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Game of April 25, 2012 at 23:33, 1 player
1. 319 pts ritavanl

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eiillop   H4    22    22   pillie
 2. ?annoqr   5F    28    50   quinoa
 3. begiors   7F    66   116   obligers
 4. egimrss   F7    65   181   ogreisms
 5. aaeittu   4H    22   203   puttie
 6. ahkorrt   N2    47   250   tarok
 7. abeootz   O5    58   308   booze
 8. adfilns  11E    40   348   finalis
 9. ?eenovy  H11    42   390   avyze
10. adeeeir  10J    35   425   aeried
11. acehorw  12A    37   462   whares
12. defhior  A10    48   510   howfed
13. delmpuw   M9    38   548   wimpled
14. acegnny  15K    39   587   cadgy
15. cdeinnt   8A    33   620   ceding
16. aiootuv   O1    22   642   vat
17. aiortux  13A    49   691   fox
18. aanrtuu   M1    24   715   tuner
19. aainnou   1H    21   736   naiant

Remaining tiles: jotuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6001 Fileritavanl    0 12:20  -417  319     1.6001 ritavanl    0 12:20  -417  319 

On 1st draw, PILLIE H4 22 --- PILLIE (Australian slang) a pilchard [n]
Other tops: ILLIPE H8 22
Other moves: PILEI H4 20, ILLIPE H3 18, ILLIPE H4 18, ILLIPE H7 18, PILLIE H3 18

On 2nd draw, Q(U)INOA 5F 28 --- QUINOA a weedy plant [n]
Other tops: QIN(D)AR 5G 28, QIN(T)AR 5G 28, QOR(M)A G8 28
Other moves: NIQA(B) 5G 26, QA(T) G8 26, QA(T) I3 26, Q(U)A G3 26, Q(U)AIR 5E 26
PORN 4H 6 ritavanl

On 3rd draw, OBLIGERS 7F 66 --- OBLIGER one that obliges [n]
Other moves: BERGS L1 37, BIGOS L1 37, BIOGS L1 37, BRIGS L1 37, BROGS L1 37
BERGS L1 37 ritavanl

On 4th draw, OGREISMS F7 65 --- OGREISM the state of being ogreish [n]
Other moves: GRIMES 8A 38, GERMS L1 35, GISMS L1 35, MERIS L1 35, MIRES L1 35
MIRES L1 35 ritavanl

On 5th draw, PUTTIE 4H 22 --- PUTTIE a legging formed from a cloth wound around the leg [n]
Other tops: PATTIE 4H 22
Other moves: ATUA E10 20, ETAT 8L 20, ETUI 8L 20, PATTE 4H 20, PETTI 4H 20
TATES M3 10 ritavanl

On 6th draw, TAROK N2 47 --- TAROK a card game [n]
Other moves: KOHA E11 45, TORAH N2 41, KHAT 3L 38, KHOR 3L 38, KOA E11 32
TEAKS M3 18 ritavanl

On 7th draw, BOOZE O5 58 --- BOOZE to drink liquor excessively [v]
Other tops: BAZOO O5 58
Other moves: BOZO O5 55, ZOOEAS 12A 50, AZOTE O6 48, BEZ M3 47, OOZE O5 47
ZOA O1 40 ritavanl

On 8th draw, FINALIS 11E 40 --- FINALIS a type of tone in medieval music [n]
Other tops: FINIALS 11E 40
Other moves: FADING 8A 36, FINALS 10J 36, SAFED M1 36, ALIFS 10K 33, DIFS 10L 33
FAD O1 26 ritavanl

On 9th draw, AVY(Z)E H11 42 --- AVYZE to advise [v]
Other moves: ENVOY L11 41, VENE(R)Y L10 41, (L)ENVOY L10 41, (R)ENVOY L10 41, EVEN(L)Y N9 40
OVENS 14B 16 ritavanl

On 10th draw, AERIED 10J 35 --- AERIE a bird's nest built high on a mountain or cliff [adj] --- AERIED pertaining to an aerie [adj]
Other moves: AERIED L10 29, AIRED 10K 28, EARED 10K 28, AIDER 10K 27, DEARIE L10 27
AIRED 10K 28 ritavanl

On 11th draw, WHARES 12A 37 --- WHARE a house [n]
Other tops: HOWRES 12A 37, WHORES 12A 37
Other moves: OWCHES 12A 35, HAW O1 34, HEW O1 34, HOW O1 34, CHARES 12A 33
HOW O1 34 ritavanl

On 12th draw, HOWFED A10 48 --- HOWF to go often to a place [v]
Other moves: HOHED B10 40, HOWDIE A10 39, FEH M3 36, HERM 13C 36, REFED M1 36
WORD A12 24 ritavanl

On 13th draw, WIMPLED M9 38 --- WIMPLE to pleat [v]
Other moves: REPLUM L10 37, WIMPED M9 36, UMPH B9 34, WIMPLE M9 34, DWAM 3L 33
PLUME B6 24 ritavanl

On 14th draw, CADGY 15K 39 --- CADGY cheerful [adj]
Other moves: CAGEY 14J 34, FAY 13A 33, FEY 13A 33, CAY O1 31, EYEN M2 31
DAY 15M 21 ritavanl

On 15th draw, CEDING 8A 33 --- CEDE to yield [v]
Other moves: CITED M1 28, ENDING 8A 27, FED 13A 25, FID 13A 25, FINE 13A 25

On 16th draw, VAT O1 22 --- VAT to put into a vat (a large container for holding liquids) [v]
Other tops: VIA O1 22
Other moves: FAT 13A 21, FIT 13A 21, HAT B12 21, VIAE M1 20, VITE M1 20

On 17th draw, FOX 13A 49 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other tops: FAX 13A 49, FIX 13A 49
Other moves: XI B14 39, OXTER B5 28, EXTRAS 14A 26, HARO B12 26, RAX 7B 26

On 18th draw, TUNER M1 24 --- TUNER one that tunes [n]
Other moves: HORA B12 21, LANT 6H 21, NATURAE 9B 19, ORT 11A 19, ATAP 12J 18

On 19th draw, NAIANT 1H 21 --- NAIANT a heraldic term for "swimming horizontally" [adj]
Other tops: ANOINT 1H 21
Other moves: EAN 14M 17, EA 14A 16, EN 14A 16, HOA B12 16, HON B12 16

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