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Game of May 12, 2012 at 21:16, 3 players
1. 557 pts Davina
2. 544 pts Gypsylady
3. 313 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??aeinw   H3    74    74   swannie
 2. eloprtu  10B    76   150   poulter
 3. eimnoru   3A    70   220   inermous
 4. eoosuwy   B2    38   258   snowy
 5. deginrt   5E    90   348   derating
 6. deenoot   4A    33   381   donee
 7. dmrstuy   M3    39   420   musty
 8. aiinoos   I7    23   443   oons
 9. aeehiru   6F    29   472   hen
10. abcdegt   C9    28   500   bocage
11. aadijor   2F    52   552   jo
12. aeeklnt   L7    83   635   kantele
13. bdefqsu  12A    50   685   quads
14. adgiort  14C    66   751   ergatoid
15. aeillot  15G    25   776   iota
16. abhilrv   A6    34   810   blah
17. aaefipr   1G    36   846   frape
18. aiilrvx  M12    42   888   ixia
19. acfirvz  15L    78   966   zarf
20. ceiilvv   N8    21   987   civie

Remaining tiles: alv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6994 FileDavina      4 19:23  -430  557     1.6994 Davina      4 19:23  -430  557 
  2.6845 FileGypsylady   4 21:25  -443  544     2.6845 Gypsylady   4 21:25  -443  544 
  3.6970 FileGLOBEMAN    2 10:03  -674  313     3.6970 GLOBEMAN    2 10:03  -674  313 

On 1st draw, (S)WAN(N)IE H3 74 --- SWANNIE in New Zealand, a heavy all-weather woollen shirt [n]
Other tops: AWNIE(S)(T) H3 74, INWEA(V)(E) H2 74, INW(E)A(V)E H2 74, WAIN(A)(G)E H4 74, WANIE(S)(T) H4 74, WAN(K)IE(R) H4 74, WAN(T)IE(S) H4 74, WA(H)INE(S) H4 74, WEANI(N)(G) H4 74, WEA(N)IN(G) H4 74, WEA(R)IN(G) H4 74, WEA(V)IN(G) H4 74, WE(B)INA(R) H4 74, WINE(S)A(P) H4 74, WIN(D)A(G)E H4 74, WI(R)E(M)AN H4 74, W(A)INA(G)E H4 74, (B)E(D)AWIN H8 74, (D)EWANI(S) H2 74, (F)AWNIE(R) H2 74, (J)AW(L)INE H2 74, (L)AWINE(S) H2 74, (L)AWNIE(R) H2 74, (S)WAN(K)IE H3 74, (S)WA(N)NIE H3 74, (T)AWNIE(R) H2 74, (T)AWNIE(S) H2 74, (U)NWA(R)IE H2 74, (V)AWN(T)IE H2 74, (Y)AWNIE(R) H2 74
Other moves: AN(Y)WI(S)E H3 68, AN(Y)WI(S)E H4 68, AN(Y)WI(S)E H6 68, AN(Y)WI(S)E H8 68, AWNIE(S)(T) H2 68
WEA(N)IN(G) H4 74 Gypsylady
WEA(N)IN(G) H4 24 Davina

On 2nd draw, POULTER 10B 76 --- POULTER one that deals in poultry [n]
Other tops: PLOUTER 10B 76
Other moves: POULTER G5 74, PLOUTER G9 70, PLOUTER(S) 3A 70, POULTER G9 70, POULTER(S) 3A 70
POULTER(S) 3A 70 Gypsylady
(S)POUTER 3H 22 Davina

On 3rd draw, INERMOU(S) 3A 70 --- INERMOUS without thorns [adj]
Other moves: MON(S)IEUR 3E 61, MORAINE 5E 36, ROMAINE 5E 36, MIEN 11D 24, MOER 11D 24
MOONER C9 22 Davina
MOUNT F6 13 Gypsylady

On 4th draw, SNOWY B2 38 --- SNOWY abounding in snow [adj]
Other moves: UEY 2D 33, YWIS A1 33, UNSEW B2 32, WYES 9C 32, WEYS I5 31
OY 2E 30 Gypsylady
YO 2F 28 Davina

On 5th draw, DERATING 5E 90 --- DERATE to lower the rated capability of [v] --- DERATING the act of derating [n]
Other tops: REDATING 5E 90, TREADING 5E 90
Other moves: GRADIENT 5F 70, TRENDING 6E 64, TRE(N)DING 7E 62, DIRIGENT 8E 61, DIRIGENT 8G 61
NIDE A6 20 Davina

On 6th draw, DONEE 4A 33 --- DONEE a recipient of a gift [n]
Other moves: DENOTE 6F 30, ODEON 4B 28, DENET 6F 27, DONE 4A 25, DOTE 4A 25
STOOD 2B 25 Davina

On 7th draw, MUSTY M3 39 --- MUSTY having a stale odour [adj]
Other moves: DUSTY M3 37, RUSTY M3 35, MOSEY F2 31, URDY 4L 30, DRUSY M2 29
MY 2F 28 Davina
MUST A6 25 Gypsylady

On 8th draw, OONS I7 23 --- OON a closed space for baking [n]
Other moves: ISNA 11B 20, NAS I8 19, ONS I8 19, INIA 11C 18, NAOS 11D 18
SAID A1 17 Gypsylady
ONOS N1 14 Davina

On 9th draw, HEN 6F 29 --- HEN a female chicken [n] --- HEN to lose courage [v]
Other moves: HAIR 11D 27, HEID A1 26, AERIE 11B 24, HEARIE G9 24, HOURI C9 24
HEAR G9 21 Davina
RAH N2 21 Gypsylady

On 10th draw, BOCAGE C9 28 --- BOCAGE a thicket [n]
Other tops: ABDUCE D7 28, ABDUCT D7 28, BAC A6 28, BADE A6 28, BEAD A6 28
Other moves: ABED A6 26, ACED A6 26, BEAUT 4J 26, BODEGA C9 26, BAD A6 25
BADE A6 28 Davina
BED G9 17 Gypsylady

On 11th draw, JO 2F 52 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: AJAR A6 38, JIAO 12A 38, JAR B12 36, JERID 14B 34, AJAR N1 28
JO 2F 52 Davina, GLOBEMAN, Gypsylady

On 12th draw, KANTELE L7 83 --- KANTELE a Finnish zither [n]
Other moves: KLANG L1 38, KALE A6 33, KANE A6 33, KANT A6 33, KEEL A6 33
KEEN A6 33 Davina
KAID A1 29 Gypsylady

On 13th draw, QUADS 12A 50 --- QUAD to space out by means of quadrats [v]
Other moves: QUAD 12A 48, FUSED 14J 46, QUID A1 44, BASQUED 12B 42, FUSED 15A 42
QUADS 12A 50 Davina, Gypsylady

On 14th draw, ERGATOID 14C 66 --- ERGATOID worker-like [adj]
Other moves: QADI A12 42, QAID A12 42, GAROTED 13G 24, GOITRED 13G 24, ARID M10 22
QAID A12 42 Gypsylady
GRATED 13H 18 Davina

On 15th draw, IOTA 15G 25 --- IOTA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: OILLET 15J 24, ATOLL M10 20, ETA 15H 20, ITA 15H 20, TELOI 13F 20
AIT 15G 19 Davina
AIL M9 11 Gypsylady

On 16th draw, BLAH A6 34 --- BLAH nonsense [n] --- BLAH to talk stupidly [v]
Other moves: BAH A6 31, BAH K11 31, BHEL G8 28, BLAH N1 27, HAIR K8 27
BAH A6 31 Davina

On 17th draw, FRAPE 1G 36 --- FRAPE (Dial.) tightly bound [adj]
Other moves: FRAP 1G 33, FAP K11 32, AFAR K10 30, FAP 1G 30, FERIA 1G 30
FA 6J 28 Davina
FAR N2 18 Gypsylady

On 18th draw, IXIA M12 42 --- IXIA a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: AXIL M12 42, LAX M11 42, RAX M11 42
Other moves: AXIL M10 39, IXIA M10 39, AX M12 38, XI M13 36, VEXIL 11K 30
AXIL M12 42 Davina, GLOBEMAN
LAX M11 42 Gypsylady

On 19th draw, ZARF 15L 78 --- ZARF a metal holder for a coffee cup [n]
Other moves: FAVA 15L 42, CAVA 15L 36, CZAR N1 36, FRIZ J3 36, FIZ J4 35
CAVA 15L 36 Davina
ZA 13H 28 Gypsylady

On 20th draw, CIVIE N8 21 --- CIVIE a civilian [n]
Other tops: PELVIC J1 21
Other moves: EVIL N7 19, VIE N10 17, CEILIS E7 16, VELLS E8 16, VIE N1 16
VILLS E8 16 Davina
COO H13 5 Gypsylady

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