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Game of June 5, 2012 at 01:20, 3 players
1. 606 pts musdrive
2. 401 pts paulineasb
3. 211 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeknpst   H4    32    32   keeps
 2. ?alorrs   5E    78   110   releasor
 3. ?adeimy   8A   101   211   midyears
 4. aeloott   9B    25   236   tootle
 5. aadnory  10F    72   308   anyroad
 6. aegnotx   6D    52   360   tex
 7. adfinuw  11K    33   393   waif
 8. efiilst   N9    42   435   iffiest
 9. bdeeprw  12H    48   483   bedew
10. aeiinnr   8J    35   518   ranine
11. aeinouv  15K    36   554   ovate
12. aeiopqs   4D    36   590   qis
13. agilnuz   4K    41   631   zag
14. accehnr  13C    93   724   chancer
15. dinottu   H1    42   766   outkeeps
16. gimnnor   2F    69   835   mourning
17. ellotuv   1A    34   869   volute
18. bdhijpu  E11    34   903   bhaji
19. dgilpuu  15D    27   930   lipid

Remaining tiles: guu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7540 Filemusdrive    7 19:35  -324  606     1.7540 musdrive    7 19:35  -324  606 
  2.5387 Filepaulineasb  1 21:05  -529  401            Group: novice
  3.5829 Filetonikay     2 10:08  -719  211     1.5387 paulineasb  1 21:05  -529  401 
                                             2.5829 tonikay     2 10:08  -719  211 

On 1st draw, KEEPS H4 32 --- KEEP to retain in ones possession [v]
Other moves: KENTES H4 30, KEENS H4 28, KEETS H4 28, KENTE H4 28, KENTS H4 28
KEEPS H4 32 musdrive, tonikay

On 2nd draw, R(E)LEASOR 5E 78 --- RELEASOR one who releases [n]
Other tops: ROSE(O)LAR 5E 78, R(O)SEOLAR 5E 78
Other moves: LA(B)ORERS 5C 64, REAL(T)ORS 5G 64, RELA(T)ORS 5G 64, REL(E)ASOR 5G 64, RES(T)ORAL 5G 64
KOAL(A)S 4H 18 musdrive

On 3rd draw, MIDYEA(R)S 8A 101 --- MIDYEAR in the middle of the year [n]
Other moves: DAY(T)IMES 8A 89, DREAMI(L)Y L4 82, DAIRYME(N) L2 78, (H)YDREMIA L2 78, DREAMI(L)Y E4 76
MAD(L)Y 4K 36 musdrive
DREAMY L4 30 paulineasb
MADE 4K 22 tonikay

On 4th draw, TOOTLE 9B 25 --- TOOTLE to toot softly and repeatedly [v]
Other moves: TOETOE 6F 23, OLEA 7A 20, OLEO 7A 20, LATTE 4K 18, LEAT 7B 18
TOTAL 4K 18 musdrive, paulineasb
LOOT 7B 18 tonikay

On 5th draw, ANYROAD 10F 72 --- ANYROAD anyway [adv]
Other moves: DARRAYN L3 30, ADRY 4L 28, DAYAN 4K 27, ANYROAD L2 26, DRONY L4 26
YARD 4K 25 musdrive
RAY 10A 20 tonikay
YARDS J1 11 paulineasb

On 6th draw, TEX 6D 52 --- TEX a unit of linear density of yarn, 1 gm per kilometre [n]
Other moves: EX 6E 51, EXON 11J 45, OXEN 11J 45, EXO 11J 43, EX 11J 38
TEX 6D 52 musdrive
T(E)X F4 25 paulineasb
(E)X F5 24 tonikay

On 7th draw, WAIF 11K 33 --- WAIF to throw away [v]
Other tops: FAW 4D 33, WAKF 4F 33
Other moves: WAIF 11J 32, FAWN 10A 30, DAW 4D 29, FUNDI 4A 29, WADI 11K 29
FAW 4D 33 musdrive, tonikay
FAWN K9 20 paulineasb

On 8th draw, IFFIEST N9 42 --- IFFY full of uncertainty [adj]
Other tops: FLIEST 12H 42
Other moves: FILETS O7 41, FLIEST O7 41, FLITES O8 41, ITSELF O10 41, STIFLE O10 41
FLIEST O7 41 musdrive
FELTS O7 35 tonikay, paulineasb

On 9th draw, BEDEW 12H 48 --- BEDEW to cover with dew [v]
Other tops: BREWED O4 48
Other moves: DWEEB 12H 44, BREWED 4A 43, BREWED 12G 42, BEDEW 4K 38, BREED 12H 38
BREWED O4 48 paulineasb
BREWED 12G 42 musdrive
WEED O6 27 tonikay

On 10th draw, RANINE 8J 35 --- RANINE of the underside of the tongue [adj]
Other tops: NARINE 8J 35
Other moves: INANE 8K 32, RAINE 8K 32, AINE 8L 29, EINA 8L 29, NANE 8L 29
NINE 8L 29 paulineasb
INNATE 15J 21 musdrive

On 11th draw, OVATE 15K 36 --- OVATE egg-shaped [adj] --- OVATE to receive with an ovation [v]
Other moves: VATU 15L 33, VETO 15L 33, VITA 15L 33, VITE 15L 33, VOTE 15L 33
OVATE 15K 36 musdrive
VOTE 15L 33 paulineasb

On 12th draw, QIS 4D 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: APSE 7L 35, APSO 7L 35, QI 14J 33, OPS 7L 32, QIS M3 32
QIS 4D 36 musdrive
QIS M7 26 paulineasb

On 13th draw, ZAG 4K 41 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: GLITZ B6 39, ZA 4K 37, NAZI 14H 35, DOZING C8 34, ZAGS J2 34
ZAG 4K 41 musdrive
ZIGS J2 34 paulineasb

On 14th draw, CHANCER 13C 93 --- CHANCER an opportunist [n]
Other moves: CHANCRE 13B 84, HAEN 6J 43, HAE 6J 42, HA 6J 38, HAEN 13I 38
HAEN 6J 43 musdrive
CHIT B6 15 paulineasb

On 15th draw, OUTKEEPS H1 42 --- OUTKEEP to surpass in keeping [v]
Other moves: DOUN 3K 32, DOUT 3K 32, TOD 6J 26, TOT 6J 24, UDO 12D 23
THUD D12 20 musdrive
BENT H12 18 paulineasb

On 16th draw, MOURNING 2F 69 --- MOURNING an outward sign of grief [n]
Other moves: INNOVATE 15H 33, BERM H12 24, GRIM 14H 22, MIGNON 11A 22, OM 12D 22
OM 6K 21 musdrive
BERG H12 21 paulineasb

On 17th draw, VOLUTE 1A 34 --- VOLUTE a spiral architectural ornament [n]
Other moves: LEVO 14H 25, LEVO 6K 24, OLE 6J 24, TOE 6J 24, VOLET 11C 23
VOLUTE 1A 34 musdrive
BELT H12 18 paulineasb

On 18th draw, BHAJI E11 34 --- BHAJI in Indian cookery, an appetizer [n]
Other moves: JIB 7K 33, HIP 2B 32, EDH 6H 31, JIB M7 30, JUD 7K 29
HIP 2B 32 musdrive
JUPE O5 13 paulineasb

On 19th draw, LIPID 15D 27 --- LIPID any of a class of fatty substances [n]
Other moves: PIG 2B 25, DIP 2B 24, BEDU H12 21, DIG 2B 21, DIP 7K 21
PIG 2B 25 musdrive
CUP C13 7 paulineasb

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