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Game of May 29, 2012 at 05:40, 1 player
1. 305 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaeemst   H4    22    22   meseta
 2. cehintt   5D   102   124   enthetic
 3. adilopr   8H    86   210   tripodal
 4. acfills   D3    78   288   icefalls
 5. abehoor   K4    86   374   acrophobe
 6. beemnox  L11    60   434   embox
 7. ?einsuw   N7    86   520   lauwines
 8. aeginop   8A    27   547   epilog
 9. ?aiorru  15F    39   586   oratrix
10. defrtuv  14A    35   621   turfed
11. aenoqrw  J10    38   659   wore
12. adeeiin  A10    27   686   nidate
13. aeiksyy  M12    38   724   aye
14. aeiklnv   L1    36   760   kiva
15. egnoqsz   2J    68   828   zeins
16. aggiotu   1L    28   856   kuia
17. dglouvy   B6    36   892   duply
18. gjnnoqt   G9    37   929   jong

Remaining tiles: gnqttv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4149 Filedenbay      0 16:33  -624  305     1.4149 denbay      0 16:33  -624  305 

On 1st draw, MESETA H4 22 --- MESETA a plateau [n]
Other tops: AMATES H3 22
Other moves: MATES H4 20, MEASE H4 20, MEATS H4 20, MEETS H4 20, METES H4 20

On 2nd draw, ENTHETIC 5D 102 --- ENTHETIC introduced from outside the body [adj]
Other moves: ENTHETIC 5H 76, ENTHETIC 7D 68, ENTHETIC 7H 65, THETIC I6 32, THEIC I6 31

On 3rd draw, TRIPODAL 8H 86 --- TRIPOD a stand having three legs [adj] --- TRIPODAL having three legs [adj]
Other moves: DIPOLAR G7 80, DIPOLAR G9 68, DIPOLAR I9 68, TRIPODAL F5 67, DIOPTRAL F1 65
PEARL D4 16 denbay

On 4th draw, ICEFALLS D3 78 --- ICEFALL a kind of frozen waterfall [n]
Other moves: CALF 4A 34, FACIES D1 30, FALCES D1 30, FISCAL 10F 30, FASCI 10F 29
FECAL D4 22 denbay

On 5th draw, ACROPHOBE K4 86 --- ACROPHOBE [n]
Other moves: BOHEA 7J 30, HABLE 8A 30, DHOORA M8 28, BATHER I3 27, BHEL 8A 27
HEAL 8A 21 denbay

On 6th draw, EMBOX L11 60 --- EMBOX to set in a box [v]
Other moves: BOXEN L10 54, BOX L10 50, EMBOX 12K 48, EXON L11 44, NOX L10 44
AXON 4K 22 denbay

On 7th draw, (L)AUWINES N7 86 --- LAUWINE an avalanche [n]
Other moves: L(A)UWINES O8 83, UNWIS(H)ED M1 74, UNTWI(N)ES F3 70, U(N)TWINES F3 70, UNWISEL(Y) O2 64
BINS 13L 12 denbay

On 8th draw, EPILOG 8A 27 --- EPILOG a concluding section [n]
Other tops: PIANO J7 27
Other moves: PANG L1 26, PEAG L1 26, PING L1 26, PONG L1 26, PAEON C7 25
GOALIE 8A 21 denbay

On 9th draw, ORA(T)RIX 15F 39 --- ORATRIX a female orator [n]
Other moves: RA(D)IX 15H 33, (B)ORAX 15H 33, (V)ARIX 15H 33, OURI(E) O11 24, (Y)OU M13 24
ROBE 11I 6 denbay

On 10th draw, TURFED 14A 35 --- TURF to cover with thick grass [v]
Other moves: FEUD L1 30, VERD L1 30, FRET 6J 28, TRUED 14B 27, DUVET 14B 26
FIVER 3C 24 denbay

On 11th draw, WORE J10 38 --- WEAR to be dressed in clothing [v]
Other tops: WORN J10 38
Other moves: AWETO A11 36, WATE A12 33, WETA A12 33, ANOW O12 31, AROW O12 31
WINE 3C 14 denbay

On 12th draw, NIDATE A10 27 --- NIDATE to become implanted in the uterus [v]
Other tops: ENDITE A10 27, INDITE A10 27
Other moves: EEN M12 26, IDEATE A10 24, NEED 13B 24, EINA 13C 23, AE M12 21
DATE A12 21 denbay

On 13th draw, AYE M12 38 --- AYE an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: KAYS L1 36, KEYS L1 36, KYES L1 36, ESKY L1 34, YAKS L1 34
YIKES 3C 26 denbay

On 14th draw, KIVA L1 36 --- KIVA an underground ceremonial chamber [n]
Other moves: KNIVED M3 32, KAIE L1 30, KAIL L1 30, KAIN L1 30, KALE L1 30
KILN 3C 16 denbay

On 15th draw, ZEINS 2J 68 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other moves: ZONES G9 46, ZONE G9 44, ZOS G9 43, ZO G9 42, ZOS 10F 41
KENS 1L 24 denbay

On 16th draw, KUIA 1L 28 --- KUIA an elderly Maori woman [n]
Other moves: AITU 13C 23, VATU 3L 20, GAGA 7C 19, GIFT D12 18, TOGA 7A 18
GIFT D12 18 denbay

On 17th draw, DUPLY B6 36 --- DUPLY to give a second reply in Scots law [v]
Other moves: PLY B8 29, PUY B8 29, YO B10 28, DRY I7 27, HOY G5 24
GUILD 3B 14 denbay

On 18th draw, JONG G9 37 --- JONG friend (Afrikaans) [n]
Other moves: JOG G9 36, JOT G9 35, JO G9 34, JIGOT 3C 28, JINGO 3C 28
JIGOT 3C 28 denbay

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