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Game sheet of ZEHAVARON (file), Game of May 6, 2012 at 12:34

Word find
Word played
1 ACGGMRU CRAM H7 16 -10 16 2/3 MUGGAR H4 26 26 2/3
2 AEGNSTT MAGNETS 4H 20 -55 36 1/3 GESTANT 10F 75 101 2/3
3 DEELUWY NEEDY K10 18 -17 54 3/3 WEEDY 11J 35 136 3/3
4 ?DOSVWY DOW M11 14 -31 68 3/3 WY(N)DS 12H 45 181 3/3
5 AEIINRU WEAR H12 21 -49 89 2/3 URINEMIA 4C 70 251 3/3
6 ABMNPRU PRAY N8 11 -21 100 3/3 PYRAN N10 32 283 3/3
7 AEFIOTX             FIXATE 3A 56 339 3/4
8 ?EEINPS             (R)EPINES 15H 88 427 3/4
9 ABCDEOR             BROCADE O4 99 526 3/5
10 AEEHKRU             HEUREKA 2F 88 614 4/5
11 EEJMNTV             JETE 1L 74 688 4/5
12 BIMNOSV             MOB 1H 39 727 4/5
13 FIINOTU             TIFFIN A1 48 775 4/5
14 ILNOQUZ             QUINOL 11B 35 810 4/5
15 CDIOSTV             OVIDUCTS C7 82 892 4/5
16 HILLOOO             OOH N4 33 925 4/5
17 AILLORV             VIVA 8A 33 958 4/5
18 ALLOORZ             RAZOO 13E 36 994 4/5

Total: 100/994 or -894 for 10.06%
Rank: 3917

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