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Game sheet of kellybelly (file), Game of June 1, 2012 at 05:45

Word find
Word played
1 ?ILORTZ             ZORIL H4 48 48  
2 DEGNOTV             DEVOTING 7C 67 115  
3 ?EGOOST             GOO(I)EST 9C 76 191  
4 AEELMRT             REAM 8A 40 231  
5 AEORSVW             AVOWERS 10I 75 306  
6 ADDEMTU             AMUSED O7 33 339  
7 AEHNPRW HARE 6F 32 -2 32 1/1 PEH 11K 34 373 1/1
8 ?ABENNR BREN(S) 12I 34 -52 66 1/1 BARONNE(S) 5E 86 459 1/1
9 ACEEILS CEES 12J 35 -48 101 1/2 ESCALIER A1 83 542 1/2
10 AEIJORT JOTA(S) L1 38 -58 139 1/1 JARO(S)ITE L1 96 638 1/2
11 ADEKLNT JAKE 1L 45   184 1/1       683 1/2
12 ABHINTW AHA 2L 29 -30 213 1/1 BHAWAN 2J 59 742 1/2
13 ADIPTUY RAY 3L 34 -7 247 1/1 PITY 12I 41 783 1/2
14 AFGNQTU QUA 1H 40   287 1/1       823 1/2
15 DEIINOT RET 3L 25 -43 312 1/1 TENIOID 13D 68 891 1/2
16 CFILSTU FLUS 12A 26 -11 338 1/2 SIFT 10D 37 928 1/2
17 CDGLNOU CLOUD 12A 29   367 1/2       957 1/3
18 GILNRUX CRUX A12 39   406 1/1       996 1/3
19 FGIILNY FY 14E 36 -8 442 1/1 SIGNIFY 2A 44 1040 1/3

Total: 442/1040 or -598 for 42.50%
Rank: 7201

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