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Game of April 28, 2012 at 02:02, 2 players
1. 261 pts ritavanl
2. 129 pts susieq8182

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceekry   H8    40    40   creaky
 2. ceelnoq  12C    24    64   enlock
 3. ?adioot   E5    82   146   toroidal
 4. ?flnost   C7    80   226   fontlets
 5. afgnors   F2    36   262   ganof
 6. adegghn   D6    33   295   dah
 7. aeiirrt   8H    83   378   criteria
 8. imnstuw   7H    29   407   sum
 9. aeegmsv  I10    32   439   mase
10. aaehinp   K5    30   469   hapten
11. eiostux  11K    48   517   exist
12. degiorv   M2    82   599   overgird
13. deilnop   2A    74   673   diplogen
14. aortuuw   1G    38   711   outwar
15. beelnrw  O11    36   747   tweel
16. bbginru   A2    95   842   drubbing
17. aeituyz  F11    39   881   touzy
18. aeeijqv  15D    81   962   jayvee

Remaining tiles: iiq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5991 Fileritavanl    1 13:34  -701  261     1.7502 susieq8182  1  7:08  -833  129 
  2.7502 Filesusieq8182  1  7:08  -833  129            Group: novice
                                             1.5991 ritavanl    1 13:34  -701  261 

On 1st draw, CREAKY H8 40 --- CREAKY creaking [adj]
Other tops: CREEKY H8 40
Other moves: CREAKY H7 38, CREEKY H7 38, YACKER H4 38, CAKEY H8 36, CREAKY H4 36
CREAKY H8 40 susieq8182

On 2nd draw, ENLOCK 12C 24 --- ENLOCK to lock up [v]
Other moves: CLEEK 12D 22, CLONK 12D 22, NOEL I11 19, KEENO 12H 18, KNEEL 12H 18
CLEEK 12D 22 susieq8182

On 3rd draw, TO(R)OIDAL E5 82 --- TOROID a type of geometric surface [adj] --- TOROIDAL pertaining to a toroid [adj]
Other moves: (P)AROTOID 9F 62, A(U)TOCOID 8D 61, TA(N)DOORI 9B 61, IDO(L)ATOR 9A 60, TOROIDA(L) 9F 60
(S)ODA I12 23 susieq8182

On 4th draw, FONTLE(T)S C7 80 --- FONTLET a little font [n]
Other tops: FON(T)LETS C7 80
Other moves: LOFTS(M)EN C6 74, STONEFL(Y) C8 72, TENFOL(D)S 10G 70, FRONT(A)LS 9G 66, SNOOTF(U)L 6B 64
FON 13A 16 susieq8182

On 5th draw, GANOF F2 36 --- GANOF a thief [n]
Other moves: GOAF F3 31, ARSON I10 29, OAF F4 29, FANGS D1 28, FRAGS D1 28
OF F5 28 susieq8182
SOFA I12 27 ritavanl

On 6th draw, DAH D6 33 --- DAH a dash in Morse code [n]
Other moves: GAED B12 31, GASHED 14A 30, GAEN B12 29, GEAN B12 29, HYNDE 13G 28
CHANGED 8H 16 ritavanl

On 7th draw, CRITERIA 8H 83 --- CRITERIA standards of judgment [n] --- CRITERION a standard of judgement, pl CRITERIONS or CRITERIA [n]
Other moves: IRRIGATE 2B 68, IRATE B5 22, RATE B6 21, ATE B7 18, EAT B6 18
CRATER 8H 9 ritavanl

On 8th draw, SUM 7H 29 --- SUM Uzbekistan currency, pl SUMS or SUMY [n] --- SUM to add into one total [v]
Other moves: SUM I12 25, MIS I10 24, MISWENT L4 24, SUIT I12 24, SWUM 7K 24
TWIST K4 16 ritavanl

On 9th draw, MASE I10 32 --- MASE to generate microwaves [v]
Other tops: MESA I10 32, MESE I10 32
Other moves: AGEE B11 31, VASE B6 30, GAES B12 29, GEES B12 29, EASE I10 28
GEESE L4 12 ritavanl

On 10th draw, HAPTEN K5 30 --- HAPTEN a substance similar to an antigen [n]
Other moves: CHAP G12 28, CHIP G12 28, HAP G3 28, HEP G3 28, AHEAP 3C 26
PINE L5 6 ritavanl

On 11th draw, EXIST 11K 48 --- EXIST to have actual being, to live [v]
Other tops: EXITS 11K 48, SEXTO 11K 48, SIXTE 11K 48
Other moves: EXIT 11K 46, SEXT 11K 46, EXO 11K 44, SEX 11K 44, SIX 11K 44
SEX 11K 44 ritavanl

On 12th draw, OVERGIRD M2 82 --- OVERGIRD to gird to excess [v]
Other moves: OVERRIGID M4 66, VOGIER L1 35, VOIDER L1 35, GROVED L1 34, DEVOIR 14I 32

On 13th draw, DIPLOGEN 2A 74 --- DIPLOGEN heavy hydrogen [n]
Other moves: PLANETOID O6 63, DIPLOE 14I 30, DIPLON 14I 30, DIPOLE 14I 30, OXLIP L10 30
TOILE O11 18 ritavanl

On 14th draw, OUTWAR 1G 38 --- OUTWAR to surpass in warring [v]
Other moves: ANOW H1 33, WART 1G 32, WAUR 1G 32, WORT 1G 32, WROOT 2J 32
WART 1G 32 ritavanl

On 15th draw, TWEEL O11 36 --- TWEEL to weave with a twill [v]
Other tops: TWEEN O11 36, TWEER O11 36
Other moves: TEWEL O11 27, WE L4 26, BLEW D1 24, BE L4 22, BEE B8 22
TWEEN O11 36 ritavanl

On 16th draw, DRUBBING A2 95 --- DRUBBING a severe beating [n]
Other moves: DUBBING A2 48, BRIGUE 14J 30, BUNGIE 14J 30, BURNIE 14J 28, BUSING 14A 26

On 17th draw, TOUZY F11 39 --- TOUZY shaggy [adj]
Other moves: TOAZE F11 36, TOUZE F11 36, TAY B4 35, ZESTY 14A 34, SITZ 14C 33
ZESTY 14A 34 ritavanl

On 18th draw, JAYVEE 15D 81 --- JAYVEE a junior varsity player [n]
Other moves: YEVE 15F 30, JIVE 13L 28, JIVE 14L 28, QI N1 26, QIS 14A 24
QA(T) 13A 11 ritavanl

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