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Game of May 24, 2012 at 10:14, 2 players
1. 303 pts una
2. 190 pts ftres

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceknors   H2    82    82   reckons
 2. ?aeinuv   8A    92   174   mauveins
 3. adgrsty   3C    34   208   strayed
 4. aelmmov   2H    39   247   removal
 5. ehiloor   A1    83   330   heirloom
 6. aaaeint   L1    20   350   aviate
 7. ?abituy   E7    74   424   beautify
 8. abefnnr  12D    78   502   fibranne
 9. degoqrw   1K    37   539   wader
10. degillo   M4    68   607   gollied
11. aeioopt   B5    30   637   opiate
12. enorstu   L9    99   736   tonsure
13. aeimnqz  14J    72   808   ziram
14. deeghps  O11    59   867   phese
15. adfgtuw   N6    34   901   fad
16. gijoqwx   B1    41   942   ox
17. gijntuw  H11    36   978   jaunt
18. cggiiqw   5E    26  1004   wick

Remaining tiles: ggiq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6784 Fileuna         0 10:25  -701  303     1.6784 una         0 10:25  -701  303 
  2.3405 Fileftres       0 16:39  -814  190            Group: not rated
                                             1.3405 ftres       0 16:39  -814  190 

On 1st draw, RECKONS H2 82 --- RECKON to count or compute [v]
Other tops: CONKERS H4 82
Other moves: CONKERS H2 78, CONKERS H3 78, CONKERS H6 78, CONKERS H7 78, CONKERS H8 78
CONKERS H8 28 ftres

On 2nd draw, (M)AUVEINS 8A 92 --- MAUVEIN a mauve dye [n]
Other tops: (M)AUVINES 8A 92
Other moves: SUIVAN(T)E 8H 83, UNVAI(L)ES 8A 83, VAU(R)IENS 8A 80, UNAC(T)IVE 4E 74, VAUN(T)IER 2A 74
REIN 2H 6 ftres

On 3rd draw, STRAYED 3C 34 --- STRAY to wander from the proper area or course [v]
Other moves: GYRATED 3C 30, ARY I5 27, D*RKY 5E 26, GYRATES 3C 26, KYDST 5H 26
DRUGS C6 10 ftres

On 4th draw, REMOVAL 2H 39 --- REMOVAL the act of removing [n]
Other moves: LEMMA B2 34, MORALE 2F 34, MORAE 2F 33, MORAL 2F 33, MOREL 2F 33

On 5th draw, HEIRLOO(M) A1 83 --- HEIRLOOM an inherited possession [n]
Other moves: HOOKIER 5E 56, HELIO B2 32, CHOLER 4H 29, EH 2E 28, OH 2E 28
HAILER B7 11 ftres

On 6th draw, AVIATE L1 20 --- AVIATE to fly an aircraft [v]
Other tops: AKATEA 5G 20, AVANTI L1 20, INTAKE 5D 20, KATANA 5H 20, KENTIA 5H 20, TANKIA 5E 20
Other moves: AKITA 5G 18, AVANT L1 18, AVANTI D7 18, AVIAN L1 18, AVIATE D7 18

On 7th draw, BEAUTI(F)Y E7 74 --- BEAUTIFY to make beautiful [v]
Other moves: T(S)UBA O1 39, AU(R)EITY E5 36, BIA(L)Y B6 35, B(E)ATY B6 34, ABY I5 31
(H)ABIT F5 8 ftres

On 8th draw, FIBRANNE 12D 78 --- FIBRANNE a fabric made of spun rayon yarn [n]
Other moves: FRAENA B6 34, AFEAR B5 33, AFEAR M2 32, FRAB B6 32, FAINNE F6 31
FRAY 14B 20 ftres

On 9th draw, WADER 1K 37 --- WADER one that wades [n]
Other moves: WOAD B6 31, WAGED H11 30, WEAR B6 30, WODGE 11K 30, WADE M1 29
QUOD C7 25 una
AGER H12 15 ftres

On 10th draw, GOLLIED M4 68 --- GOLLY to spit [v]
Other moves: GIED 3K 31, GILD 3K 31, WOODIE K1 31, WOOLED K1 31, EILD 3K 28
GOALED H10 24 una
AGED H12 18 ftres

On 11th draw, OPIATE B5 30 --- OPIATE to treat with opium [v]
Other tops: OPIATE 11G 30
Other moves: PEBA F10 27, PIET 8L 27, PITA 8L 27, PIETA 11H 26, OPIATE N10 25
PITA 8L 27 una
POTE D1 18 ftres

On 12th draw, TONSURE L9 99 --- TONSURE to shave the head of [v]
Other moves: TENOURS N9 75, TONSURE N9 75, NEUTRONS J6 62, TROUSE L8 50, ONERS L8 48
ONSET L10 41 una
TENOR K11 10 ftres

On 13th draw, ZIRAM 14J 72 --- ZIRAM a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: ENZYM 14B 50, MAIZE 15H 48, MAIZE H11 48, ZAMAN H11 48, ZAMIA H11 48
MAIZE 15H 48 una
MINE J10 12 ftres

On 14th draw, PHESE O11 59 --- PHESE to unsettle [v]
Other moves: HESP O12 56, PEGHED A10 49, HEDGES A10 44, HESPED A10 44, PHESED A10 43
HESP O12 56 una
PAGES H11 24 ftres

On 15th draw, FAD N6 34 --- FAD a practice or interest that enjoys brief popularity [n]
Other moves: FATWA H11 33, FAT N6 32, TUFA 15G 32, AUF 2D 31, DAFT N6 30
TWA 15H 29 una
WAT D1 10 ftres

On 16th draw, OX B1 41 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: JINX G6 39, JAW F2 29, JINGO G6 28, JAG F2 27, JONG G6 27
JAW F2 29 una

On 17th draw, JAUNT H11 36 --- JAUNT to go on a pleasure trip [v]
Other moves: JAUNT F2 30, JINK 5E 30, JUNK 5E 30, JAW F2 29, JAG F2 27
JUT D1 18 una

On 18th draw, WICK 5E 26 --- WICK a bundle of loosely twisted fibers in a candle or oil lamp [n] --- WICK to draw up liquid with twisted threads [v]
Other tops: WIGGY 14A 26
Other moves: CIGGY 14A 24, CWM N12 22, GIB F10 19, IGG F8 19, WING G6 19
LAW 7M 6 una

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