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Game sheet of susieq8182 (file), Game of May 29, 2012 at 17:53

Word find
Word played
1 ?EGHPRS             SPRE(A)GH H6 82 82  
2 AEFLOOS             SEAFLOOR 8A 95 177  
3 EINSTVW             SWIVET 13H 45 222  
4 ?AMNNPU             PAN(H)UMAN C2 80 302  
5 AACMNRT             TANGRAM 11E 40 342  
6 AEELORV             OVERLATE M7 63 405  
7 GGHLORU HOUR 10J 32 -3 32 1/2 GROUGH N2 35 440 1/2
8 DEILRTW WIDE D1 35 -46 67 1/3 TWIRLED L1 81 521 1/3
9 ABCINOR COB B1 26 -69 93 2/3 CORBINAS A1 95 616 1/3
10 AEFLOOT FEAR 10J 32   125 1/3       648 1/3
11 BEIJOTT JETE L12 44 -10 169 1/4 JOBE D1 54 702 1/4
12 EIIOOTY YE(A) 10F 28 -19 197 1/3 TOEY O1 47 749 1/4
13 ADENQSU QUAD K3 48 -6 245 2/3 QUENAS 12A 54 803 1/4
14 AEIIOTZ             ZE(A) 10F 65 868 1/4
15 CDLOTTU             QUOD A12 42 910 2/5
16 DIINTXY             YUNX B11 48 958 2/5
17 ACEIIKL             LAKE E2 33 991 2/5
18 CDIIIIT             OXIDIC 14A 22 1013 2/5
19 DIIIITT             DITTIT 1G 21 1034 2/5

Total: 245/1034 or -789 for 23.69%
Rank: 7026

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