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Game of May 22, 2012 at 09:17, 6 players
1. 172 pts sunshine12
2. 157 pts jimbo
3. 77 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deggrs   H2    72    72   daggers
 2. ?eklntu   3H    72   144   auntlike
 3. aelmort   8A    83   227   molerats
 4. iioortw   O1    33   260   trew
 5. abehios   A1    98   358   obeahism
 6. abeinuy   B1    36   394   bye
 7. dehirsu   E5    98   492   dhurries
 8. adinnot  10D    65   557   nidation
 9. eopstuy  H10    42   599   tepoys
10. cefiitu   B5    31   630   if
11. aeijmop  12A    44   674   japes
12. adelnov   7H    67   741   rondavel
13. eilttuz   L1    46   787   zill
14. aeegnot   O6    80   867   elongate
15. emortux  A12    54   921   jeux
16. aaimqrt   9I    44   965   qi
17. aciiort   M7    82  1047   victoria
18. afinruw   5K    34  1081   fawn
19. acimruv  N11    38  1119   vicar

Remaining tiles: mou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7111 Filesunshine12  0  6:05  -947  172     1.7111 sunshine12  0  6:05  -947  172 
  2.6105 Filejimbo       2  3:55  -962  157            Group: intermediate
  3.6967 FileGLOBEMAN    0  4:07 -1042   77     1.6105 jimbo       2  3:55  -962  157 
  4.  -  Fileftres       0  8:22 -1058   61     2.6967 GLOBEMAN    0  4:07 -1042   77 
  5.6668 Filecharmz      1  1:14 -1075   44     3.6668 charmz      1  1:14 -1075   44 
  6.5321 Fileleobill     0  3:09 -1079   40            Group: novice
                                             1.5321 leobill     0  3:09 -1079   40 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  ftres       0  8:22 -1058   61 

On 1st draw, D(A)GGERS H2 72 --- DAGGER to stab with a small knife [v]
Other tops: D(A)GGERS H4 72, D(I)GGERS H2 72, D(I)GGERS H4 72, D(O)GGERS H2 72, D(O)GGERS H4 72, GR(U)DGES H4 72, GR(U)DGES H8 72
Other moves: D(A)GGERS H6 70, D(A)GGERS H7 70, D(A)GGERS H8 70, D(I)GGERS H6 70, D(I)GGERS H7 70
D(A)GGERS H4 72 jimbo

On 2nd draw, (A)UNTL(I)KE 3H 72 --- AUNTLIKE resembling an aunt [adj]
Other moves: UNT(A)(C)KLE 3E 61, K(I)NGLET 5E 44, T(H)UNKED 2B 42, T(R)UNKED 2B 42, UNL(I)KED 2B 42
GUNK 5H 18 leobill
STUNK 8H 14 jimbo

On 3rd draw, MOLERATS 8A 83 --- MOLERAT a burrowing rodent [n]
Other moves: AM(I)TROLE M1 60, ATOM 4L 36, EMOTER O3 33, EROTEMA O3 30, TREMA O1 30
MAKER N1 22 leobill
MEET O1 21 jimbo

On 4th draw, TREW O1 33 --- TREW that which is true [n]
Other moves: OWER O1 24, WILI L1 22, WILT L1 22, WOK N1 20, IWI 9A 19
TREW O1 33 jimbo

On 5th draw, OBEAHISM A1 98 --- OBEAHISM the use of obeah [n]
Other moves: BOHEMIAS A4 68, BEARISH E5 48, BOARISH E5 48, HOAGIES 5E 44, SOKAH N1 35
HAS 9B 17 jimbo

On 6th draw, BYE B1 36 --- BYE a side issue [n]
Other moves: BY B1 32, YEAN B1 31, NYE B1 30, YAE B2 30, YEA B2 30

On 7th draw, DHURRIES E5 98 --- DHURRIE a cotton rug made in India [n]
Other tops: DHURRIES E4 98
Other moves: DHURRIE E5 44, HURRIED E5 44, SHIRRED E5 44, SHIRED 9A 42, HURRIES E5 40
HEIRS 5K 24 sunshine12

On 8th draw, NIDATION 10D 65 --- NIDATION attachment of a blastocyst to the uterus wall [n]
Other moves: N(I)DATION M2 60, ANOW 4L 25, DAINT F10 23, OKA N2 23, ANOINT D10 22

On 9th draw, TEPOYS H10 42 --- TEPOY a small table used in serving tea [n]
Other tops: TYPTOS H10 42
Other moves: SPOUTY L10 40, ESPY 11H 36, PESTY L8 36, POSEY L8 36, PYETS 11J 34

On 10th draw, IF B5 31 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other tops: EF B5 31
Other moves: FECIT 11J 29, FICES 12A 28, FICUS 12A 28, FUCI 11J 27, CUIFS 12A 26

On 11th draw, JAPES 12A 44 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other tops: JALOP L1 44, JAMES 12A 44
Other moves: JAI G13 42, JOE G13 42, JIAOS 12A 40, JA G13 39, JO G13 39

On 12th draw, RONDAVEL 7H 67 --- RONDAVEL a South African round hut [n]
Other moves: JADE A12 36, JANE A12 33, JEAN A12 33, JEON A12 33, JOLE A12 33

On 13th draw, ZILL L1 46 --- ZILL one of a pair of finger cymbals [n]
Other moves: ULZIE O6 42, LUTZ O7 39, L*Z O7 36, LUZ O7 36, ULZIE D2 36
NUT K10 6 ftres

On 14th draw, ELONGATE O6 80 --- ELONGATE to lengthen [v]
Other moves: JONG A12 36, JANE A12 33, JATO A12 33, JEAN A12 33, JEAT A12 33
JANE A12 33 sunshine12
GATE L6 6 ftres

On 15th draw, JEUX A12 54 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: OXER 13A 50, MIREX I9 48, EXO I12 44, XEROMA 11J 43, REX 13B 39
OX I12 38 sunshine12
NORM K10 12 ftres

On 16th draw, QI 9I 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAT 5K 38, RADIANT K5 32, UMIAQ 14A 32, GRAMA 5H 30, QADI K5 28
QI 9I 44 charmz
AMA I12 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
MOT 13G 9 ftres

On 17th draw, VICTORIA M7 82 --- VICTORIA a light carriage [n]
Other moves: AORISTIC 15D 61, AORTIC D1 28, COATI 5J 28, IATRIC D1 28, URATIC 14A 28
ARTI B12 23 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
PORT C12 12 ftres

On 18th draw, FAWN 5K 34 --- FAWN to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v]
Other tops: WAIF 5K 34
Other moves: FAW 5K 32, FURAN 14J 32, FAIN 5K 28, FAIR 5K 28, FAUN 5K 28
FAW 14L 18 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
YAR 14H 8 ftres

On 19th draw, VICAR N11 38 --- VICAR a church official [n]
Other moves: VICAR 14J 36, AURIC N9 31, CIMAR 14J 30, CRAM F3 30, CRIM F3 30
VAR 14L 12 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
RAY 14F 8 ftres

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