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Game of May 4, 2012 at 02:48, 2 players
1. 305 pts Zweep
2. 14 pts jfarnbach

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cdeimor   H7    80    80   dormice
 2. ?ahiltv  11E    36   116   invital
 3. dehinru   J8    72   188   unhaired
 4. aehiipw  15F    36   224   hawed
 5. ?dinnxz  F11    36   260   nudzh
 6. egoqrsu  10A    38   298   squeg
 7. abeeinv  A10    39   337   savine
 8. imnoory   8J    42   379   unmiry
 9. aaeirty  B13    26   405   tye
10. aadeglt   M4    63   468   gladiate
11. ailrrss   C9    26   494   surras
12. egjnosu   5I    30   524   jungles
13. ceeoprw   O1    45   569   cowps
14. aeiilox   6M    50   619   ax
15. efilnrt  N10    28   647   infelt
16. aekoopu  15L    39   686   koto
17. beefior   D4    32   718   freebie
18. abinoot   C1    82   800   boniato
19. aeilptu   1A    33   833   upbeat

Remaining tiles: ailoo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6483 FileZweep       1 12:27  -528  305     1.6483 Zweep       1 12:27  -528  305 
  2.  -  Filejfarnbach   0  1:17  -819   14            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  jfarnbach   0  1:17  -819   14 

On 1st draw, DORMICE H7 80 --- DORMOUSE a small rodent [n]
Other moves: DORMICE H4 78, DORMICE H2 76, DORMICE H3 76, DORMICE H6 76, DORMICE H8 76

On 2nd draw, I(N)VITAL 11E 36 --- INVITAL not vital [adj]
Other moves: HEAVIL(Y) 13G 34, THI(E)VE 13C 30, TH(E)AVE 13C 30, TH(R)AVE 13C 30, TH(R)IVE 13C 30

On 3rd draw, UNHAIRED J8 72 --- UNHAIR to remove the hair from [v]
Other moves: UNHIRED G2 70, UNHIRED I2 70, HEID 10J 31, HEND 10J 31, HERD 10J 31
HIDDEN 7F 14 jfarnbach

On 4th draw, HAWED 15F 36 --- HAW to turn left [v]
Other moves: APHID 15F 33, PAWED 15F 33, WHID 15G 33, WIPED 15F 33, THAW I11 28

On 5th draw, (N)(U)DZH F11 36 --- NUDZH to noodge [v]
Other moves: DENIZ(E)N 14I 35, DIZ(E)N 12A 34, DEZIN(C) 14I 33, ZIN(G) 10B 33, ZIN(S) 10B 33

On 6th draw, SQUEG 10A 38 --- SQUEG to oscillate in an irregular manner [v]
Other moves: GROSZE 14B 34, SQUEG K4 33, ROQUES K3 32, GROSZ 14B 30, ROQUES 13J 30

On 7th draw, SAVINE A10 39 --- SAVINE an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: BEANIES A4 36, BAVINS A5 33, BEVIES A5 33, SABINE A10 33, VIBES A6 30

On 8th draw, UNMIRY 8J 42 --- UNMIRY not miry [adj]
Other moves: UNMOOR 8J 33, ROOMY K5 29, MOONY K5 27, MOORY K5 27, IRONY K5 23
NOM B13 20 Zweep

On 9th draw, TYE B13 26 --- TYE a chain on a ship [n] --- TYE to wash in a trough [v]
Other moves: RETIARY N8 24, YURTA C9 24, RATANY K4 23, AUREITY C9 22, RITZY 14C 22
TARRY N6 18 Zweep

On 10th draw, GLADIATE M4 63 --- GLADIATE shaped like a sword [adj]
Other moves: LIGATED M7 24, TAEL C12 23, DAE C12 20, GAE C12 20, GELADA G4 20
GLADE G3 14 Zweep

On 11th draw, SURRAS C9 26 --- SURRA a disease of domestic animals [n]
Other moves: SIRRAS N6 25, SIRRA N6 22, ARILS N10 20, ARRIS N10 20, ARSIS N10 20
QI B10 13 Zweep

On 12th draw, JUNGLES 5I 30 --- JUNGLE land covered with dense tropical vegetation [n]
Other moves: GAJO 6L 28, GJU L2 28, GORSE N6 28, JUGA 6J 28, JUNGLE 5I 28
JOGS 4K 24 Zweep

On 13th draw, COWPS O1 45 --- COWP to overturn [v]
Other moves: CREWS O1 42, CROWS O1 42, PROWS O1 42, CORPSE O1 39, WEEPS O1 39
CROWS O1 42 Zweep

On 14th draw, AX 6M 50 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX N5 50
Other moves: AXILE N10 41, EAUX J3 27, AXEL N10 26, AXIL N10 26, AXILE N11 26
EX N5 50 Zweep

On 15th draw, INFELT N10 28 --- INFELT heartfelt [adj]
Other moves: ELFIN N10 26, INFER N10 26, FEINTER 14I 25, FELTIER 14I 25, FERTILE 14I 25
FILER N11 21 Zweep

On 16th draw, KOTO 15L 39 --- KOTO a musical instrument [n]
Other tops: KETA 15L 39, KETO 15L 39, KUTA 15L 39
Other moves: APE 6I 32, APO 6I 32, OPE 6I 32, KA N2 29, KO N2 29
PATE 15L 27 Zweep

On 17th draw, FREEBIE D4 32 --- FREEBIE something given or received without charge [n]
Other moves: BOEUF J2 24, GRIME L5 23, FIRK L12 22, FORK L12 22, BO N2 21
BO N2 21 Zweep

On 18th draw, BONIATO C1 82 --- BONIATO a sweet potato [n]
Other moves: BONIATO G3 73, BONIATO G1 65, BIONT C3 28, BIOTA C3 28, BONITO 2J 28
BIOTA C3 28 Zweep

On 19th draw, UPBEAT 1A 33 --- UPBEAT an unaccented beat in a musical measure [n]
Other moves: APE 6I 32, PIBAL 1A 30, ALBEIT 1A 27, ALBITE 1A 27, LIBATE 1A 27
PUBE 1A 27 Zweep

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