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Game of May 24, 2012 at 15:38, 2 players
1. 265 pts ftres
2. 62 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dortwyz   H8    48    48   towzy
 2. abenosx   I7    44    92   saxe
 3. bdinoou   J6    40   132   bidon
 4. afimnrs   K2    86   218   firmans
 5. deghorv   3I    28   246   voider
 6. eeglosu   O1    32   278   gusle
 7. einotuv  12C    24   302   novity
 8. ?eelmnp   N5    70   372   emplane
 9. ahlntuw   H1    54   426   thaw
10. ?aeflru   O9    94   520   earfuls
11. abcegkl   L1    37   557   kade
12. abginpt   M9    31   588   taping
13. ddiotuu  L12    23   611   dout
14. ainoqrs   5C    23   634   norias
15. ceeilru   C7    26   660   recline
16. abdeioy   8A    48   708   obeyed
17. achijru  14B    48   756   urachi
18. aeeijot   4A    44   800   jiao

Remaining tiles: eegiqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.3346 Fileftres       0 17:23  -535  265     1.6912 GLOBEMAN    0  2:08  -738   62 
  2.6912 FileGLOBEMAN    0  2:08  -738   62            Group: not rated
                                             1.3346 ftres       0 17:23  -535  265 

On 1st draw, TOWZY H8 48 --- TOWZY shaggy [adj]
Other moves: TOWZY H4 42, TOWZY H5 40, TOWZY H6 40, TOWZY H7 40, DOZY H5 34
WORDY H8 32 ftres

On 2nd draw, SAXE I7 44 --- SAXE as in saxe blue [adj]
Other moves: AXE I8 42, BOX I7 42, EXO I8 42, ZAXES 11H 42, NOX I7 38
WAS 10H 8 ftres

On 3rd draw, BIDON J6 40 --- BIDON a container for liquids [n]
Other tops: DOB J8 40
Other moves: NOB J8 38, BOD J8 36, OBI J9 35, OBO J9 35, OB J9 34
TABOO 8H 8 ftres

On 4th draw, FIRMANS K2 86 --- FIRMAN an edict issued by a Middle Eastern sovereign [n]
Other moves: FRAIMS K3 36, FRIZ 11E 32, NAIFS K4 31, FIRMAN K2 29, FRAIM K3 29
BRAINS 6J 10 ftres

On 5th draw, VOIDER 3I 28 --- VOIDER one that voids [n]
Other tops: VORRED 4H 28
Other moves: DOVER K10 26, DRIEGH 3I 26, DROVE K10 26, GROVED 4J 26, HEDGY 12D 26
GROVED 4J 26 ftres

On 6th draw, GUSLE O1 32 --- GUSLE a musical instrument [n]
Other moves: EUSOL O1 29, OUSEL O1 29, GEEZ 11E 28, ELSE O1 26, LOSE O1 26
GORES N1 12 ftres

On 7th draw, NOVITY 12C 24 --- NOVITY innovation [n]
Other moves: ENVOY 12D 22, VEINY 12D 22, RENVOI N3 21, IRON 4J 18, OVINE N5 18
EVEN M3 7 ftres

On 8th draw, EMPL(A)NE N5 70 --- EMPLANE to put on an aeroplane [v]
Other tops: EMP(A)NEL N5 70
Other moves: EMPLON(G)E D8 63, PEM(O)LINE F7 63, EN(A)MEL H1 41, LE(A)M H1 35, LE(A)P H1 35
EVEN(T) E11 14 ftres

On 9th draw, THAW H1 54 --- THAW to melt [v]
Other moves: HWAN H1 45, WHAT H1 45, UNTHAW O10 43, WHA H1 39, THAN H1 36
HUNT C10 14 ftres

On 10th draw, EARFUL(S) O9 94 --- EARFUL as much gossip as one can stand [n]
Other moves: FEAR(F)UL M9 88, FERULA(E) M9 88, FERULA(S) M9 88, REFU(S)AL O9 88, REFU(T)AL O9 88
FEV(E)R E10 20 ftres

On 11th draw, KADE L1 37 --- KADE a wingless fly that attacks sheep [n]
Other moves: BECALL 14J 32, BEGALL 14J 30, KLANG C9 30, ALECK K10 29, BADE L1 29
BAKER 11K 22 ftres

On 12th draw, TAPING M9 31 --- TAPE to fasten with tape (a long, narrow strip or band) [v]
Other moves: BANTING C7 28, PANTING C7 28, INEPT M1 27, APTING M10 26, AGENT M1 25
PAINT F10 15 ftres

On 13th draw, DOUT L12 23 --- DOUT to extinguish [v]
Other moves: DEID M2 20, DIDO K10 20, DID K10 18, DIVOT E10 18, DOD K10 18
IDIOT F10 10 ftres

On 14th draw, NORIAS 5C 23 --- NORIA a type of waterwheel [n]
Other tops: QIS 5F 23
Other moves: AIRNS 5D 21, IRONS 5D 21, NARIS 5D 21, NOIRS 5D 21, NORIS 5D 21
RAINS C9 12 ftres

On 15th draw, RECLINE C7 26 --- RECLINE to lean or lie back [v]
Other tops: LUCERNE C7 26
Other moves: CEIL 4A 24, CIEL 4A 24, CURIET 15G 24, RELICT 15G 24, RELUCT 15G 24

On 16th draw, OBEYED 8A 48 --- OBEY to follow the commands or guidance of [v]
Other moves: BAYED 4B 39, BOYED 4B 39, OBEY 8A 39, BOYED D4 33, BAYE 4B 32
BEE 8A 15 ftres

On 17th draw, URACHI 14B 48 --- URACHUS a ligament [n]
Other moves: HAJ 4B 46, RAJ 4B 40, JA 4D 38, HAIRCUT 15F 36, JURAT 15H 36
CHAIR F2 18 ftres

On 18th draw, JIAO 4A 44 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other tops: JEAT 4A 44
Other moves: JET 4D 42, JOT 4D 42, TAJ 4B 40, JA 4D 38, JO 4D 38
JOIN C2 22 ftres

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