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Game of May 19, 2012 at 16:57, 2 players
1. 551 pts Ansuyah
2. 91 pts argomearns

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeinty   H4    24    24   yente
 2. ?aehiit   6F    70    94   ianthine
 3. aefjrrs   5E    37   131   rajes
 4. ?eimnoo   9G    69   200   isonome
 5. abeghns   N9   101   301   shebang
 6. ddelnor  15K    27   328   dodge
 7. cenortw  14F    75   403   crownet
 8. aaeiknt  H12    39   442   kaon
 9. deeprsw   K4    48   490   weirdoes
10. aegioqr   L1    24   514   giro
11. aadflps   2J    36   550   flips
12. acillmo   1G    29   579   mico
13. adeeitu   2A    74   653   auditee
14. abiptvv  M11    30   683   bap
15. inortuy   7E    37   720   unity
16. efilltv   A1    39   759   favell
17. ailoruu   1L    21   780   guar
18. giootux   1C    37   817   ox
19. aagilot   B6    68   885   otalgia
20. iqrtuvz  12A    46   931   zati

Remaining tiles: qruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7228 FileAnsuyah     4 18:35  -380  551     1.7228 Ansuyah     4 18:35  -380  551 
  2.6892 Fileargomearns  1  5:48  -840   91            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6892 argomearns  1  5:48  -840   91 

On 1st draw, YENTE H4 24 --- YENTE a gossipy woman [n]
Other tops: TEENY H8 24, YENTA H4 24
Other moves: TEENY H4 18, YENTA H8 18, YENTE H8 18, TEENY H5 16, TEENY H6 16
TEENY H8 24 Ansuyah, argomearns

On 2nd draw, IANTHI(N)E 6F 70 --- IANTHINE violet-coloured [adj]
Other tops: IA(N)THINE 6B 70
Other moves: ETHI(C)IAN 6A 64, THIA(M)INE 6B 62, THIA(Z)INE 6B 62, ATHEI(S)E 5E 36, ATHEI(Z)E 5E 36
EA(R)THY 4C 22 Ansuyah

On 3rd draw, RAJES 5E 37 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other tops: JAFAS G3 37
Other moves: JAFA G3 32, JEFES M3 32, JASEY 4D 30, JERRY 4D 30, JEFE M3 28
JERRY 4D 30 Ansuyah

On 4th draw, I(S)ONOME 9G 69 --- ISONOME a line connecting points where a species is equally abundant [n]
Other moves: E(N)(C)OMION L5 68, MOONIE(S) 9B 68, NOI(S)OME 9E 68, NOO(N)(T)IME L3 68, (N)OON(T)IME L6 68
MOO(D) 5K 21 Ansuyah

On 5th draw, SHEBANG N9 101 --- SHEBANG a situation, organization, or matter [n]
Other moves: BHANG 8K 62, HAGS 8L 49, HANG 8L 49, HAEN 8L 46, HAES 8L 46
SHEBANG N9 51 Ansuyah
BASH N7 26 argomearns

On 6th draw, DODGE 15K 27 --- DODGE to evade [v]
Other moves: DONDER 4A 25, DOGE 15L 24, LODGE 15K 24, NODE M11 24, RODE M11 24
DOD M11 23 argomearns
MOLDED L9 20 Ansuyah

On 7th draw, CROWNET 14F 75 --- CROWNET a small crown [n]
Other moves: CROWNET 10A 68, CROWEA 13I 28, CORNET 4A 27, CRONET 4A 27, COWTREE M1 26
COWER M3 22 Ansuyah

On 8th draw, KAON H12 39 --- KAON one of a subatomic particle [n]
Other tops: KNOT H12 39
Other moves: KANAE 5K 33, KIAAT 5K 33, TAK M11 32, KANA 5K 31, KANE 5K 31
KNOT H12 39 Ansuyah
KEST I3 18 argomearns

On 9th draw, WEIRDOES K4 48 --- WEIRDO a very strange person [n]
Other moves: PEWS 5K 32, PEW 5K 30, POWDERED K8 30, SPEWER 4A 29, DEWS 5K 28
PEWS 5K 32 Ansuyah

On 10th draw, GIRO L1 24 --- GIRO a European mechanism for transfer of funds [n]
Other tops: GARE L1 24, GORE L1 24
Other moves: AGIO L1 22, ERGO L1 22, GROA(N) L2 22, OGRE L1 22, RAGE L1 22
WAGER 4K 20 Ansuyah

On 11th draw, FLIPS 2J 36 --- FLIP to throw with a brisk motion [v]
Other moves: FAP M11 33, APSIDAL 2I 32, FAILS 2J 32, ADAPT 7D 29, FAD M11 29
DAP M11 27 Ansuyah

On 12th draw, MICO 1G 29 --- MICO a small monkey [n]
Other tops: CAMO 1G 29
Other moves: ALCO 1G 23, CALO 1G 23, CIAO 1G 23, LIMO 1G 23, LOCI 1G 23
LIMO 1G 23 Ansuyah

On 13th draw, AUDITEE 2A 74 --- AUDITEE one that is audited [n]
Other moves: GUID 1L 24, AUDIT 7D 22, DAUTIE 2B 22, ENDUE J8 22, IDEATE 2B 22
TAD M11 20 Ansuyah

On 14th draw, BAP M11 30 --- BAP a small bun or roll [n]
Other moves: VIVA D1 28, VAV A1 27, VIVAT 4B 27, APT 7F 26, PITA 3B 26
VIVA D1 28 Ansuyah

On 15th draw, UNITY 7E 37 --- UNITY the state of being one single entity [n]
Other moves: NARY A1 33, OARY A1 33, ONY O10 32, YO 1A 32, ONY J8 30
YO 1A 32 Ansuyah

On 16th draw, FAVELL A1 39 --- FAVELL light brown [adj]
Other moves: FAVEL A1 36, FAVE A1 33, FILLET 4A 32, FAILLE A1 30, FILET 8A 29
VALET A1 27 Ansuyah

On 17th draw, GUAR 1L 21 --- GUAR a drought-tolerant legume [n]
Other tops: GOAL 1L 21
Other moves: AL L11 20, LAR O11 20, LOR O11 20, ALOE O12 18, RAIL 3L 18
GOAL 1L 21 Ansuyah

On 18th draw, OX 1C 37 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: GOX O11 36, XI 1D 36, XU 1D 36, XI 7M 34, XU 7M 34
OX 1C 37 Ansuyah

On 19th draw, OTALGIA B6 68 --- OTALGIA pain in the ear [n]
Other moves: AG L11 24, GLOAT 8A 23, AGA O10 22, AGO O10 22, GAL O11 22
TWO I13 12 Ansuyah

On 20th draw, ZATI 12A 46 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: ZIT A12 43, ZATI 8A 42, QAT 8A 36, QIVIUT 11A 36, QUIRK 12D 36
ZIT A12 43 Ansuyah

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