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Game of May 24, 2012 at 14:48, 2 players
1. 176 pts ftres
2. 88 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adejlrx   H8    40    40   relax
 2. ddeemrt  11E    44    84   dreamed
 3. abeituw  10G    38   122   blaw
 4. aeeintt   H8    45   167   relaxant
 5. acciopr  13G    38   205   caproic
 6. ?eiruuy   9H    29   234   eyer
 7. ?dknorz  12A    50   284   zonda
 8. aalnost   C8    68   352   sonantal
 9. aaghlow   8A    42   394   wash
10. bdegirv  15A    36   430   bilged
11. egklmot  14A    30   460   oka
12. aeejnst   B6    29   489   jean
13. eiilnrs   L3    74   563   inliers
14. eilnors   3H    68   631   lioniser
15. ?eemotu  15H    80   711   teetotum
16. aagiiot   H1    24   735   galiot
17. aeefgoy   O2    45   780   frogeye
18. aafqstu   2F    42   822   quats
19. ahiiptu   N6    39   861   hapu
20. afiituv   2M    30   891   iff
21. aiituvv   C3    29   920   viva

Remaining tiles: itu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.3308 Fileftres       1 13:09  -744  176     1.5979 shanice     0  3:20  -832   88 
  2.5979 Fileshanice     0  3:20  -832   88            Group: not rated
                                             1.3308 ftres       1 13:09  -744  176 

On 1st draw, RELAX H8 40 --- RELAX to make less tense or rigid [v]
Other moves: AXLED H8 30, RAXED H8 30, AXLED H4 28, RAXED H4 28, AXLED H5 26

On 2nd draw, DREAMED 11E 44 --- DREAM to have a dream (a series of images occurring during sleep) [v]
Other moves: REMATED 11E 40, DERATED 11E 36, REDATED 11E 36, TREADED 11E 36, METED G9 33

On 3rd draw, BLAW 10G 38 --- BLAW to blow [v]
Other tops: BLEW 10G 38
Other moves: ALEW 10G 34, WAITE 10J 34, BAWTIE 12A 33, BAWTIE 10J 32, WAB 10J 32

On 4th draw, RELAXANT H8 45 --- RELAXANT a drug that relieves muscular tension [n]
Other moves: EXINE 12G 31, EXIT 12G 27, ETAMINE I8 25, ETAMIN I8 24, NETTIE 12J 23

On 5th draw, CAPROIC 13G 38 --- CAPROIC having a goatlike smell [adj]
Other moves: CARIOCA 13G 30, CARIOCA 13B 28, CARPI 12A 27, CIRCA 12A 27, COPRA 12A 27

On 6th draw, EYER 9H 29 --- EYER one that eyes [n]
Other tops: EYER(S) 9H 29
Other moves: EYE 9H 28, EYE(D) 9H 28, EYE(N) 9H 28, EYE(R) 9H 28, EYE(S) 9H 28

On 7th draw, ZOND(A) 12A 50 --- ZONDA a hot, dry, dusty wind [n]
Other moves: DI(T)Z L12 46, RI(T)Z L12 44, ZO 12K 39, Z(A) 12K 35, Z(E)RO 10B 35

On 8th draw, SONANTAL C8 68 --- SONANT a sound uttered with vibration of the vocal cords [adj] --- SONANTAL pertaining to a sonant [adj]
Other moves: STANZA A8 45, STANZO A8 45, AZANS A11 42, AZLON A11 42, AZONS A11 42

On 9th draw, WASH 8A 42 --- WASH to cleanse by immersing in or applying a liquid [v]
Other moves: HALLOW 15A 39, WALLAH 15A 39, GASH 8A 36, GOSH 8A 36, AGLOW 8K 35
WASH 8A 42 ftres

On 10th draw, BILGED 15A 36 --- BILGE to spring a leak [v]
Other moves: VILDE 15A 33, BRAVED 14A 32, BILGE 15A 30, GILDER 15A 30, GRAVED 14A 30
BIRD L12 18 ftres

On 11th draw, OKA 14A 30 --- OKA a Turkish unit of weight [n]
Other tops: MILK L12 30
Other moves: KA 14B 24, KI B14 24, MAKE B7 22, MAKO B7 22, MIKE L12 22

On 12th draw, JEAN B6 29 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other tops: JEAT B6 29
Other moves: JESTER K4 26, JANTEE G3 24, JINS L12 24, ENATES L4 22, AJEE 8K 21
J*W A6 13 ftres

On 13th draw, INLIERS L3 74 --- INLIER a type of rock formation [n]
Other moves: LINERS L4 22, ELSIN 8K 20, LINISH D3 18, RELISH D3 18, LEISH D4 16
LINER K5 10 ftres

On 14th draw, LIONISER 3H 68 --- LIONISER one that lionises [n]
Other moves: LIONISER 6H 62, ONLINERS 4H 60, NOISE M3 25, LIES K3 18, NEROLIS 3G 18
JOINERS 6B 16 ftres

On 15th draw, TEETO(T)UM 15H 80 --- TEETOTUM a spinning toy [n]
Other tops: ROUTEME(N) O3 80, TEE(T)OTUM 15H 80
Other moves: (P)ERMUTE O1 33, TERME(D) O1 30, TERME(R) O1 30, TERMO(R) O1 30, TURME O1 30
METE(S) 7K 7 ftres

On 16th draw, GALIOT H1 24 --- GALIOT a small galley [n]
Other moves: AGA 14M 22, AGO 14M 22, AGITA C2 21, AGRIA O1 21, TAIGA C2 21
TORA O1 15 ftres

On 17th draw, FROGEYE O2 45 --- FROGEYE a plant disease [n]
Other moves: FOGEY E4 38, FOGY E5 36, FORAY O1 36, GORY O1 36, AREFY 8K 35
FAGOT 6D 13 ftres

On 18th draw, QUATS 2F 42 --- QUAT a pimple [n]
Other moves: ASQUAT 2D 37, AQUAS 2E 36, SQUAT 2E 36, AQUA C3 35, FAAS N6 35
SQUAT 2E 36 shanice
FATS 6F 15 ftres

On 19th draw, HAPU N6 39 --- HAPU a Maori subtribe (a subdivision of an iwi) [n]
Other moves: HAP N6 38, HAT N6 34, PAH N6 34, PATH N6 32, HA N6 31
HAP N6 38 shanice
HOP 5G 8 ftres

On 20th draw, IFF 2M 30 --- IFF if and only if [conj]
Other tops: AFF 2M 30
Other moves: TUFA C3 23, VITA C3 23, FAITH D4 22, FIE N1 22, VIE N1 22
AIT 6F 5 ftres

On 21th draw, VIVA C3 29 --- VIVA a shout or cry used to express approval [n] --- VIVA to examine orally [v]
Other moves: VITA C3 23, QIVIUT F2 20, VIVO 5E 20, VIVO L12 20, VIVAT 6D 19
VAT 6F 14 ftres, shanice

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