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Game of April 28, 2012 at 14:13, 3 players
1. 613 pts PIThompson
2. 110 pts leobill
3. 10 pts micmac

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. demnovy   H8    30    30   envoy
 2. ?behilt  12A    86   116   blithely
 3. deilmnr   A9    33   149   nimbler
 4. aceeiru  11D    28   177   ice
 5. eghstuw  10C    46   223   shew
 6. aeinprv   9E    29   252   pannier
 7. aeirssy   K5    94   346   siserary
 8. ?abeopt   C3    80   426   potables
 9. delostx   8K    63   489   exode
10. adffort   O4    66   555   tradeoff
11. dinoqtu   J6    64   619   qi
12. degnrtu   M2    74   693   trudgeon
13. inotuvw   D2    32   725   vow
14. aaadeis  12K    37   762   yeads
15. agillot   1C    88   850   galliot
16. aiinoru  N10    28   878   iodin
17. aacenou   2I    30   908   acuate
18. akmrtuz   B6    66   974   za
19. jkmortu  M11    42  1016   oakum

Remaining tiles: gjnrtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7693 FilePIThompson  6 10:49  -403  613     1.7693 PIThompson  6 10:49  -403  613 
  2.5205 Fileleobill     0  7:51  -906  110            Group: novice
  3.4219 Filemicmac      0  1:14 -1006   10     1.5205 leobill     0  7:51  -906  110 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4219 micmac      0  1:14 -1006   10 

On 1st draw, ENVOY H8 30 --- ENVOY a representative [n]
Other moves: MONEY H8 28, MOVED H4 28, VENOM H4 28, MONEY H4 26, MOVED H8 26

On 2nd draw, BLITHE(L)Y 12A 86 --- BLITHE merry [adv] --- BLITHELY in a blithe manner [adv]
Other tops: B(L)ITHELY 12A 86
Other moves: THIBLE(S) 13B 85, BI(M)ETHYL 12B 80, THI(M)BLE 7C 78, BLITHE(R) 7G 77, THIBLE(S) 7D 77
BLITE(S) 13C 27 leobill

On 3rd draw, NIMBLER A9 33 --- NIMBLE agile [adj]
Other moves: DIME 13C 31, IDEM 13B 31, MIEN 11C 30, MILDEN B10 30, MILDER B10 30
DIME 13C 31 PIThompson
BRIM A12 24 leobill

On 4th draw, ICE 11D 28 --- ICE to cover with ice (frozen water) [v]
Other tops: ACE 11D 28
Other moves: ACHIER E10 22, ACRE 7F 22, ARCHEI E9 22, CAHIER E10 22, CREE 7G 22
ACE 11D 28 PIThompson
CHEER E11 20 leobill

On 5th draw, SHEW 10C 46 --- SHEW to show [v]
Other tops: THEW 10C 46
Other moves: HEW 10D 45, STEW 10C 40, SEW 10D 39, TEW 10D 39, SWITHE C10 33
SHEW 10C 46 PIThompson
SHET 13H 23 leobill

On 6th draw, PANNIER 9E 29 --- PANNIER a large basket [n]
Other moves: ASPIRIN C9 28, INSPIRE C8 28, PANNER 9E 28, PANNE 9E 27, PARVE 7F 27
SPIV C10 26 PIThompson
PI 13F 16 leobill

On 7th draw, SISERARY K5 94 --- SISERARY a scolding [n]
Other moves: SISERARY K3 72, AYRES 8K 38, AYRIE 8K 38, EYASS 8K 38, EYRAS 8K 38
SAYERS 13H 32 PIThompson

On 8th draw, POTAB(L)ES C3 80 --- POTABLE a liquid suitable for drinking [n]
Other moves: POTAB(L)E 7C 78, P(R)OBATES C3 76, POTAB(L)ES 5D 72, PO(S)TBASE 5E 72, P(R)OBATES 5D 72
BEAT L10 28 PIThompson

On 9th draw, EXODE 8K 63 --- EXODE a farce [n]
Other moves: EXODE J5 61, DETOX J2 60, EXTOL 8K 60, EXO J5 55, DEX J4 54
DETOX J2 60 PIThompson

On 10th draw, TRADEOFF O4 66 --- TRADEOFF a giving up of one thing in return for another [n]
Other moves: FADO D4 35, FARAD 10J 34, FARO D4 32, FORA D4 32, OAF B4 31
FADO 10J 29 PIThompson

On 11th draw, QI J6 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUID D1 58, QUINO D1 58, QUOD D1 58, QUIN D1 54, QUINO L1 50
QI J6 64 PIThompson

On 12th draw, TRUDGEON M2 74 --- TRUDGEON a swimming stroke [n]
Other moves: RUNED B2 35, TUNED B2 35, GRUED N2 33, TRUED N2 31, GUERDON M3 24
RUNED B2 35 PIThompson

On 13th draw, VOW D2 32 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other tops: WINO D4 32
Other moves: VOW B2 27, NOW D2 26, TOW D2 26, WIN D4 26, WIT D4 26
VOW D2 32 PIThompson

On 14th draw, YEADS 12K 37 --- YEAD to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: AIDES 1D 32, ASIDE 1D 32, IDEAS 1A 32, DISA 1A 29, IDEA 1A 29
YEADS 12K 37 PIThompson

On 15th draw, GALLIOT 1C 88 --- GALLIOT a small galley [n]
Other moves: GALIOT 1C 35, LATIGO 1C 35, GLIAL 1A 32, GLOAT 1A 32, ALLOT 1D 29
GALLIOT 1C 38 PIThompson
VILLA 2D 10 micmac

On 16th draw, IODIN N10 28 --- IODIN a nonmetallic element [n]
Other tops: OIDIA N10 28
Other moves: RANI B2 21, INIA E3 19, INRO E3 19, ORNIS 7G 19, ILIA B11 18
ANI E3 17 PIThompson

On 17th draw, ACUATE 2I 30 --- ACUATE sharp [adj]
Other moves: CANOE B4 28, CANTO 2J 26, CENTO 2J 26, CENTU 2J 26, COATE 2J 26
CAN B4 21 PIThompson

On 18th draw, ZA B6 66 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: MAK B4 45, TAK B4 41, ZAKAT 6B 40, KAM B4 37, KA B6 36
ZA B6 66 PIThompson

On 19th draw, OAKUM M11 42 --- OAKUM loosely twisted hemp fiber [n]
Other moves: JOUK 3F 33, OAK M11 32, JUT B2 31, AMOK M12 30, OUK B2 29
JOT 3G 23 PIThompson

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