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Game sheet of GLOBEMAN (file), Game of April 27, 2012 at 22:12

Word find
Word played
1 ?AINOOR ROON(S) H4 10 -54 10 2/2 O(R)ARION H8 64 64 2/2
2 AEILRTV RAVER 11D 16 -60 26 2/2 INTERVAL 14G 76 140 2/2
3 ?ACHMOS CHO(N)S 15D 58 -55 84 2/2 MO(R)CHAS O8 113 253 2/2
4 ADGLPTU POUT 13G 22   106 1/2       275 2/2
5 AEIJNOY JEAN 10F 27 -15 133 2/2 JIVY L12 42 317 2/2
6 ADEGOTT DATA M11 23 -45 156 2/2 TOGATED N3 68 385 2/2
7 ADEILMN MAID O1 34 -40 190 1/2 MEDALING 5G 74 459 2/2
8 BEENOPV BEEP O1 42 -3 232 2/2 VEEP O1 45 504 2/2
9 EGHISSU GUESS 15D 50 -9 282 2/3 GUSHES 15C 59 563 2/3
10 ABDFIOU FOG C13 14 -19 296 3/3 DAUBE H1 33 596 2/3
11 AGKNTUY KANA M11 29 -10 325 2/3 YAK 4J 39 635 2/3
12 DEEEIRT DIRE 6H 31 -55 356 2/4 REEDITED 1A 86 721 2/4
13 EEILORW REW 6H 43 -51 399 3/4 LOWERIER 11D 94 815 2/4
14 AILNOQU QUAI 12A 50 -4 449 2/6 QUOIN 12A 54 869 2/6
15 ABCILOR COR 6F 24 -6 473 4/5 COURB B10 30 899 2/6
16 AGNORSW RAWS 6H 47 -8 520 1/5 ROWAN 6H 55 954 2/6
17 EGIINST SEG 7J 27 -53 547 1/5 REISTING A1 80 1034 2/6
18 AFFLNXZ AX A14 31 -6 578 5/5 FALX 10J 37 1071 2/6

Total: 578/1071 or -493 for 53.96%
Rank: 6022

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