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Game sheet of fatcat (file), Game of May 24, 2012 at 08:46

Word find
Word played
1 ?ADOSSU SOU(N)DS H8 16 -50 16 1/1 SOUDA(N)S H8 66 66 1/1
2 ADEEHLU HEADED 11E 22 -60 38 1/1 U(N)HEALED 13G 82 148 1/1
3 ?AEILPV DEVIL 11H 18 -80 56 1/1 P(R)EVAILS 8A 98 246 1/1
4 AFNOQRW WEAR C7 12 -23 68 1/2 SOFA 14H 35 281 1/2
5 AETUWYZ ZEE C7 23 -22 91 2/2 AZE(R)TY B5 45 326 1/2
6 ABERSTT BATTER A10 34 -56 125 1/2 RABATTES E5 90 416 1/2
7 AILMORR DORM 11H 14 -50 139 2/2 ARMORIAL 6E 64 480 1/2
8 CEINPRS PRICES M1 31 -60 170 1/2 CRISPEN M3 91 571 1/2
9 CEGHINT HENT 8L 33 -73 203 2/2 TEACHING K4 106 677 1/2
10 AFIILOU ELF 8M 18 -11 221 1/2 AFOUL A1 29 706 1/2
11 EEORTTU FORTE 2A 16 -8 237 2/2 FOUETTE 2A 24 730 1/2
12 EIMNORX MIXER 1G 46 -6 283 1/3 MIREX D11 52 782 1/3
13 AGIINNO ON 14N 10 -16 293 2/3 NONA C12 26 808 1/3
14 EKNOQRW WOKEN 1G 41 -10 334 1/3 KNOWER A10 51 859 1/3
15 EGIIINY YEN 1G 23 -11 357 2/3 EYING 1F 34 893 1/3
16 DIIIJOQ QUID C1 28 -12 385 1/3 JEDI D1 40 933 1/3
17 DGIOQVW QI J9 28   413 2/3       961 1/3
18 BDGIOVW WIG 12M 17 -13 430 2/3 BODE C5 30 991 1/3

Total: 430/991 or -561 for 43.39%
Rank: 5054

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