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Game of May 24, 2012 at 09:30, 2 players
1. 223 pts ftres
2. 90 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efhklsy   H3    38    38   shelfy
 2. adeiors   6F    65   103   solidare
 3. befilnt   5K    35   138   befit
 4. ?aiotuy   O4    36   174   yttria
 5. eikmrtu   3B    82   256   murkiest
 6. alnnops   8B    64   320   nonplays
 7. ?agiprt   B1    80   400   tampering
 8. aaeegnr   1B    83   483   tagareen
 9. degooww   5E    34   517   wowed
10. aceimuu   7K    31   548   cam
11. dehnotu   N9    38   586   thoued
12. abeelsx  12K    44   630   beaux
13. ceginrs  13F    68   698   cringes
14. aellotu  O11    43   741   extol
15. adeiorv   A9    92   833   avodire
16. eijnoqv  H12    66   899   jive
17. ilnoquu  15D    24   923   quine
18. ilnoouz  11J    37   960   zol

Remaining tiles: inou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.3548 Fileftres       0 19:44  -737  223     1.6679 charmz      2  1:51  -870   90 
  2.6679 Filecharmz      2  1:51  -870   90            Group: not rated
                                             1.3548 ftres       0 19:44  -737  223 

On 1st draw, SHELFY H3 38 --- SHELFY having shelves [adj]
Other tops: FLESHY H4 38, FLESHY H7 38, FLESHY H8 38, FYKES H4 38, HYKES H4 38, SHELFY H7 38, SHELFY H8 38
Other moves: KYLES H4 34, FLESHY H3 32, FYKES H8 32, HYKES H8 32, SHELFY H4 32

On 2nd draw, SOLIDARE 6F 65 --- SOLIDARE a small coin [n]
Other moves: FORESAID 7H 64, DARIOLES 6C 63, SOREDIAL 6A 63, OSIERED 5E 32, SOREDIA 5E 32
FADOS 7H 10 ftres

On 3rd draw, BEFIT 5K 35 --- BEFIT to be suitable for [v]
Other moves: BENEFIT M3 34, FILBERT L1 32, FOIBLE G5 31, BELIEF M2 30, BEFIT 7K 29
FLINTS F1 11 ftres

On 4th draw, YTT(R)IA O4 36 --- YTTRIA a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: *(L)*Y*T I4 36
Other moves: OA(K)Y 7J 33, OA(R)Y 7J 33, YTO(S)T O4 33, TAY 7K 31, TAY(S) 7K 31
T(R)AIT O1 15 ftres

On 5th draw, MURKIEST 3B 82 --- MURKY dark [adj]
Other moves: KUMITE N9 34, ITEM 7J 31, MIRKER L1 30, MIRKEST 3C 30, MURKER L1 30
SUITER F6 8 ftres

On 6th draw, NONPLAYS 8B 64 --- NONPLAY a theatrical work that is not a play [n]
Other moves: HALOS 4H 29, LAP 4J 25, LOP 4J 25, NAP 4J 25, SAP 4J 25
MAPS B3 10 ftres

On 7th draw, TAMP(E)RING B1 80 --- TAMPER to interfere in a harmful manner [v]
Other moves: PARR(O)TING D1 78, PARTI(N)G N8 78, GRI(P)TAPE 5A 76, PARTI(N)G N9 76, PRATI(N)G N9 76
PRINT(S) B5 9 ftres

On 8th draw, TAGAREEN 1B 83 --- TAGAREEN (English dialect) a scrap dealer's store [n]
Other moves: SANGAREE I8 61, APNEA 4A 28, AREG 7J 27, TANAGER 1B 27, AGAR 7J 25
RANGER L1 16 ftres

On 9th draw, WOWED 5E 34 --- WOW to excite to enthusiastic approval [v]
Other moves: DEW 7K 33, GOWFED M2 32, WOOFED M2 30, GOOFED M2 26, GOWDER L1 26
BAD K5 6 ftres

On 10th draw, CAM 7K 31 --- CAM a rotating or sliding piece of machinery [n] --- CAM to whiten with camstone [v]
Other moves: AECIUM 2I 27, AECIUM N9 26, PUMICE E8 24, MAE 7K 23, MEU 7K 23
PACE E8 16 ftres

On 11th draw, THOUED N9 38 --- THOU to address as "thou" (the 2d person sing. pronoun in the nominative case) [v]
Other moves: HOUTED N9 29, HUNTED N9 29, HONED 9I 24, HOUND 9I 24, PHONED E8 24
PENT E8 12 ftres

On 12th draw, BEAUX 12K 44 --- BEAU a boyfriend [n]
Other moves: EAUX 12L 38, AX 9F 36, LAX O13 35, LEX O13 35, SAX O13 35
PEELS E8 14 ftres

On 13th draw, CRINGES 13F 68 --- CRINGE to shrink in fear [v]
Other moves: CIERGE 13I 36, CRINGE 13I 36, SCRIENE 13H 34, SERIC 10B 31, CERGE 13J 28
PENIS E8 14 ftres

On 14th draw, EXTOL O11 43 --- EXTOL to praise highly [v]
Other moves: ALLOT 11H 23, OLEO 11K 23, AUE 2D 21, TELIAL H10 21, LOT 11J 19
TILL H12 15 ftres

On 15th draw, AVODIRE A9 92 --- AVODIRE an African tree [n]
Other moves: AVODIRE 2I 91, AVOIDER 2I 91, AVOIDER A9 89, DOVIER H10 42, AVIDER 2I 39
PRIDE E8 16 ftres

On 16th draw, JIVE H12 66 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: QI 12H 44, OVINE H11 36, VINE H12 33, VINO H12 33, JO 11J 28
JIVE H12 66 charmz
VINE H12 33 ftres

On 17th draw, QUINE 15D 24 --- QUINE a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUINTA 9J 16, UNIQUE 15C 16, QUOTA 9K 15, IN 14J 14, IO 11J 14
QUINE 15D 24 charmz
LION F8 6 ftres

On 18th draw, ZOL 11J 37 --- ZOL a spliff, a marijuana cigarette [n]
Other tops: ZOO 11J 37
Other moves: ZINC F10 35, ZOIC F10 35, ZOO 11I 34, LUZ F8 32, PONZU E8 32
POOL E8 12 ftres

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