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Game of May 29, 2012 at 20:11, 3 players
1. 338 pts dannyboy
2. 51 pts mj880
3. 40 pts primrose

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adefitt   H4    28    28   fiated
 2. aaceloy   4D    28    56   calefy
 3. degiorr   5E    29    85   gorier
 4. ?aahooo   3I    35   120   haoma
 5. aaelnrs   N1    76   196   arsenal
 6. ?abdegt   L1    78   274   gambited
 7. fimorst   O4    55   329   motifs
 8. cdeoruu   K7    76   405   douceur
 9. aimnosv   1E    92   497   vamosing
10. bgiopst   2F    31   528   bop
11. eiipruu   6D    26   554   rep
12. aegiinw   N9    38   592   aweing
13. ehiklnu  O12    35   627   neuk
14. ehijoot  M12    34   661   jo
15. einrtty   O1    32   693   ye
16. ehilnqu   D6    25   718   requin
17. hiilstw  12A    62   780   whist
18. eilnrtx  J12    31   811   next
19. dilortv  15F    27   838   divot
20. iillrtz  10C    33   871   ritz

Remaining tiles: iill

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6902 Filedannyboy    4  8:45  -533  338     1.6902 dannyboy    4  8:45  -533  338 
  2.5205 Filemj880       0  3:45  -820   51            Group: novice
  3.3922 Fileprimrose    0  3:34  -831   40     1.5205 mj880       0  3:45  -820   51 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3922 primrose    0  3:34  -831   40 

On 1st draw, FIATED H4 28 --- FIAT to sanction [v]
Other tops: FATTED H4 28, FITTED H4 28
Other moves: FATED H4 26, FETID H4 26, DAFTIE H4 24, FATTED H7 24, FETTA H4 24
FITTE H4 24 mj880
FADE H7 16 primrose

On 2nd draw, CALEFY 4D 28 --- CALEFY to make warm [v]
Other moves: COALY 6F 24, COLY G3 24, COALA G3 23, YALE I6 23, FAECAL 4H 22
CLAY 6F 15 primrose
LADY 9F 13 mj880

On 3rd draw, GORIER 5E 29 --- GORY bloody [adj]
Other moves: RORIE 5E 23, DERIG G6 21, DERIG I6 21, GORED I6 21, GORIER I6 21

On 4th draw, HAO(M)A 3I 35 --- HAOMA a drink used in Zoroastrian ritual [n]
Other tops: HOO(K)A 3I 35
Other moves: A(C)HOO 3I 23, A(L)OHA 3I 23, A(R)OHA 3I 23, HAA(F) 3I 23, HAA(R) 3I 23
OH I7 14 mj880
HOOD 9E 9 primrose

On 5th draw, ARSENAL N1 76 --- ARSENAL a collection or supply of weapons [n]
Other moves: ARSENAL G9 63, ARSENAL I9 63, ADRENALS 9G 62, ASTERNAL 7F 61, AREAS 6E 29

On 6th draw, GA(M)B(I)TED L1 78 --- GAMBIT to sacrifice in order to gain [v]
Other moves: AB(R)ADE 6E 48, DEBAG O4 46, DEBAG(S) O4 46, DEBAT(E) O4 43, DEB(A)G O4 42

On 7th draw, MOTIFS O4 55 --- MOTIF a recurring thematic element in an artistic work [n]
Other moves: MOTIF O4 52, MOTIS O4 43, MOTIFS O6 39, FOGRAM 1J 36, MOTIF O6 36

On 8th draw, DOUCEUR K7 76 --- DOUCEUR a gratuity [n]
Other moves: DOUCEUR G8 69, DOUCEUR I8 69, OREAD 6E 31, CORED 6B 30, COUGUAR 1I 30

On 9th draw, VAMOSING 1E 92 --- VAMOSE to leave quickly [v]
Other moves: AMOVING 1F 39, AVIONS N9 36, MOVING 1G 36, AMNIOS N9 30, AVIONS M8 30
MOA 2J 23 dannyboy

On 10th draw, BOP 2F 31 --- BOP to dance to pop music [v]
Other moves: BIGOTS 14F 28, BOP 6D 28, SPIGOT M8 28, BIO 2F 27, BIS 2F 27
BOP 2F 31 dannyboy

On 11th draw, REP 6D 26 --- REP a cross-ribbed fabric [n] --- REP to act as a commercial representative [v]
Other moves: PEA 6F 25, PERI L12 24, EURIPI M8 22, EURIPI N9 22, PURIRI 13I 22
REP 6D 26 dannyboy

On 12th draw, AWEING N9 38 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other moves: AWEING M8 32, WE O1 32, WARING 13I 28, WIRING 13I 28, AWEING G7 24
WE O1 32 dannyboy

On 13th draw, NEUK O12 35 --- NEUK a corner [n]
Other moves: HE O1 32, NEUK L12 32, HEIL L12 28, HENLIKE 11E 28, HUNKIE 12J 28
HE O1 32 dannyboy

On 14th draw, JO M12 34 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: HE O1 32, HOOT M9 31, HEROINE 13I 28, HOE M9 27, HOO M9 27
JO M12 34 dannyboy

On 15th draw, YE O1 32 --- YE you [pron]
Other moves: NETTY 7E 24, NITERY G8 20, NITERY I8 20, YITTEN G8 20, ANE 6H 19
YE O1 32 dannyboy

On 16th draw, REQUIN D6 25 --- REQUIN a voracious shark [n]
Other tops: EQUINE 8C 25
Other moves: QUINE 8D 24, EH M8 23, ANE 6H 19, HEIL G8 17, HEIL I8 17

On 17th draw, WHIST 12A 62 --- WHIST to hush [v]
Other tops: SWITH 12D 62
Other moves: HITS 12A 54, WISHT 12B 54, WITS 12A 54, WISH 12B 52, IWIS 12A 48
WITS 12A 54 dannyboy

On 18th draw, NEXT J12 31 --- NEXT coming immediately after; adjoining [adj] --- NEXT the person or thing that comes immediately after [n]
Other moves: EXIT I7 29, NIXER 11D 28, EX J13 27, HEX B12 26, NEXT 11D 26
HEX B12 26 dannyboy

On 19th draw, DIVOT 15F 27 --- DIVOT a piece of turf [n]
Other moves: TWIRL A11 24, VOLTI 15G 24, WILD A12 24, WOLD A12 24, WORD A12 24
WORD A12 24 dannyboy

On 20th draw, RITZ 10C 33 --- RITZ pretentious display [n]
Other moves: TWILL A11 24, TWIRL A11 24, ZAS 9M 22, WILI A12 21, WILL A12 21
TWILL A11 24 dannyboy

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