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Game of June 1, 2012 at 04:15, 2 players
1. 247 pts susieq8182
2. 22 pts DeeWahl

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aiimot   H2    72    72   comitia
 2. afilprs   9C    27    99   pilafs
 3. acddhiw  10D    33   132   daw
 4. aelmoqs   6F    33   165   qats
 5. ?aeegiu  11F    70   235   eugarie
 6. acdimoy  12A    42   277   cymoid
 7. beehint   A6    42   319   benthic
 8. aaknrst   M5    71   390   kantars
 9. adeinuu   N6    29   419   daine
10. ceeortu   O8    39   458   cete
11. beehlot   2F    70   528   beclothe
12. eegortu   1L    26   554   urge
13. aenorux   3F    39   593   oxo
14. ginotuw   7F    30   623   iwi
15. aelortv   1A    98   721   levator
16. efinrsu   K7    61   782   unifiers
17. glnoopr  14D    67   849   prolongs
18. ejnoryz  15A    47   896   zero

Remaining tiles: djnuvy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7353 Filesusieq8182  0 11:10  -649  247     1.7353 susieq8182  0 11:10  -649  247 
  2.  -  FileDeeWahl     0  1:51  -874   22            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  DeeWahl     0  1:51  -874   22 

On 1st draw, (C)OMITIA H2 72 --- COMITIA a public assembly in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: (C)OMITIA H3 68, (C)OMITIA H6 68, (C)OMITIA H7 68, (C)OMITIA H8 68, (C)OMITIA H4 66

On 2nd draw, PILAFS 9C 27 --- PILAF a dish made of seasoned rice and often meat [n]
Other tops: PILAFS G5 27
Other moves: FAP I7 26, FLAPS I7 26, FLIPS I7 26, FRAPS I7 26, PILAF G5 26

On 3rd draw, DAW 10D 33 --- DAW to dawn [v]
Other tops: DAH 10D 33
Other moves: HA 10F 31, WHA G3 31, WADI G3 30, WADI I3 30, WATCH 6F 29

On 4th draw, QATS 6F 33 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: LOMAS 8B 32, QAT 6F 32, MALES 11E 30, MEALS 11E 30, MELAS 11E 30

On 5th draw, EUGA(R)IE 11F 70 --- EUGARIE Queensland name for the pipi shellfish [n]
Other tops: EUGE(N)IA 11F 70
Other moves: E(Q)UIPAGE C5 69, EU(L)OGIAE 3E 60, GA(L)EAE 8D 28, GA(T)EAU 8D 28, (L)IEGE 11B 28

On 6th draw, CYMOID 12A 42 --- CYMOID resembling a cyma [adj]
Other moves: G*Y*M H11 36, COMEDY L8 34, DAIMIO 7D 34, DOMY 12L 34, IDIOCY 7F 34
AMID 12C 22 DeeWahl

On 7th draw, BENTHIC A6 42 --- BENTHIC pertaining to the ocean depths [adj]
Other tops: BITCHEN A9 42, HEBETIC A6 42
Other moves: BENTHI(C) 2B 38, BETH 12I 35, THEBE 12K 34, CHIB A12 33, ETHNIC A7 33

On 8th draw, KANTARS M5 71 --- KANTAR a unit of weight [n]
Other moves: KAS 8D 37, KAT 8D 37, KATAS G3 35, SNARK 12K 34, STANK 12K 34
SKAT M11 24 susieq8182

On 9th draw, DAINE N6 29 --- DAINE to condescend [v]
Other moves: IDEA N5 26, NUDIE N2 26, AID 13B 24, AIDE N4 24, DAUTIE 8J 24
NIDE N4 24 susieq8182

On 10th draw, CETE O8 39 --- CETE a group of badgers [n]
Other moves: CEE O8 36, COTE O5 34, COUTER O10 32, CROUTE O10 32, TEC O8 32
CEE O8 36 susieq8182

On 11th draw, BE(C)LOTHE 2F 70 --- BECLOTHE to put clothes on [v]
Other moves: BELAH G3 39, BETH 12I 35, BETHEL B2 34, BEHOTE B1 32, BOTHOLE 3G 32
BETH 12I 35 susieq8182

On 12th draw, URGE 1L 26 --- URGE to drive forward [v]
Other tops: ERGO 1L 26
Other moves: EURO 13B 25, GORGE H11 24, GOUGE H11 24, GREGE H11 24, GREGO H11 24
TEE L10 10 susieq8182

On 13th draw, OXO 3F 39 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other tops: EXO 13C 39, EXO 3F 39
Other moves: OX 12K 38, XU 3M 38, AX 13C 35, EX 13C 35, OX 13C 35
XU 3M 38 susieq8182

On 14th draw, IWI 7F 30 --- IWI a large Maori tribe (sometimes the whole Maori nation) [n]
Other tops: OUTWIN B2 30
Other moves: GNOW 1D 28, TEWING L10 28, TOWING 4A 28, WONGI B2 28, OWN 13C 27
WIG 3M 26 susieq8182

On 15th draw, LEVATOR 1A 98 --- LEVATOR a muscle that raises an organ or part [n]
Other moves: LEVATOR B1 82, VARLET 4A 31, GALVO H11 30, GAVEL H11 30, GAVOT H11 30
TRAVEL B2 30 susieq8182

On 16th draw, UNIFIERS K7 61 --- UNIFIER one that unifies [n]
Other moves: ENFIRES B1 32, FINERS 4A 32, FURIES 4A 32, FENKS 5J 31, FINKS 5J 31
FIN 3M 24 susieq8182

On 17th draw, PROLONGS 14D 67 --- PROLONG to lengthen in duration [v]
Other moves: GLOOP H11 27, OOP 13B 27, PO(R)NO J9 23, GO(R)P J9 22, OON 13B 21

On 18th draw, ZERO 15A 47 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other tops: ZONE 15A 47
Other moves: ENJOYER B1 46, ZO 3M 46, GYRON H11 39, JOY H13 39, JOEY B3 37

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