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Game of May 22, 2012 at 13:52, 3 players
1. 72 pts una
2. 41 pts charmingSA
3. 38 pts ftres

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. achkors   H3    90    90   chokras
 2. ?eeilnx   8H    95   185   alexines
 3. bfginoy   K6    34   219   foxing
 4. ?aemorr  12E    78   297   roamers
 5. abeortz  11C    49   346   braze
 6. adilost   O8    77   423   sodalist
 7. deiqstu  14J    70   493   quiets
 8. emnottv  13E    41   534   totem
 9. aailoow  15G    32   566   wali
10. deegjos   C9    46   612   jobed
11. aegiruv   L1    29   641   garvie
12. dennotu   1I    27   668   dungeon
13. aeinpsv   2J    44   712   peans
14. abeinry   1G    33   745   endungeon
15. afsttwy  14D    30   775   ays
16. abfgilr  15A    43   818   flab
17. ahioruw   I3    35   853   hori
18. adeipuy   2B    31   884   yauped
19. cgiituv   3A    25   909   vug

Remaining tiles: ciittw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6766 Fileuna         0  2:49  -837   72     1.6766 una         0  2:49  -837   72 
  2.6156 FilecharmingSA  0  1:15  -868   41     2.6156 charmingSA  0  1:15  -868   41 
  3.  -  Fileftres       0  5:41  -871   38            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  ftres       0  5:41  -871   38 

On 1st draw, CHOKRAS H3 90 --- CHOKRA a boy [n]
Other moves: CHOKRAS H4 88, CHOKRAS H2 84, CHOKRAS H6 84, CHOKRAS H7 84, CHOKRAS H8 84

On 2nd draw, ALEXINE(S) 8H 95 --- ALEXINE a substance in the blood which protects against disease [n]
Other moves: CINE(P)LEX 3H 84, (A)LEXINE G7 71, (A)LEXINES 9A 66, (A)LEXINE G9 65, EXIE(S) I4 36

On 3rd draw, FOXING K6 34 --- FOXING a piece of material used to cover the upper portion of a shoe [n]
Other tops: FOYNING M3 34
Other moves: BOXING K6 32, YOGIN 7J 32, YOGI 7J 29, ONYX K5 28, FINO 9J 27

On 4th draw, ROAMER(S) 12E 78 --- ROAMER one that roams [n]
Other moves: ARMORE(R)(S) O1 77, ARMOR(I)E(S) O1 77, ARMO(I)RE(S) O1 77, ARMO(R)ER(S) O1 77, A(R)MORER(S) O1 77

On 5th draw, BRAZE 11C 49 --- BRAZE to solder together [v]
Other moves: MAZE H12 45, MOZE H12 45, TOAZE 11C 45, BEZ 11D 43, RAZE 11D 43

On 6th draw, (S)ODALIST O8 77 --- SODALIST a member of a sodality [n]

On 7th draw, QUIETS 14J 70 --- QUIET to cause to be quiet [v]
Other tops: QUESTS 14J 70, QUISTS 14J 70, QUITES 14J 70, SQUINTED M4 70
Other moves: INQUEST M7 54, QUBITS C9 54, QUBIT C9 52, QUEST 13C 49, EQUIDS 13A 48
QIS N13 41 charmingSA

On 8th draw, TOTEM 13E 41 --- TOTEM a natural object serving as the emblem of a family or clan [n]
Other moves: MOTEN 13E 37, MOTET 13E 37, MOTE 13E 32, MENTO 13B 29, TONEME J5 29

On 9th draw, WALI 15G 32 --- WALI a governor [n]
Other moves: WAI 15H 29, MEOW H12 27, MEWL H12 27, WAI 13M 24, ALOWE J4 22

On 10th draw, JOBED C9 46 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other moves: JOBES C9 44, SJOE 10A 33, JOE 10B 32, JEED N6 31, JOKE 6F 31

On 11th draw, GARVIE L1 29 --- GARVIE a sprat [n]
Other moves: REAVING M3 28, RIVAGE L1 27, VAGUE J2 26, VIRGE J2 26, VAIRE J2 25

On 12th draw, DUNGEON 1I 27 --- DUNGEON to confine in a dungeon (an underground prison) [v]
Other tops: TONGUED 1I 27
Other moves: DEGOUT 1J 24, ENDOZOON F7 22, DETOUR J7 21, ENTOZOON F7 21, DENOTE N7 20

On 13th draw, PEANS 2J 44 --- PEAN paean [n] --- PEAN to beat with a rounded hammer head [v]
Other moves: ENDUNGEON 1G 33, VIN 14D 27, VIS 14D 27, CAVERNS 3H 26, EVANISH 4B 26

On 14th draw, ENDUNGEON 1G 33 --- ENDUNGEON
Other moves: BY 13L 28, YIN 14D 27, ABY I4 26, BIN 14D 26, BAYE B12 25

On 15th draw, AYS 14D 30 --- AY an affirmative vote [n]
Other tops: SWATHY 4D 30
Other moves: FAWS B12 28, FAYS B12 28, WAFT B12 28, WAYS B12 28, YAWS B12 28

On 16th draw, FLAB 15A 43 --- FLAB flabby body tissue [n]
Other tops: FRAB 15A 43, FRIB 15A 43
Other moves: GARB 15A 37, GLIB 15A 37, GRAB 15A 37, FLAG 15A 35, FRAG 15A 35
FOG 5G 7 ftres

On 17th draw, HORI I3 35 --- HORI a Maori (derogatory term) [n]
Other tops: HARO I3 35, HORA I3 35
Other moves: HAW I3 34, HOW I3 34, HAO I3 28, HOI I3 28, HOWL B12 28
HOW I3 34 una
WORK 6E 13 ftres

On 18th draw, YAUPED 2B 31 --- YAUP to utter a loud harsh cry [v]
Other moves: ADEPT N10 24, YAUPED M10 24, DOUP 10B 23, EYED N8 23, AY 13L 22
AY 13L 22 una
DAYS 9E 12 ftres

On 19th draw, VUG 3A 25 --- VUG a small cavity in a rock or lode [n]
Other moves: CUIT 3A 23, VICTOR 5D 22, EDIT G1 21, CIVET M11 20, CIVIE M10 20
VAC C1 16 una
CUR 7F 6 ftres

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