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Game sheet of Ansuyah (file), Game of May 19, 2012 at 16:11

Word find
Word played
1 ?AEEFOT             FO(V)EATE H4 76 76  
2 EEGMNOW             WEEM G7 32 108  
3 EIORTUY             YU I7 25 133  
4 ADEFISV             VIFDAS 11B 36 169  
5 GINORST             FROSTING 4H 78 247  
6 AEGOQRS             SEAR 12C 25 272  
7 ELNOSTV             SOLVENTS K4 94 366  
8 DEIMRTU             UNMITRED N3 67 433  
9 EGIJORT             JOIST C9 40 473  
10 AEGILOT             LOGGAT O1 33 506  
11 ?AEINRR             EARRIN(G) O9 76 582  
12 EGINOXZ ZONE M9 49   49 2/4       631 5/5
13 ABDEINP BIPED 13I 56   105 1/3       687 3/5
14 AEINNOR NONE 14H 18 -5 123 2/3 NORIA M1 23 710 3/5
15 ACILOUY AYE L11 25 -14 148 1/3 ACYLOIN 1G 39 749 3/5
16 ABHIKLN BAH 2F 23 -16 171 2/3 KIBLAH 2B 39 788 3/5
17 ADEINPQ QAID 14G 29 -15 200 1/3 QADI 3A 44 832 3/5
18 EEGHNUX HEX L12 36   236 3/3       868 3/5
19 CEGINUU QUINCE A3 54   290 1/2       922 3/5

Total: 290/922 or -632 for 31.45%
Rank: 8339

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