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Game of April 26, 2012 at 20:55, 5 players
1. 515 pts Davina
2. 395 pts pandora1._
3. 200 pts susieq8182

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aenstz   H8   100   100   stanzes
 2. cddeirt  13F    80   180   credited
 3. aairrtv  12L    23   203   riva
 4. himosxy  O10    42   245   shamoy
 5. aeeiins  11E    28   273   neineis
 6. ?aaeggo   8A    80   353   anagoges
 7. beinoot   K4    70   423   eobionts
 8. afortuw  14J    38   461   faw
 9. aenoptu   B2    28   489   autopen
10. cdelnor   5A    72   561   condoler
11. eflqsuy   8J    48   609   foyles
12. beijlpr   L1    50   659   jiber
13. aainort   1H    39   698   tinaja
14. ekoruuv   M3    32   730   oke
15. dehiotu   O1    89   819   hideouts
16. agilnqu  12A    50   869   quina
17. gllmruw   C7    23   892   mawr
18. glpruvx   6N    25   917   xu
19. gllpruv   7E    22   939   gup

Remaining tiles: llrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6915 FileDavina      0 17:37  -424  515     1.7519 susieq8182  1  7:39  -739  200 
  2.6542 Filepandora1._  0 17:38  -544  395            Group: intermediate
  3.7519 Filesusieq8182  1  7:39  -739  200     1.6915 Davina      0 17:37  -424  515 
  4.3799 Fileprimrose    0  7:02  -791  148     2.6542 pandora1._  0 17:38  -544  395 
  5.6699 Filedannyboy    0  1:10  -889   50     3.6699 dannyboy    0  1:10  -889   50 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3799 primrose    0  7:02  -791  148 

On 1st draw, (S)TANZES H8 100 --- STANZE a pattern of verse [n]
Other tops: STANZE(S) H8 100, ZAN(I)EST H4 100, ZEAT(I)NS H4 100, ZE(L)ANTS H4 100, (B)EZANTS H2 100, (P)EZANTS H2 100
Other moves: STANZE(S) H2 82, STANZE(S) H3 82, STANZE(S) H4 82, STANZE(S) H7 82, ZAN(I)EST H2 82
ZAN(I)EST H4 50 dannyboy
ZETAS H4 48 Davina

On 2nd draw, CREDITED 13F 80 --- CREDIT to accept as true [v]
Other tops: CREDITED 13B 80, DIRECTED 13B 80
Other moves: READDICT 10F 68, DIRECTED 13E 66, DECIDER 13G 32, DECRIED 13G 32, DIRECTS 14B 32
RECITED 13C 26 Davina

On 3rd draw, RIVA 12L 23 --- RIVA a cleft in rock [n]
Other tops: TAVA 12L 23
Other moves: VARIATE L7 22, ARRIVE L8 20, AVIATE L8 20, VARIANT 11C 20, ZATI 12H 20
TRAVE L9 16 Davina

On 4th draw, SHAMOY O10 42 --- SHAMOY to wash with a chamois (cloth) [v]
Other tops: MAXIS O11 42
Other moves: MASHY O11 39, IMSHY 14K 37, OXIM 11J 35, MISCREDITED 13C 34, AXIS O12 33
MASHY O11 39 Davina
MIXY J12 32 pandora1._

On 5th draw, NEINEIS 11E 28 --- NEINEI a New Zealand shrub [n]
Other tops: ASININE 11E 28
Other moves: SANIES 14H 24, SASINE 14H 24, NIES 14J 19, SANE 14J 19, SANES 14H 19
SEEN 11J 15 Davina, pandora1._

On 6th draw, A(N)AGOGE(S) 8A 80 --- ANAGOGE a spiritual interpretation of words [n]
Other tops: A(P)AGOGE(S) 8A 80
Other moves: A(N)AGOGES K4 68, A(P)AGOGES K4 68, A(N)AGOGE N4 66, A(P)AGOGE N4 66, AG(I)OTAGE 9D 61
GO N14 17 Davina, pandora1._
GAGE(S) 8D 8 primrose

On 7th draw, EOBIONTS K4 70 --- EOBIONT a type of basic organism [n]
Other tops: BONITOES K4 70
Other moves: BENTOS 10J 28, BETONS 10J 28, BIONTS 10J 28, BOITES 10J 28, BOAT 10F 26
BOAT 10F 26 Davina
NOB 10D 23 pandora1._

On 8th draw, FAW 14J 38 --- FAW a gypsy [n]
Other moves: FOUTRA L1 36, FROW 10C 33, SOFA 14H 33, FAT 14J 32, FAW 10D 32
FROW 10C 33 Davina, pandora1._
WART L1 26 primrose

On 9th draw, AUTOPE(N) B2 28 --- AUTOPEN a device for imitating signatures [n]
Other tops: TAPEN L3 28
Other moves: NETOP 10B 27, PAEON L3 26, PANTO L1 26, PATEN L1 26, POTAE L1 26
TAPE L3 24 Davina
TAP 10D 23 pandora1._
PATE 4H 9 primrose

On 10th draw, CONDOLER 5A 72 --- CONDOLER one that condoles [n]
Other moves: CONDOLER 5G 61, LOCOED 8J 36, CORNED L2 31, DRONE L4 31, COLDER 8J 30
CORED L1 29 Davina
CRONE L1 26 primrose
CORD L1 26 pandora1._

On 11th draw, FOYLES 8J 48 --- FOYLE to foil [v]
Other moves: QUEY J2 43, FLUEY 10B 42, FEYS L4 41, QUEY L2 41, FLEURY H1 39
FEYS L4 41 Davina
QUELL F2 36 pandora1._

On 12th draw, JIBER L1 50 --- JIBER one that jibes [n]
Other moves: JIBE L1 46, JIBED D1 46, JIBER H1 45, JERID D1 42, JIBER 10B 38
JIBE L1 46 Davina, primrose
JIBER H1 45 pandora1._
JIBER 10B 38 susieq8182

On 13th draw, TINAJA 1H 39 --- TINAJA an earthenware jar [n]
Other moves: JATO 1L 33, JIAO 1L 33, JOIN 1L 33, JOTA 1L 33, ANTRAL M3 28
JATO 1L 33 susieq8182
JOIN 1L 33 primrose, Davina
TO N14 13 pandora1._

On 14th draw, OKE M3 32 --- OKE a Turkish unit of weight [n]
Other moves: KO N14 29, OKE 4D 28, AVOURE C8 26, EEK 7A 25, REIK 7I 23
OKE M3 32 susieq8182
KO N14 29 pandora1._, Davina

On 15th draw, HIDEOUTS O1 89 --- HIDEOUT a place of refuge [n]
Other moves: DOETH 14B 49, THINE C2 34, OHED 4D 32, DOTH 14C 31, HES 14F 31
DOETH 14B 49 susieq8182
HES 14F 31 Davina
HO N14 25 pandora1._

On 16th draw, QUINA 12A 50 --- QUINA tree bark [n]
Other moves: QUINA 2F 44, QUIN 2F 37, QUILL F2 36, QUAI 10B 35, QUA 2F 34
QUILL F2 36 Davina, pandora1._, susieq8182

On 17th draw, MAWR C7 23 --- MAWR an awkward girl [n]
Other moves: GUM 7E 22, MAW C7 22, GUM 9C 20, LUM 7E 20, CWM F13 18
WILL C11 14 Davina
WO 14N 10 pandora1._

On 18th draw, XU 6N 25 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: GUP 7E 22, XU 9E 21, LUX 3A 20, URP C1 20, URP J3 19
LUX 3A 20 pandora1._

On 19th draw, GUP 7E 22 --- GUP gossip [n]
Other moves: URP C1 20, URP J3 19, UP 7F 17, PUR 7E 16, UP A1 16
PULL 3A 12 Davina
PUG 3A 12 pandora1._
UG J3 12 susieq8182

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