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Game of May 25, 2012 at 22:33, 2 players
1. 63 pts maree_dezz
2. 34 pts Gypsylady

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaeintw   H4    24    24   waite
 2. ?dgmnou   5C    72    96   gourmand
 3. aaeqstu   K4    54   150   asquat
 4. aggorty   8K    36   186   aggry
 5. ehilrst   O1    95   281   slithery
 6. ?aejltx   L1    68   349   jeux
 7. abenorw   G8    66   415   rawbone
 8. iilnost  12A    70   485   inositol
 9. deiirtz  15G   118   603   ditzier
10. aabcoos  11E    64   667   babacos
11. aehiknu   N3    45   712   kueh
12. adeelmt   B8    84   796   lamented
13. aceiopv   A4    48   844   voice
14. aeinopr  A11    38   882   piano
15. aeenruy   M8    28   910   gyrene
16. afioruv   J2    26   936   ford
17. adilnpu  F11    24   960   atap
18. efilnuv   C3    28   988   ingulf

Remaining tiles: deiov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.3275 Filemaree_dezz  0  7:51  -925   63     1.6834 Gypsylady   0  0:52  -954   34 
  2.6834 FileGypsylady   0  0:52  -954   34            Group: not rated
                                             1.3275 maree_dezz  0  7:51  -925   63 

On 1st draw, WAITE H4 24 --- WAITE to be on guard [v]
Other tops: WITAN H4 24
Other moves: ATWAIN H3 20, ATWAIN H4 20, ATWAIN H7 20, ATWAIN H8 20, ATWAIN H5 18

On 2nd draw, GOU(R)MAND 5C 72 --- GOURMAND one who loves to eat [n]
Other moves: GON(I)DIUM 6C 67, MOUNDI(N)G 6C 67, MOU(L)DING 6C 65, MOU(N)DING 6C 65, GONID(I)UM 6E 63

On 3rd draw, ASQUAT K4 54 --- ASQUAT in a squatting manner [adv]
Other moves: QUAT 4A 53, AQUAS K1 52, QUATS K1 52, QUEST K2 52, SQUAT K5 52
QUAD J2 34 Gypsylady

On 4th draw, AGGRY 8K 36 --- AGGRY describing specific glass beads [adj]
Other moves: YARTO L8 35, GOATY 4A 34, GRAY 4A 33, GROGGY C2 32, GORY L1 30

On 5th draw, SLITHERY O1 95 --- SLITHERY slippery [adj]

On 6th draw, JE(U)X L1 68 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: JAX(Y) L1 52, EXA(C)T N2 49, EX(E)AT N2 49, (E)XEAT N2 48, JEAT 4A 45

On 7th draw, RAWBONE G8 66 --- RAWBONE gaunt [adj]
Other tops: RAWBONE I8 66
Other moves: BRAWN 4A 41, RAWBONE N8 40, BRAW 4A 37, OWER N5 35, WARNER N6 34

On 8th draw, INOSITOL 12A 70 --- INOSITOL an alcohol found in plant and animal tissue [n]
Other tops: ETIOLINS 14G 70
Other moves: INOSITOL 12E 68, INOSITOL D3 68, NITINOLS 13C 68, NITINOLS 13G 68, INGOTS L6 22
GOT M8 5 maree_dezz

On 9th draw, DITZIER 15G 118 --- DITZY eccentric [adj]
Other moves: DITZ 15G 56, IODIZER D4 54, DORIZE D4 52, IODIZE D4 52, RIOTIZE D3 52
ZED 14F 33 maree_dezz

On 10th draw, BABACOS 11E 64 --- BABACO a fruit [n]
Other moves: BABACO 11E 36, ABAC N2 33, BANCOS B10 32, BABAS 11E 30, BANCO B10 30
BOAR M12 12 maree_dezz

On 11th draw, KUEH N3 45 --- KUEH a Malaysian, Indian or Chinese cake [n]
Other moves: KANEH B10 44, HANKIE B10 42, HUNKIE B10 42, HANKIE A8 39, HUNKIE A8 39
GUN M8 5 maree_dezz

On 12th draw, LAMENTED B8 84 --- LAMENT to express sorrow or regret for [v]
Other moves: MEDALET 3B 81, LAMENTED I1 79, REMATED N8 32, AMENDE B9 30, AMENED B9 30
MEAN B9 8 maree_dezz

On 13th draw, VOICE A4 48 --- VOICE to express or utter [v]
Other moves: CAVIE A4 45, CLAVE 8A 42, CLAVI 8A 42, CLOVE 8A 42, CAPE A7 38

On 14th draw, PIANO A11 38 --- PIANO a musical instrument with a keyboard [n]
Other moves: PA A14 25, PE A14 25, PI A14 25, PO A14 25, ATAP F11 24

On 15th draw, GYRENE M8 28 --- GYRENE a marine [n]
Other moves: ANGRY C3 26, YARD J2 26, YERD J2 26, ANY 4C 24, AY 4C 23

On 16th draw, FORD J2 26 --- FORD to cross by wading [v]
Other tops: FARD J2 26
Other moves: FAVOUR D2 24, FARO N11 23, FORA N11 23, AFRO C7 22, FAVOR D2 22

On 17th draw, ATAP F11 24 --- ATAP the nipa palm tree [n]
Other tops: LANGUID C2 24, PINNAL 12J 24, POUNDAL D4 24
Other moves: DIPLON D1 22, DUPION D1 22, LIGAND C3 22, UNGILD C3 22, UNGLAD C3 22

On 18th draw, INGULF C3 28 --- INGULF to swallow up completely [v]
Other tops: ENGULF C3 28
Other moves: FENI N11 23, FUEL N11 23, ENUF 12L 22, ENUF N10 22, VLEI C7 22

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