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Game of May 22, 2012 at 15:26, 4 players
1. 358 pts una
2. 344 pts milklady99
3. 231 pts ftres

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aadprrs   H4    22    22   parras
 2. aeefptx   I3    30    52   fax
 3. ?filory   7B    68   120   lyriform
 4. agilosz   8A    43   163   zoa
 5. aenntuy   J2    35   198   yate
 6. eeeerst   5E    56   254   retaxes
 7. cgiintw   9B    28   282   twig
 8. adehkmt   4A    38   320   kheda
 9. bdemnoq   3C    40   360   demob
10. ?egnoor   I9    62   422   orgones
11. aegnotv  15D    39   461   vegans
12. aceenpr   A1    42   503   pecker
13. eeilnou  10B    30   533   eloin
14. bdeeiou  11E    30   563   debug
15. cdiistu   3I    26   589   fatidic
16. aimottv   O1    27   616   mico
17. ahjlnos   2F    55   671   jol
18. aeisstu  13G    68   739   sinuates
19. ahinntu   N8    36   775   inhaust
20. eilnnqv   2N    44   819   qi
21. eilnuvw   8J    39   858   unveil

Remaining tiles: inw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6769 Fileuna         6  9:55  -500  358     1.7759 PIThompson  1  1:03  -814   44 
  2.3888 Filemilklady99  2 24:46  -514  344            Group: intermediate
  3.3141 Fileftres       0 17:58  -627  231     1.6769 una         6  9:55  -500  358 
  4.7759 FilePIThompson  1  1:03  -814   44            Group: not rated
                                             1.3888 milklady99  2 24:46  -514  344 
                                             2.3141 ftres       0 17:58  -627  231 

On 1st draw, PARRAS H4 22 --- PARRA (Australian slang) a tourist or non-resident on a beach [n]
Other tops: PARDS H4 22, PRADS H4 22
Other moves: DRAPS H4 20, PARAS H4 20, PARRA H4 20, PARRS H4 20, SPARD H8 20
PARRAS H4 22 una
RADARS H4 16 ftres
PARDS H6 16 milklady99

On 2nd draw, FAX I3 30 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other moves: APEX I2 29, PREX 6G 29, EXERT 6E 28, EXPAT 5E 28, EXTRA 6E 28
FAX I3 30 una
FER 6F 14 ftres
FAX 5G 13 milklady99

On 3rd draw, LYRIFOR(M) 7B 68 --- LYRIFORM having the shape of a lyre [adj]
Other tops: LYRIFOR(M) 7F 68
Other moves: FILA(T)ORY 8E 67, FROS(T)ILY 9E 64, (T)RIFOLY I9 64, FYL(E) J2 39, FOYL(E) J1 34
F(A)Y J2 28 una
AXIL 5H 22 milklady99
YOR(K) 7F 7 ftres

On 4th draw, ZOA 8A 43 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: ZAS J2 42, GLAZY C3 36, ZA J2 36, ZA 8A 35, ZO 8A 35
ZOA 8A 43 una
ZIGS E6 14 milklady99
ZAS 9F 13 ftres

On 5th draw, YATE J2 35 --- YATE a gate [n]
Other moves: EUTAXY 5E 32, TYNE J2 32, AYE 9A 31, AYE J3 29, TYNE 9B 27
YATE J2 35 una
YAY C7 13 milklady99
YATE C7 8 ftres

On 6th draw, RETAXES 5E 56 --- RETAX to tax again [v]
Other moves: RETES K1 49, TERES K1 49, ERES K2 47, RESEE K3 44, RESET K3 44
REST K3 42 una
ES K4 32 milklady99
FEERS F7 10 ftres

On 7th draw, TWIG 9B 28 --- TWIG to observe [v]
Other moves: TWIN 9B 27, WING 9C 25, FACING 3I 24, WIG 9C 24, WIN 9C 23
TWIG 9B 28 una
YAWN C7 14 milklady99
LOGIC B7 10 ftres

On 8th draw, KHEDA 4A 38 --- KHEDA an enclosure for elephants [n]
Other moves: MATHS K1 30, METHS K1 30, EDHS K2 29, AH 10A 28, EH 10A 28
FATHEAD 3I 28 milklady99
HATES K1 25 una
HAKE F2 19 ftres

On 9th draw, DEMOB 3C 40 --- DEMOB to discharge from military service [v]
Other moves: BONKED A1 39, DEMON 3C 32, MOBE 3C 32, BONK A1 30, MOB 3C 30
BONKED A1 39 una
GONE E9 10 ftres
SOME 9H 7 milklady99

On 10th draw, ORGONE(S) I9 62 --- ORGONE a postulated energy pervading the universe [n]
Other tops: ORGONE(S) G9 62, OROGEN(S) G9 62, OROGEN(S) I9 62, OROGEN(Y) G9 62, OROGEN(Y) I9 62
Other moves: OREG(A)NO G9 61, OREG(A)NO I9 61, EN(N)OG 10B 31, E(N)NOG 10B 31, GEN(T)OO 10A 30
GONK A1 27 una
YO(U)NG 2J 16 milklady99

On 11th draw, VEGAN(S) 15D 39 --- VEGAN one that eats only plant products [n]
Other tops: AGONE H11 39
Other moves: GANE H12 33, GANEV(S) 15D 33, GATE H12 33, GAVOT(S) 15D 33, GENA H12 33
VEGAN(S) 15D 39 una
VOTE(S) 15E 21 ftres
OVEN 12I 14 milklady99

On 12th draw, PECKER A1 42 --- PECKER one that pecks [n]
Other tops: PACKER A1 42
Other moves: PECKE A1 39, CANKER A1 36, NECKER A1 36, PACK A1 36, PARKEE A1 36
PACKER A1 42 milklady99
OPERA 12I 14 ftres

On 13th draw, ELOIN 10B 30 --- ELOIN to remove to a distant place [v]
Other moves: LENO 10A 24, LINO 10A 24, LENES K1 22, LOUIE 10C 22, LUNES K1 22
LEG F13 6 ftres
LONG 11F 5 milklady99

On 14th draw, DEBUG 11E 30 --- DEBUG to remove bugs from [v]
Other moves: DEBES K1 27, DEBUS K1 27, BED 11E 26, BEDES K1 26, BOD 11E 26
BIDE C1 7 milklady99
BOB G1 7 ftres

On 15th draw, FATIDIC 3I 26 --- FATIDIC pertaining to prophecy [adj]
Other tops: COSE F2 26, CUITS 12A 26, CUTIS 12A 26, DICTS 12A 26, DUCTS 12A 26, EDICTS 14I 26, EDUCTS 14I 26
Other moves: DUNITIC 13G 24, DOSE F2 23, DUTIES 14E 23, DUITS 12A 22, FACTIS 3I 22
NUDIST 13I 14 ftres
PICS 1A 9 milklady99

On 16th draw, MICO O1 27 --- MICO a small monkey [n]
Other tops: MICA O1 27, MOTTO 12H 27
Other moves: MAT 2F 25, MOA 2F 25, MOI 2F 25, MOT 2F 25, MA 2F 24
MICA O1 27 milklady99
DIATOM M3 10 ftres

On 17th draw, JOL 2F 55 --- JOL to have a good time (S African Slang), JOLLED, JOLLING, JOLS [v]
Other moves: JA 2F 54, JO 2F 54, JOHNS 12A 52, HAJ 2F 38, JAIL L1 38
JAIL L1 38 ftres
JOHNS 13F 16 milklady99

On 18th draw, SINUATES 13G 68 --- SINUATE to curve in and out [v]
Other moves: UTISES N1 26, SIESTA 12B 25, SEAS J11 24, SEAT J11 24, SIES J11 24
STEINS 13E 7 milklady99
TUNAS 13G 6 ftres

On 19th draw, INHAUST N8 36 --- INHAUST to drink in [v]
Other moves: AHINT N1 32, HAN 1G 32, HAT 1G 32, HINAU N2 32, HINAU 12K 31
PATH 1A 13 milklady99
TATU L11 8 ftres

On 20th draw, QI 2N 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI N2 44
Other moves: VEIL 8L 33, VEIN 8L 33, LEV 1G 29, VINE O6 29, LEVIN 8K 27
QI N2 44 PIThompson
QI L2 11 milklady99

On 21th draw, UNVEIL 8J 39 --- UNVEIL to remove a covering from [v]
Other moves: VEIL 8L 33, VEIN 8L 33, WEIL 8L 33, LEV 1G 29, LEW 1G 29
WIN 8M 18 milklady99

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