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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of May 17, 2012 at 22:16

Word find
Word played
1 ?CELSVY             C(O)VEYS H8 34 34  
2 AAEMOQR             QORMAS 13C 36 70  
3 ADLORTW             LEADWORT 11G 74 144  
4 CEINORV             CONTRIVE N8 80 224  
5 ?DJLNOT             JOC(O) 8L 60 284  
6 ADELNNU             UNANELED 15H 140 424  
7 AGINOPT             GIP 14B 27 451  
8 AINOOTU TO 15A 9 -13 9 4/4 TAU 12D 22 473 4/4
9 AEEHRSY SHAY 15C 39 -1 48 2/4 HERY 12L 40 513 4/4
10 EINNOTX OXO 9L 44 -29 92 3/4 NEOT(O)XIN 9D 73 586 4/4
11 AHIKSTU KISH 15A 73   165 2/4       659 4/4
12 ADEEENS SNEED 8A 27   192 3/4 EASED 8A   686 4/4
13 ABEFIMT FAB 14J 35 -1 227 3/4 IAMBI 13J 36 722 4/4
14 DEFIRST DEF 10D 36 -27 263 4/4 RESIFTED A2 63 785 4/4
15 AGILOTU TA B5 13 -7 276 4/4 TAUTOG 7A 20 805 4/4
16 AEGIOPR PA 1A 57 -21 333 1/5 PORGIE 1A 78 883 4/5
17 ABEILOZ ZOO M7 26 -16 359 4/6 ZOEA 10B 42 925 4/6
18 ABEFRTW FEW 2F 30 -4 389 3/4 FETWA 2F 34 959 4/6
19 BEILNRU BURNIE 1J 31 -4 420 3/3 NUBILE 1J 35 994 3/6

Total: 420/994 or -574 for 42.25%
Rank: 7747

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