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Game of April 25, 2012 at 02:03, 2 players
1. 466 pts ritavanl
2. 219 pts susieq8182

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeefns   H4    24    24   feese
 2. ?cloors   5E    86   110   colessor
 3. ?begrtw   4K    32   142   bewig
 4. eimnowy   O1    36   178   myogen
 5. adimrsx   N6    37   215   admix
 6. eginprs   M9    92   307   persing
 7. aeoqtuv  14I    70   377   equant
 8. aacdeio   O8    50   427   ecod
 9. enooryz  12H    50   477   zoners
10. aklnotu  15D    47   524   koulan
11. noprstu  13D    32   556   unstop
12. aiiinru  15L    23   579   agin
13. ehiortv   7A    66   645   overhits
14. afgilrt   2J    40   685   fairly
15. abeiltv   A5    92   777   bloviate
16. adejtuw   1G    56   833   jawed
17. aadgirt  B10    35   868   gardai
18. hiittuy   6J    31   899   hi

Remaining tiles: ittuy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6002 Fileritavanl    2 20:19  -433  466     1.7558 susieq8182  2  8:39  -680  219 
  2.7558 Filesusieq8182  2  8:39  -680  219            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6002 ritavanl    2 20:19  -433  466 

On 1st draw, FEESE H4 24 --- FEESE to unsettle [v]
Other tops: FANES H4 24, FEASE H4 24, FEENS H4 24
Other moves: NEAFES H3 20, NEAFES H4 20, NEAFES H7 20, NEAFES H8 20, FANES H8 18
FANES H4 24 ritavanl

On 2nd draw, COLE(S)SOR 5E 86 --- COLESSOR a joint lessor [n]
Other tops: COLES(S)OR 5E 86
Other moves: COLOR(I)SE 8A 80, COLO(U)RS 9B 69, COOL(E)RS 9B 69, CR(E)OSOL 9D 69, C*L*R*dS 5C 68
COLO(U)RS 9B 19 ritavanl

On 3rd draw, BEW(I)G 4K 32 --- BEWIG to adorn with a wig [v]
Other moves: WEB(E)R 4K 29, BEW(E)T 4K 28, BREW(S) M1 27, W(A)E 6F 27, W(E)BER 4K 27
BREW(E)R L4 20 ritavanl

On 4th draw, MYOGEN O1 36 --- MYOGEN a simple protein [n]
Other tops: GEMINY O4 36, GEMONY O4 36, IGNOMY O3 36, WINGY O1 36
Other moves: ME(I)NY N2 34, G*Y*M O4 33, MINGY O1 33, WOE 6F 29, GWINE O4 27
WINGY O1 36 ritavanl

On 5th draw, ADMIX N6 37 --- ADMIX to mix [v]
Other moves: MAXIS 7K 35, AXIS 7L 32, DISMAY 2J 32, MIXY 2L 32, XIS 7M 31
AM N1 26 ritavanl

On 6th draw, PERSING M9 92 --- PERSE to pierce [v]
Other moves: PRE(S)SING I2 76, PERSING 9E 71, PINGERS 9B 71, SPRINGES J5 71, SPERSING J5 69
PRIME 8K 30 ritavanl

On 7th draw, EQUANT 14I 70 --- EQUANT a geometric adjustment to explain planetary motion [n]
Other moves: QUANT 14J 68, QUENA 14J 68, QUOTAS 12H 50, QUOTES 12H 50, QUARTE 11J 46
QUANT 14J 68 ritavanl

On 8th draw, ECOD O8 50 --- ECOD a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: ECO O8 44, CODEIA 15D 38, CADI 15G 35, CEDI 15G 35, ACEDIA 15D 32
ACED 15F 24 ritavanl

On 9th draw, ZONERS 12H 50 --- ZONER one that zones [n]
Other moves: YGOE 15L 47, OZONE 15E 44, ZONER 15E 44, OOZE 15F 41, ZONE 15F 41
OZONE 15E 44 ritavanl

On 10th draw, KOULAN 15D 47 --- KOULAN the wild ass [n]
Other moves: ATOK 13F 37, OAK 13G 36, TAK 13G 36, KO(I) N2 32, KNOUT 15E 29
TONAL 15E 17 ritavanl

On 11th draw, UNSTOP 13D 32 --- UNSTOP to remove a stopper from [v]
Other moves: PST O13 31, STROP 13E 31, PROWS M1 30, STOP 13F 30, TROP 13F 30
PORK D12 20 ritavanl

On 12th draw, AGIN 15L 23 --- AGIN against [prep]
Other moves: INIA 11E 20, AN N1 18, UN N1 18, AN(I) N2 16, INIA 12C 16
GIN 15M 14 ritavanl

On 13th draw, OVERHITS 7A 66 --- OVERHIT to hit a ball beyond a target [v]
Other moves: VERITY 2J 40, HIE 6J 35, HOE 6J 35, HI 6J 31, HO 6J 31
HOE 6J 35 susieq8182
HOVEN E9 22 ritavanl

On 14th draw, FAIRLY 2J 40 --- FAIRLY in a fair manner [adv]
Other tops: FLIRTY 2J 40
Other moves: FAGOT A4 39, FRIGOT A3 33, GRATIFY 2I 32, FAITOR A3 30, FIRLOT A3 30
FAGOT A4 39 susieq8182
FLOAT A5 24 ritavanl

On 15th draw, BLOVIATE A5 92 --- BLOVIATE to speak pompously [v]
Other moves: OBVIATE A7 39, VOTABLE A6 39, VIABLE 1E 38, ABVOLT A4 36, BLIVE 1F 35
BLOVIATE A5 42 susieq8182
BLOAT A5 21 ritavanl

On 16th draw, JAWED 1G 56 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: JAWED 11D 45, JADE 1G 41, JUTE 1G 38, TAWED 1G 35, TWAE B9 34
JAWED 1G 56 susieq8182
JADE 1G 41 ritavanl

On 17th draw, GARDAI B10 35 --- GARDA a police officer in Ireland [n]
Other moves: DARGA B10 33, GARDA B10 33, DARGA 11D 26, GARDA 11D 26, GAID 11E 25
GARDAI B10 35 susieq8182
TURK D12 16 ritavanl

On 18th draw, HI 6J 31 --- HI used as a greeting [interj]
Other moves: ETH 6H 28, SH*TTY J5 28, STITHY J5 22, TYTHE C3 22, TYTHE K8 22
TYE K10 12 susieq8182

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