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Game of June 5, 2012 at 03:39, 3 players
1. 474 pts Zweep
2. 226 pts kellybelly
3. 55 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiossw   H4    24    24   wises
 2. ?deellm   4C    76   100   mellowed
 3. ehijprs   3I    38   138   pisher
 4. eeehnot   2J    36   174   hoe
 5. aaeeort   1K    28   202   orate
 6. abikmoz   3A    50   252   zimb
 7. aadiloy   A1    63   315   dozy
 8. aaeeopy   5G    28   343   yipe
 9. abeinor   1A    86   429   debonair
10. aennotw   2F    31   460   woe
11. eilnotu   E4    82   542   luteolin
12. adgirtu  11D    70   612   antidrug
13. aadennt   8A    27   639   tendon
14. aacelrt   B5    64   703   lacerate
15. ?aaafgn  A12    45   748   fang
16. afginrx  10I    52   800   ax
17. ?jqstuv   K5    46   846   squat
18. aiiknov   8K    33   879   avion
19. acgiior  H11    27   906   daric
20. afgikov  D10    28   934   kava

Remaining tiles: fgijou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6482 FileZweep       4 18:09  -460  474     1.7485 kellybelly  4  5:40  -708  226 
  2.7485 Filekellybelly  4  5:40  -708  226            Group: intermediate
  3.6563 Fileannelhynz   2  2:31  -879   55     1.6482 Zweep       4 18:09  -460  474 
                                             2.6563 annelhynz   2  2:31  -879   55 

On 1st draw, WISES H4 24 --- WISE to become aware or informed [v]
Other tops: WASES H4 24
Other moves: SOWSE H4 18, SOWSE H8 18, SWIES H4 18, SWIES H8 18, WASES H8 18
WISES H4 24 annelhynz

On 2nd draw, MELL(O)WED 4C 76 --- MELLOW to make or become mellow [v]
Other moves: IM(P)ELLED 5H 70, MILLE(P)ED 5G 70, DELIME(D) 5E 36, DELIME(S) 5E 36, EM(A)ILED 5E 36

On 3rd draw, PISHER 3I 38 --- PISHER a young or inexperienced person [n]
Other tops: PERISH 3I 38
Other moves: HEIRS 3I 36, HIRES 3I 36, JIMPER C2 36, R(O)SEHIP G3 34, JEDIS J2 31

On 4th draw, HOE 2J 36 --- HOE to use a hoe (a gardening tool) [v]
Other moves: NOH 2H 34, OH 2I 33, TEENE 2J 33, THEE 3B 32, ETHE 3A 30
HOE 2J 36 Zweep

On 5th draw, ORATE 1K 28 --- ORATE to speak formally [v]
Other moves: AMREETA C3 22, AREA 3C 22, AREAE 3A 22, ARETE 3A 22, ORATE 3A 22
ORATE 3A 22 Zweep

On 6th draw, ZIMB 3A 50 --- ZIMB an Ethiopian insect [n]
Other moves: KAZIS 6D 38, BIZ G7 36, MIZ G7 36, MIZ I7 36, MOZ G7 36
ZAS 6F 32 Zweep

On 7th draw, DOZY A1 63 --- DOZY drowsy [adj]
Other moves: DOZILY A1 60, LAZY A1 60, LAZO A1 42, ADZ A1 39, DAILY E1 36
LAZY A1 60 Zweep

On 8th draw, YIPE 5G 28 --- YIPE used to express fear or surprise [interj]
Other moves: APAY G6 27, PAYEE G7 26, YAP G7 26, YEP G7 26, PALAY F2 24
YIPE 5G 28 Zweep

On 9th draw, DEBONAIR 1A 86 --- DEBONAIR suave [adj]
Other moves: BARONIES 8A 83, SEAROBIN 8H 83, BARONIES 6A 69, BAILER E1 34, BAILOR E1 34
ROBIN 6J 22 Zweep

On 10th draw, WOE 2F 31 --- WOE tremendous grief [n]
Other tops: AWN 2E 31, EWT 2E 31, OWN 2E 31, OWT 2E 31
Other moves: AW 2E 28, OW 2E 28, WO 2F 28, WANTON G7 25, NEWTON 9E 23
OWN 2E 31 Zweep
WOE 2F 31 annelhynz

On 11th draw, LUTEOLIN E4 82 --- LUTEOLIN a yellow pigment [n]
Other moves: ELUTIONS 8A 77, OUTLINES 8A 77, ELUTION 9E 68, OUTLINE 9F 68, OUTLINES 6A 67
HIDEOUT J2 13 Zweep

On 12th draw, ANTIDRUG 11D 70 --- ANTIDRUG opposed to illicit drugs [adj]
Other moves: BEGIRD D3 24, DARG 6J 24, DRAG 6J 24, DRUG 6J 24, TARDO 8A 24
DART F10 18 Zweep

On 13th draw, TENDON 8A 27 --- TENDON a band of tough, fibrous tissue [n]
Other tops: ANDANTE F6 27
Other moves: ADNATE H10 24, DANTON 8A 24, DATED H11 24, DANT 6J 23, DATA 6J 23
ADNATE H10 24 Zweep

On 14th draw, LACERATE B5 64 --- LACERATE to tear roughly [v]
Other moves: DECAL H11 27, LACTEAL 9E 24, RECTAL 6J 23, CARE 12A 22, CARL 12A 22
RACE 6J 19 Zweep

On 15th draw, FANG A12 45 --- FANG a long, pointed tooth [n] --- FANG to seize [v]
Other moves: AFA(R)A A11 44, FAAN A12 42, FAG(S) A12 42, FA(N)G A12 42, F(A)NG A12 42
FANG A12 45 kellybelly, Zweep

On 16th draw, AX 10I 52 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: FIX I7 36, XI I7 36, GUANXI J10 34, AX 2N 33, AXING D11 30
AX 10I 52 kellybelly
XI I7 36 Zweep

On 17th draw, SQU(A)T K5 46 --- SQUAT short and thick [adj] --- SQUAT to sit on one's heels [v]
Other tops: SQU(I)T K5 46
Other moves: SUQ K5 44, SUQ(S) K5 44, S(U)Q K5 42, (S)UQS K5 42, (S)UQ K5 40
SUQ K5 44 kellybelly
QATS D10 37 Zweep

On 18th draw, (A)VION 8K 33 --- AVION an aeroplane [n]
Other tops: (A)VIAN 8K 33
Other moves: DIVAN H11 30, KAVA D10 28, INIA L6 22, KAIN D10 22, KANA D10 22
DIVAN H11 30 kellybelly
IN L6 15 Zweep

On 19th draw, DARIC H11 27 --- DARIC an ancient Persian coin [n]
Other tops: DORIC H11 27, DRACO H11 27
Other moves: ORGIC 12K 25, FEAR 12A 18, BEGIRD D3 17, GAIR C12 17, GARI C12 17
DORIC H11 27 kellybelly
CARGO I9 12 Zweep

On 20th draw, KAVA D10 28 --- KAVA a tropical shrub [n]
Other tops: KAIF D10 28
Other moves: KOA 7M 27, KOI 7M 27, KAF D10 26, KAGO D10 24, KI 7M 24
KAIF D10 28 kellybelly
KI 7M 24 Zweep

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