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Game of May 21, 2012 at 14:05, 5 players
1. 351 pts kellybelly
2. 334 pts raggedy01
3. 261 pts ding

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efpuuy   H4    32    32   flype
 2. adeestv   9C    29    61   vested
 3. deeeinr   5D    82   143   needlier
 4. aglnotw   4A    32   175   wagon
 5. ginorrt   A1    33   208   trowing
 6. ?aemnrz   7H    74   282   prizeman
 7. giorsuu   K7    28   310   zoris
 8. ailorty   M7    78   388   morality
 9. adelnrs  11D    68   456   slanders
10. aabhiou   6L    47   503   bah
11. aiostuw  13G    63   566   outwaits
12. ceiilpt   8M    29   595   ope
13. acfijou  12A    46   641   juco
14. acdimox  N10    52   693   xi
15. adelnoq  12L    44   737   qi
16. adeilnt  A10    39   776   tajine
17. bdkloou   4J    26   802   bulk
18. acdeflo   3C    34   836   acold
19. aehotuv   6F    33   869   hey
20. efgituv   2A    33   902   refit
21. agimouv   1E    29   931   amigo

Remaining tiles: uv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7418 Filekellybelly  4 10:31  -580  351     1.7418 kellybelly  4 10:31  -580  351 
  2.6364 Fileraggedy01   2 19:01  -597  334            Group: intermediate
  3.3759 Fileding        1 20:47  -670  261     1.6364 raggedy01   2 19:01  -597  334 
  4.5292 Fileleobill     1 11:12  -705  226            Group: novice
  5.4212 Filemicmac      0  3:49  -878   53     1.5292 leobill     1 11:12  -705  226 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3759 ding        1 20:47  -670  261 
                                             2.4212 micmac      0  3:49  -878   53 

On 1st draw, F(L)YPE H4 32 --- FLYPE to strip back [v]
Other tops: PUF(F)Y H8 32, PU(F)FY H8 32
Other moves: PUF(F)Y H4 30, PU(F)FY H4 30, F(L)UEY H4 28, F(L)UEY H8 28, F(L)YPE H8 26
PUF(F)Y H8 32 kellybelly
PUF(F)Y H6 24 ding

On 2nd draw, VESTED 9C 29 --- VEST to place in the control of [v]
Other moves: DEAVES 9C 26, DEAVES 9H 26, DEEVS 9D 26, DEVEST 9H 26, EVADES 9E 26
VESTED 9C 29 kellybelly
S(L)AVED 5G 18 ding

On 3rd draw, NEED(L)IER 5D 82 --- NEEDLY like needles [adj]
FINEERED 4H 28 kellybelly
VINER C9 16 ding

On 4th draw, WAGON 4A 32 --- WAGON to convey by wagon (a four-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle) [v]
Other moves: AGLOW 4A 29, AGLOW 4K 28, GOWAN 4A 28, GOWN 4C 27, NONWAGE D3 26
WAGON 4A 32 kellybelly
VOW C9 9 ding

On 5th draw, TROWING A1 33 --- TROW to suppose [v]
Other tops: ROWTING A2 33
Other moves: GROWN A1 27, WONGI A4 27, WORRIT A4 27, WRING A4 27, WRONG A4 27
TROWING A1 33 kellybelly

On 6th draw, PR(I)ZEMAN 7H 74 --- PRIZEMAN a winner of a prize [n]
Other moves: ZERE(B)A D8 48, (D)ZEREN D7 48, ZER(D)A D8 46, ZE(B)RA D8 46, AM(A)ZE 3C 45
MAZER(S) 4J 38 kellybelly
ZONE D3 13 ding

On 7th draw, ZORIS K7 28 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other moves: ROUSING O2 27, SOURING O2 27, USURING O2 27, GIRNS O4 24, GIRONS O3 24
SOURING O2 27 kellybelly
RIGOURS 2A 20 ding

On 8th draw, MORALITY M7 78 --- MORALITY conformity to the rules of right conduct [n]
Other tops: MOLARITY M7 78
Other moves: ROYALIST 11E 72, OTARY 8K 51, ARY 8M 39, NOTARY O7 39, RARITY 2A 34
ARY 8M 39 kellybelly
REALITY D8 22 raggedy01
NAY O7 18 ding

On 9th draw, SLANDERS 11D 68 --- SLANDER to defame [v]
Other moves: NODOSE 8J 41, NOSODE 8J 37, RADE 6L 34, RAD 6L 31, ADENYLS 14I 30
SLANDER O4 27 kellybelly, raggedy01
SAND O5 15 ding

On 10th draw, BAH 6L 47 --- BAH an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other moves: HABU 6L 46, DHOBI H11 45, AAH 6L 43, AHA 6M 43, AHI 6M 43
HUB L12 35 kellybelly
NIB O7 15 leobill
HABIT 13I 14 raggedy01
SHA D11 12 ding

On 11th draw, OUTWAITS 13G 63 --- OUTWAIT to exceed in patience [v]
Other moves: SAW 10D 34, SOW 10D 34, WAS N10 31, WAT N10 31, WIS N10 31
WOT N10 31 kellybelly
WIST 12A 26 raggedy01
NOW O7 18 leobill
SWOTS D11 18 ding

On 12th draw, OPE 8M 29 --- OPE to open [v]
Other moves: CHAPEL N5 25, PIET 12L 24, SEPIC D11 24, PIET 14H 23, CELT 12A 22
PIET 12L 24 raggedy01
NICE O7 18 leobill
SECT D11 12 ding

On 13th draw, JUCO 12A 46 --- JUCO a junior college [n]
Other moves: JIAO 12A 42, FUJI 12A 40, FUJI 4J 35, FAY 6F 33, FOY 6F 33
JO 14F 27 raggedy01
JIG C2 22 leobill
JAR K3 10 ding

On 14th draw, XI N10 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: ADMIX 4K 48, AXIOM 4K 36, XI 12L 36, XI L12 36, OXIM 14E 35
XI N10 52 raggedy01
EX F5 25 leobill
MADE J2 13 micmac

On 15th draw, QI 12L 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI L12 44
Other moves: JADE A12 36, JANE A12 33, JEAN A12 33, JEON A12 33, JOLE A12 33
QI L12 44 ding, leobill
QUAD B11 28 micmac, raggedy01

On 16th draw, TAJINE A10 39 --- TAJINE a clay pot [n]
Other moves: JADE A12 36, JEDI A12 36, JAIL A12 33, JANE A12 33, JEAN A12 33
JADE A12 36 raggedy01
JAIL A12 33 leobill
ALINE J1 7 micmac

On 17th draw, BULK 4J 26 --- BULK to gather into a mass [v]
Other tops: BOKO 4J 26, BOOK 4J 26, BOUK 4J 26
Other moves: BROW J10 25, BUDO B11 25, BOK 4J 24, FLOOD 4H 24, SUK N13 24
BOOK 4J 26 raggedy01
WOK J13 12 ding
DOOR K2 5 micmac

On 18th draw, ACOLD 3C 34 --- ACOLD cold [adj]
Other moves: FAY 6F 33, FEY 6F 33, FOY 6F 33, EF 6E 29, ACED 3C 28
FOLK M1 22 leobill
ED O10 17 raggedy01
FUR K3 6 ding

On 19th draw, HEY 6F 33 --- HEY to dance a country dance [v] --- HEY used to attract attention [interj]
Other tops: HAY 6F 33, HOY 6F 33
Other moves: HUE 13C 29, HUT 13C 29, HAUTE 8D 27, HAET 14H 25, CHAV C12 24
HEAT 2E 23 raggedy01
ETA O10 17 leobill
NAVE 14A 14 ding

On 20th draw, REFIT 2A 33 --- REFIT to prepare and equip for additional use [v]
Other tops: FUGIE 14F 33
Other moves: VITE 2C 30, GITE 2C 26, TIGE 2C 26, FIG 2C 25, GIF 2C 25
NITE 6A 12 leobill

On 21th draw, AMIGO 1E 29 --- AMIGO a friend [n]
Other moves: DOUMA H11 27, OVUM 14E 23, VIGA 14F 23, SAV N13 22, SOV N13 22
MO 14F 12 raggedy01

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