEX 7A 41 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other tops: EXUVIA 4A 41
Other moves: VEX 4D 40, AXE 7B 39, EXUVIAL B2 38, ADIEU 15A 37, AX 7B 36
DEX 7A 41 PIThompson
AXE 7B 39 sunshine12
VEXED D5 16 primrose

On 15th draw, FAWN A12 37 --- FAWN to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v]
Other moves: PAW 2D 35, NAW 2D 33, AW 2E 32, WAP 2D 30, NAP 2D 27
FAWN A12 37 PIThompson, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 16th draw, COB 2D 29 --- COB a corncob [n] --- COB to strike [v]
Other moves: GOB 2D 28, OB 2E 26, OB 6A 25, BIGOT 4B 23, HOTTING E3 22
COB 2D 29 sunshine12, PIThompson, GLOBEMAN
BIGOT 4B 23 Grace_Tjie
HOG E3 14 primrose

On 17th draw, EUTAXIA C3 30 --- EUTAXIA the property of being easily melted [n]
Other moves: GULA K5 20, LEGATEE N1 19, AULA K5 18, NET C12 18, ARGLED M1 16
NET C12 18 PIThompson
AQUA 10A 13 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ETA M12 12 Grace_Tjie
STAG 13L 10 primrose

On 18th draw, PIG D4 25 --- PIG to give birth to cloven-hoofed mammals [v]
Other moves: PIT D4 22, PLUG 4A 20, GAP 6B 18, GIT D4 18, PI D4 18
PIG D4 25 Grace_Tjie, PIThompson
PLUG 4A 20 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
SPIT 13L 12 primrose

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