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Game of May 15, 2012 at 21:17, 3 players
1. 577 pts PIThompson
2. 423 pts worsie
3. 127 pts primrose

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bghint   H7    82    82   benight
 2. anostvy  14F    40   122   vasty
 3. aemnsuv  10C    73   195   mauveins
 4. ddeirtx   C8    32   227   remixt
 5. ?inoqru   J3    86   313   narquois
 6. dginnor   E5    90   403   inground
 7. eklnort  B11    33   436   koel
 8. adopsuy   4F    80   516   paduasoy
 9. ellmopt  12A    36   552   poxed
10. aeeilos   N1    30   582   laesie
11. adeeilw   M3    42   624   wyled
12. aeginor   1G    80   704   regional
13. acdhilt  A12    35   739   phat
14. aciiotu   8A    27   766   curari
15. adeiorw   D1    33   799   weirdo
16. cefimot  13J    30   829   fomite
17. bceeort   1A    30   859   crewe
18. abfjlot  O12    57   916   jeat

Remaining tiles: abfloz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7787 FilePIThompson  2 18:25  -339  577     1.7787 PIThompson  2 18:25  -339  577 
  2.5849 Fileworsie      0 18:25  -493  423            Group: novice
  3.3904 Fileprimrose    0  9:43  -789  127     1.5849 worsie      0 18:25  -493  423 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3904 primrose    0  9:43  -789  127 

On 1st draw, B(E)NIGHT H7 82 --- BENIGHT to be overtaken by night [v]
Other moves: B(A)THING H4 80, B(E)NIGHT H4 80, B(A)THING H6 78, B(E)NIGHT H8 78, B(A)THING H2 76
B(A)THING H4 30 PIThompson
THING H6 18 primrose

On 2nd draw, VASTY 14F 40 --- VASTY of great extent or size [adj]
Other moves: SAVOY 14H 32, NASTY 14F 31, VASTY I3 30, ASTONY I4 29, NOVAS 14D 29
AVOS 14E 28 PIThompson
ANTSY I3 24 worsie
YANG 11E 16 primrose

On 3rd draw, MAUVEINS 10C 73 --- MAUVEIN a mauve dye [n]
Other moves: MAUVINES 10D 67, UNSEAM 15J 32, MAUVES 13J 29, MAVENS 13J 29, MAUVE 13J 27
MAVENS 13J 29 PIThompson
MAUVES I3 21 worsie
MEANS 13J 21 primrose

On 4th draw, REMIXT C8 32 --- REMIX to mix again [v]
Other moves: MIXED C10 30, MIREX C10 28, MIXER C10 28, MIXTE C10 28, TAXIED D9 28
MIXED C10 30 PIThompson
TAXIED D9 28 worsie
AXED D10 24 primrose

On 5th draw, N(A)RQUOIS J3 86 --- NARQUOIS mocking [adj]
Other moves: (A)(E)QUORIN 8G 66, (L)IQUOR B4 38, QUO(D) B6 35, QUO(P) B6 35, R(E)QUINS J4 35
ANIO(N) D10 30 PIThompson
QUIR(E) D4 27 worsie

On 6th draw, INGROUND E5 90 --- INGROUND built into the ground [adj]
Other moves: DANIO D9 37, RADIO D9 37, NONDRUG E5 36, ONDING 15J 35, ANION D10 32
RADIO D9 37 PIThompson
ION D12 26 worsie
DOING 3G 10 primrose

On 7th draw, KOEL B11 33 --- KOEL an Australian bird [n]
Other moves: KETOL D1 30, KNELT D1 30, KNELT 3I 28, LOXED 12A 28, KETOL 13J 27
TRONK D1 26 PIThompson
KO B11 21 worsie

On 8th draw, PADU(A)SOY 4F 80 --- PADUASOY a strong silk fabric [n]
Other moves: PYAS A12 59, SPAY A12 48, PUDSY F2 40, SPY A11 39, YAUPS A7 37
SPAY A12 48 PIThompson
ASP 15A 24 worsie
SPAY I1 17 primrose

On 9th draw, POXED 12A 36 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other moves: EPROM 5H 33, MOP 7A 31, MOPE 3L 30, PEG 7C 30, POEM 3L 30
MOP 3M 28 PIThompson, worsie
MOP 3E 21 primrose

On 10th draw, LAESIE N1 30 --- LAESIE lazy [adj]
Other moves: SEISE K4 29, AISLE N2 28, EASEL N2 28, EASLE N2 28, EISEL N2 28
SEISE K4 29 PIThompson
LEASE N1 24 worsie

On 11th draw, WYLED M3 42 --- WYLE to beguile [v]
Other moves: DWALE 1K 39, DWELL 1K 39, DWILE 1K 39, WALD 1L 36, WELD 1L 36
DWELL 1K 39 PIThompson
WILD 1L 36 worsie

On 12th draw, REGIONAL 1G 80 --- REGIONAL something that serves as a region [n]
Other tops: GERANIOL 1G 80
Other moves: ORIGANE B2 72, ORIGANE L7 71, NARGILE 1I 30, RANGOLI 1I 30, EARING 15J 29
EARING 15J 29 PIThompson
GALE 1L 21 worsie

On 13th draw, PHAT A12 35 --- PHAT susceptible of easy and rapid typesetting [adj]
Other moves: LAICH O6 33, LATCH O6 33, LICHT O6 33, CHILD D1 31, DITCH D1 31
PHAT A12 35 PIThompson
LATCH O6 33 worsie

On 14th draw, CURARI 8A 27 --- CURARI an arrow poison [n]
Other moves: CAUTION 3D 24, OURARI 8A 21, COATI D2 18, ATOC 13J 17, CIAO G12 17
COATI D2 18 PIThompson
CAR 8A 15 worsie

On 15th draw, WEIRDO D1 33 --- WEIRDO a very strange person [n]
Other moves: WARED D1 29, WEIRD D1 29, WIRED D1 29, WRIED D1 29, HOWDIE 12H 26
WIRED D1 29 PIThompson
OWER 2E 19 worsie

On 16th draw, FOMITE 13J 30 --- FOMITE an inanimate object that serves to transmit infectious organisms [n]
Other moves: FECIT 13J 28, MEOW 1A 27, METIF 13J 27, METRO 5G 27, MOTIF 13J 27
MEOW 1A 27 PIThompson
FEM 2F 22 worsie

On 17th draw, CREWE 1A 30 --- CREWE a pot [n]
Other moves: BETE 12K 28, BETTER N10 28, BETTOR N10 28, COTTER N10 28, BEER O12 27
COTTER N10 28 PIThompson
BEET O12 27 worsie

On 18th draw, JEAT O12 57 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: JAB 12K 45, JOB 12K 45, JOTA 12K 43, JOL 12K 39, JOT 12K 39
JEAT O12 57 PIThompson
JOLT N10 27 worsie

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