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Game of May 9, 2012 at 13:25, 4 players
1. 639 pts PIThompson
2. 503 pts charmz
3. 281 pts primrose

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abeeio   H8    20    20   aerobe
 2. ?amnssw  13B    82   102   swagsmen
 3. gilortt   B6    63   165   triglots
 4. eeeituw   A5    31   196   weet
 5. aiinsuv   4A    27   223   savin
 6. eehinpr  11E    40   263   heroine
 7. fgiotuu  12B    34   297   tofu
 8. bcdiloy  10D    37   334   icy
 9. adegnrv   K5    76   410   engraved
10. ahllopt   8K    33   443   ralph
11. aegimru   E1    72   515   maungier
12. acenrtu  14I    74   589   uncrate
13. dellntu   1A    27   616   ledum
14. aejknoy  O12    66   682   joey
15. abekotx   I7    46   728   kex
16. afilopr   2D    71   799   parafoil
17. aeiootz   1K    74   873   azote
18. bddinot   1G    40   913   dib
19. dnooqst   F4    27   940   sod

Remaining tiles: iinoqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7764 FilePIThompson  9 18:43  -301  639     1.7764 PIThompson  9 18:43  -301  639 
  2.6632 Filecharmz      5 11:53  -437  503            Group: intermediate
  3.3819 Fileprimrose    0 19:01  -659  281     1.6632 charmz      5 11:53  -437  503 
  4.6275 Fileraggedy01   0  8:07  -771  169     2.6275 raggedy01   0  8:07  -771  169 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3819 primrose    0 19:01  -659  281 

On 1st draw, AE(R)OBE H8 20 --- AEROBE an organism that requires oxygen to live [n]
Other tops: BAI(L)EE H4 20, BEA(N)IE H4 20, BOA(T)IE H4 20, OBE(L)IA H3 20
Other moves: BAI(Z)E H4 18, BA(G)IE H4 18, BEA(N)O H4 18, BEA(R)E H4 18, BEE(D)I H4 18
BEA(N)IE H4 20 PIThompson
BEE H7 10 primrose

On 2nd draw, SWA(G)SMEN 13B 82 --- SWAGSMAN a swagman [n]
Other moves: WA(R)MNESS 13C 78, WA(R)MN(E)SS 10F 71, SWA(G)SMEN 9B 70, WA(R)MNESS 9C 68, SWA(G)SMAN 8B 63
MAW G7 26 PIThompson
SWANS 14H 18 primrose

On 3rd draw, TRIGLOTS B6 63 --- TRIGLOT a book written in three languages [n]
Other tops: TRIGLOTS F6 63
Other moves: TRIGLOT G2 62, TRIGLOT I2 62, RIOT 12A 21, GLOST B10 20, GRIST B10 20
RIOT 12A 21 PIThompson

On 4th draw, WEET A5 31 --- WEET to know [v] --- WEET wet [adj]
Other moves: WITE 8A 24, ETWEE C3 23, WITE 14D 23, BEWET 12H 22, EWE G8 22
WEET A5 31 PIThompson
TWEET 6B 10 primrose

On 5th draw, SAVIN 4A 27 --- SAVIN an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: SAVIN 14H 26, VINAS C3 25, BAVINS 12H 24, SAV 14H 24, BAVIN 12H 22
SAVIN 4A 27 PIThompson, charmz

On 6th draw, HEROINE 11E 40 --- HEROINE a brave woman [n]
Other moves: HE 14F 30, HI 14F 30, HERNIAE D8 28, PHEER F1 27, PHEER F2 27
HI 14F 30 PIThompson
HEP G7 24 charmz
RIPE 9E 9 primrose

On 7th draw, TOFU 12B 34 --- TOFU a soft Oriental cheese made from soybean milk [n]
Other moves: FO(R)T 10F 31, OF 10E 31, FUGIO F2 29, FO(R) 10F 28, FU(R) 10F 28
OF 10E 31 charmz, PIThompson
FAG D12 14 primrose

On 8th draw, ICY 10D 37 --- ICY covered with ice [adj]
Other moves: COLBY G5 30, DOILY 12K 29, BODILY G4 28, DOBY G6 28, BODY G6 27
ICY 10D 37 PIThompson
DOBY 5D 27 charmz
BONY E2 18 primrose

On 9th draw, ENGRAVED K5 76 --- ENGRAVE to carve a design upon [v]
Other moves: ENGRAVED 9H 68, VEGAN F2 29, GAVE F4 26, VEGA F2 26, DAVEN 5D 25
GRAVED G4 24 PIThompson
GRAVE F4 21 charmz
GRAVE C1 18 primrose

On 10th draw, RALPH 8K 33 --- RALPH to vomit [v]
Other moves: OPAH L12 32, HA 14F 30, HO 14F 30, OATH L12 28, OPAH G6 27
RALPH 8K 33 charmz
HO 14F 30 PIThompson
PATH L2 23 primrose

On 11th draw, MAUNGIER E1 72 --- MAUNGY scabby [adj]
Other moves: GAUMIER 3D 69, GAUMIER G3 69, GAUMIER I3 69, GERANIUM 6G 69, UMPIRAGE N6 67
MAIGRE L1 28 PIThompson
GAMER L1 22 primrose
AGE C6 18 charmz

On 12th draw, UNCRATE 14I 74 --- UNCRATE to remove from a crate [v]
Other tops: UNTRACE 14I 74
Other moves: UNCRATE G3 67, UNCRATE I3 67, UNTRACE G2 65, UNTRACE I2 65, CHAUNTER O7 64
CREAM 1A 30 PIThompson, charmz
MATER 1E 21 primrose

On 13th draw, LEDUM 1A 27 --- LEDUM a plant of the Labrador tea genus [n]
Other tops: MULLED 1E 27
Other moves: LED 15M 25, NED 15M 25, TED 15M 25, DENTEL O10 24, ELUTED O10 24
MULLED 1E 27 PIThompson, charmz

On 14th draw, JOEY O12 66 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other moves: JAKEY O11 60, JOKEY O11 60, JAY 13M 51, YOJAN 15E 48, JAKEY L2 45
JOEY O12 66 PIThompson, charmz
JOKEY O11 60 primrose

On 15th draw, KEX I7 46 --- KEX a dry, hollow stalk [n]
Other moves: AXE 2A 43, AX 2A 38, OX 2A 38, TAX I7 38, TEX I7 38
KEX I7 46 PIThompson
AXE 2A 43 charmz
KAB 15G 32 raggedy01
TAX L3 29 primrose

On 16th draw, PARAFOIL 2D 71 --- PARAFOIL a fabric device that resembles a parachute [n]
Other moves: FOLIAR 15D 42, PILAF L1 31, FLORA 15F 29, FORA 2B 29, IF F5 29
FORA 2B 29 PIThompson
FA F6 28 charmz
FRAIL L1 26 raggedy01
AFAR 2E 15 primrose

On 17th draw, AZOTE 1K 74 --- AZOTE nitrogen [n]
Other moves: ZETA 1G 69, ZOOT 1G 69, ZIT 1G 64, ZOO 1G 64, ZO 1G 59
ZOOT 1G 69 PIThompson
ZOO 1G 64 charmz, raggedy01
ZOOT I1 14 primrose

On 18th draw, DIB 1G 40 --- DIB to fish by letting the bait bob lightly on the water [v]
Other tops: BID 1G 40, BOD 1G 40, DOB 1G 40
Other moves: BIN 1G 36, BIO 1G 36, BIT 1G 36, BOI 1G 36, BON 1G 36
BOD 1G 40 PIThompson, charmz
DOB 15G 23 raggedy01

On 19th draw, SOD F4 27 --- SOD to cover with sod (turf) [v]
Other tops: TONDOS 15D 27
Other moves: DSO 14D 26, DSO 3G 26, STOND G5 25, QAT M13 24, SOON F4 24
SOD F4 27 PIThompson
QAT M13 24 charmz, raggedy01

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