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Game of May 22, 2012 at 04:47, 2 players
1. 31 pts annelhynz
2. 12 pts Dairdare

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ddefgir   H4    84    84   fridged
 2. abdestx   4H    32   116   faxed
 3. aadepst   5B    74   190   adapters
 4. aeeintu   3I    32   222   teniae
 5. ?acelsu   2F    85   307   excusal
 6. aaborsy   1K    45   352   boyar
 7. abeghkt   B2    44   396   bekah
 8. ghinoow   N1    42   438   aweigh
 9. agiortv   D1    78   516   avigator
10. aeiilnr   8H    80   596   gainlier
11. amnortz   C7    47   643   zona
12. celmnuu   A6    37   680   culmen
13. ?efpqru   J6    44   724   quiff
14. elmostv  11J    33   757   stove
15. ioprsty  O11    48   805   spiry
16. einooot   C7    34   839   zonation
17. eilnouw   A1    27   866   low
18. eeinoor  D10    22   888   roneo

Remaining tiles: eijmtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6455 Fileannelhynz   0  0:42  -857   31     1.6455 annelhynz   0  0:42  -857   31 
  2.3656 FileDairdare    0  1:01  -876   12            Group: not rated
                                             1.3656 Dairdare    0  1:01  -876   12 

On 1st draw, FRIDGED H4 84 --- FRIDGE to rub [v]
Other moves: FRIDGED H6 80, FRIDGED H8 80, FRIDGED H2 78, FRIDGED H3 78, FRIDGED H7 78

On 2nd draw, FAXED 4H 32 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other tops: BAXTERS 5C 32
Other moves: BAXTER 5C 30, BETAXED 9C 30, FAXES 4H 30, TAXED 10D 29, AXED 10E 28
BASTED 9D 12 Dairdare

On 3rd draw, ADAPTERS 5B 74 --- ADAPTER one who modifies [n]
Other moves: PATED 3I 43, PATES 3I 41, TAPED 3I 37, DATES 3I 35, TAPAS 3I 35

On 4th draw, TENIAE 3I 32 --- TENIA a tapeworm [n]
Other moves: EATEN 3I 30, TENIA 3I 30, AINEE 6B 26, TENIA 6B 26, TINEA 6B 26

On 5th draw, E(X)CUSAL 2F 85 --- EXCUSAL an acceptance of an excuse [n]
Other moves: CESU(R)AL 2F 84, SECULA(R) 2F 84, (R)ECUSAL 2F 83, LACU(N)ES 2D 82, (M)ACULES 2D 82
LACE 2J 31 annelhynz

On 6th draw, BOYAR 1K 45 --- BOYAR a former Russian aristocrat [n]
Other moves: YABA 6B 41, ABRAYS B2 38, BERAYS N2 38, ABRAY B2 36, BERAY N2 36

On 7th draw, BEKAH B2 44 --- BEKAH a half-shekel [n]
Other tops: KHAT 4A 44, KHET 4A 44
Other moves: BEAK 4A 43, TAKAHE B2 42, HATE 6B 37, KHAT 6A 37, KHET 6A 37

On 8th draw, AWEIGH N1 42 --- AWEIGH hanging just clear of the bottom -- used of an anchor [adj]
Other moves: HOW A1 36, OOHING A6 35, OOHING I7 34, OHING A6 32, OWING A6 32

On 9th draw, AVIGATOR D1 78 --- AVIGATOR one that navigates aircraft [n]
Other tops: AVIGATOR D5 78
Other moves: RAVIGOTE 9A 67, RADIO C3 29, ARVO A6 26, ARVO O6 26, VIRGA D1 26

On 10th draw, GAINLIER 8H 80 --- GAINLY graceful [adj]
Other moves: AIRLINE A6 79, AIRLINE O6 79, AIRLINE C8 68, AIRLINE G9 65, AIRLINE I9 65

On 11th draw, ZONA C7 47 --- ZONA a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals [n]
Other moves: DZO 7H 46, ZOA C7 46, ADZ 7G 45, AZON A6 44, ZA C7 44

On 12th draw, CULMEN A6 37 --- CULMEN the highest point [n]
Other moves: CULMEN 11A 34, CLEM A6 31, CULM A6 31, CLEM 11B 30, CUM B8 30

On 13th draw, QUI(F)F J6 44 --- QUIFF a forelock [n]
Other tops: EQU(I)P 11C 44
Other moves: QUI(P)PER J6 43, PIR(O)QUE M7 42, QUEP 7J 40, F(I)QUE E8 38, QU(E)P 7J 38

On 14th draw, STOVE 11J 33 --- STOVE a heating apparatus [n] --- STOVE to dry in a heating or cooking apparatus [v]
Other tops: SLOVE 11J 33, SOLVE 11J 33
Other moves: SMELT 11J 31, SMOLT 11J 31, SMOTE 11J 31, STOVE E7 31, LOVES 11C 30

On 15th draw, SPIRY O11 48 --- SPIRY tall, slender, and tapering [adj]
Other moves: RYOTS O11 45, SPIRT O11 39, SPORT O11 39, SPRIT O11 39, STRIPY E7 37

On 16th draw, ZONATION C7 34 --- ZONATION arrangement in zones [n]
Other moves: POOT E5 23, TOONIE B10 23, EON 11C 20, OOT B8 19, POO E5 19

On 17th draw, LOW A1 27 --- LOW having relatively little upward extension [adj] --- LOW to utter the sound characteristic of cattle [v]
Other tops: NOW A1 27, WINE D10 27, WINO D10 27
Other moves: LWEI B12 25, WOE A1 24, WON A1 24, OWE B12 23, OWE D12 23

On 18th draw, RONEO D10 22 --- RONEO to copy with a duplicator [v]
Other moves: OOR B8 19, POO E5 19, EINE D10 18, ERE B9 18, INRO D11 18

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