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Game sheet of ftres (file), Game of May 22, 2012 at 10:03

Word find
Word played
1 ABCEFOT FACET H7 20 -8 20 2/2   H4 28 28 2/2
2 ?EEIOST FOSTE(R) 4H 16 -58 36 2/4 TEOSI(N)TE 8H 74 102 2/4
3 EIKLPRS KITERS N6 22 -56 58 3/3 SPARLIKE 5F 78 180 1/4
4 BGNORUZ BORS F2 12 -27 70 3/3 GROSZ F2 39 219 1/4
5 DENRTUW             RENEW 7E 38 257 3/5
6 ?DEILOV             EVILDOE(R) O8 89 346 3/5
7 ADENSTX             DEX 9G 53 399 4/5
8 EGLOSTU             TOGUE 8A 23 422 4/5
9 AAEHIOR             HEARIE 14J 34 456 4/5
10 AIINORU             UNROOF 4C 22 478 4/6
11 CEMOPTW             COMET 15H 42 520 4/6
12 AEIMNST             SOMNIATE B7 74 594 4/6
13 FIJNQRU             QUIRK L1 56 650 5/7
14 AGILNNO             RELOANING E7 70 720 5/7
15 BDILNOT             BIND A12 41 761 5/7
16 ADEFIJL             DEFI 10H 43 804 5/7
17 AHJSTVY             YAHS 6L 42 846 5/7
18 ABLOVWY             BYLAWS O1 45 891 5/7
19 AAJOTUV             JATO D11 39 930 5/8

Total: 70/930 or -860 for 7.526%
Rank: -

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