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Game of May 10, 2012 at 03:44, 1 player
1. 57 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. agmnops   H4    26    26   gompas
 2. ?cenort   5E    86   112   coronate
 3. hiorrty   6J    43   155   yirth
 4. ?ehlnoo   E1    62   217   holocene
 5. aacerty   1B    54   271   yachter
 6. ablorst   O3    92   363   borstal
 7. efinoos   D8    35   398   foison
 8. aeglotw  E10    33   431   towage
 9. eegnpsu   L2    76   507   supergene
10. deeiiru   8A    30   537   reefed
11. deiluvz  15A    45   582   ulzie
12. adeeivw  B10    40   622   weevil
13. abdeiru   N8    79   701   daubier
14. adiimnx   6B    55   756   index
15. adeiknv   2J    38   794   kisan
16. aaaejlm   1M    47   841   jam
17. aefilqv  O12    46   887   flea
18. adiqtuv   C3    45   932   quanted

Remaining tiles: iiv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4122 Filedenbay      0  4:30  -875   57     1.4122 denbay      0  4:30  -875   57 

On 1st draw, GOMPAS H4 26 --- GOMPA a temple [n]
Other moves: GAMPS H4 24, GOMPA H4 24, GOMPAS H3 24, GOMPAS H7 24, GOMPAS H8 24

On 2nd draw, CORON(A)TE 5E 86 --- CORONATE to crown [v]
Other tops: CORONET(S) 5E 86, CREO(D)ONT 5E 86
Other moves: ACT(I)ONER 8H 80, AC(C)ENTOR 8H 80, ANC(H)ORET 8H 80, ANORET(I)C 8H 80, A(C)CENTOR 8H 80

On 3rd draw, YIRTH 6J 43 --- YIRTH earth [n]
Other moves: RHY 6D 37, THY 6D 37, THEORY L3 32, YIRTH 4J 32, HORI 6J 31

On 4th draw, HOLOC(E)NE E1 62 --- HOLOCENE relating to the second and most recent epoch of the Quaternary period [adj]
Other tops: HOLOCEN(E) E1 62
Other moves: HO(S)EL O4 44, HO(S)EN O4 44, HOLON(S) O1 38, (S)HOOLE O6 35, (S)HEOL O6 32

On 5th draw, YACHTER 1B 54 --- YACHTER one who sails a yacht [n]
Other moves: CHERTY 1D 51, CHARY 1D 48, CHAYA 1D 48, TRACHEA 1A 45, CHAETA 1D 42

On 6th draw, BORSTAL O3 92 --- BORSTAL a juvenile detention centre [n]
Other moves: ABLATORS 8H 83, BORSTAL D8 81, BORSTAL D6 78, ABLATORS C1 72, BORSTAL G8 68

On 7th draw, FOISON D8 35 --- FOISON strength [n]
Other moves: FESTOON M3 34, FENIS D8 33, FINES D8 33, FINOS D8 33, FOINS D8 33

On 8th draw, TOWAGE E10 33 --- TOWAGE the price paid for towing [n]
Other tops: TOWAGE C10 33
Other moves: CLAW D1 32, CLEW D1 32, TOWAGE 4D 29, TOWEL C10 29, TOWEL E10 29

On 9th draw, SUPERGENE L2 76 --- SUPERGENE [n]
Other moves: PEENGES 15D 39, PEENGE 15D 36, PEENGES 15C 33, PENSEE 15D 33, GEEPS 15D 30

On 10th draw, REEFED 8A 30 --- REEF to reduce the area of a sail [v]
Other tops: DEIFER 8A 30
Other moves: DEERE 15D 24, REEDE 15A 24, UREIDE 15C 24, DOREE F4 22, IRID C9 22

On 11th draw, ULZIE 15A 45 --- ULZIE ulyie [n]
Other moves: L*Z C7 44, VEILED 15D 42, DELVE 15A 39, ZED 2A 39, AVIZED C1 38

On 12th draw, WEEVIL B10 40 --- WEEVIL a small beetle [n]
Other moves: DIVA C10 38, AVISED 2I 36, WEAVED K8 35, ADV(E)W 6B 34, VISED 2J 34

On 13th draw, DAUBIER N8 79 --- DAUBY smeary [adj]
Other moves: ABIDER N9 32, ABUSED 2I 30, ABODED F3 28, ABUSER 2I 28, BASED 2J 28

On 14th draw, IND(E)X 6B 55 --- INDEX a type of reference guide at the end of a book [n] --- INDEX to provide with an index [v]
Other moves: NOX F4 52, D(E)X 6D 51, OX F5 49, (E)X 6E 49, ADMIX 12K 46

On 15th draw, KISAN 2J 38 --- KISAN a peasant of India [n]
Other moves: AVISED 2I 36, DAIKON 4A 36, KEAVIE 13I 36, VISED 2J 34, KANEH N2 32

On 16th draw, JAM 1M 47 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: JAM 2A 38, JAM M1 32, JOL 4D 30, ALMA M11 28, ALME M11 28
JAR 14L 10 denbay

On 17th draw, FLEA O12 46 --- FLEA a parasitic insect [n]
Other moves: LOVAGE 4D 37, VOLAGE 4D 34, VLEI F11 29, ALF M11 28, FAVEL K10 27
FIVER 14J 19 denbay

On 18th draw, QUANTED C3 45 --- QUANT to propel through water with a pole [v]
Other moves: QAT 2A 36, QUA 2A 36, DIQUAT K10 35, QUATRE 14J 35, VAUNTED C3 33
QUILT 3B 28 denbay

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