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Game of June 8, 2012 at 02:23, 1 player
1. 356 pts Zweep

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abdeory   H3    32    32   byroad
 2. ?gimort   5E    90   122   migrator
 3. ?adettt   L2    68   190   titrated
 4. aeiltxy   M8    40   230   laxity
 5. eiopsuu  L11    29   259   pious
 6. aeghmnv   2J    38   297   hetman
 7. eilpruw   1G    37   334   wiper
 8. aegjnqw   G7    45   379   jaw
 9. fhklosu   I7    44   423   kohls
10. aeeflqs   6C    32   455   alef
11. aceilsv  10A    80   535   clavies
12. einqruv   4A    67   602   quiver
13. abefgnr   A8    33   635   facer
14. degnotz   1N    50   685   zo
15. aeeiist  15E    74   759   aseities
16. deggnor  14B    29   788   groned
17. eeginou   N9    27   815   gun
18. bcdeino   2B    39   854   bodice

Remaining tiles: ennnou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6483 FileZweep       2  9:07  -498  356     1.6483 Zweep       2  9:07  -498  356 

On 1st draw, BYROAD H3 32 --- BYROAD a side road [n]
Other tops: BEARDY H7 32, BREADY H7 32, REBODY H7 32, REDBAY H7 32
Other moves: BARDY H8 30, BEADY H8 30, BEARDY H4 30, BOYARD H4 30, BRAYED H4 30

On 2nd draw, MIGR(A)TOR 5E 90 --- MIGRATOR one who migrates [n]
Other moves: MIGR(A)TOR 5A 70, MOTORI(N)G 6G 66, MOTORI(N)G 6E 64, MIGRATO(R) 7D 62, MIG(R)ATOR 7D 61

On 3rd draw, T(I)TRATED L2 68 --- TITRATE to determine the strength of a solution by adding a reagent until a desired reaction occurs [v]
Other tops: ATTR(I)TED L2 68
Other moves: TATT(L)ED G7 67, TATT(L)ED I7 67, ATTIT(U)DE F2 62, ATT(R)ITED F1 62, ATT(U)ITED F1 62

On 4th draw, LAXITY M8 40 --- LAXITY the state of being lax [n]
Other moves: YEX 4D 39, LATEX 4B 37, XI I7 37, YEX G7 37, YEX I7 37

On 5th draw, PIOUS L11 29 --- PIOUS marked by religious reverence [adj]
Other tops: PISE N9 29, PISO N9 29
Other moves: POTSIE 2J 28, PUTOIS 2J 28, SOUP L12 27, PIS N9 26, POTES 2J 26

On 6th draw, HETMAN 2J 38 --- HETMAN a Cossack leader [n]
Other tops: VATMEN 2J 38
Other moves: HAVENS 15G 36, VEHM 4C 35, HAVES 15H 33, HELVE 8K 33, MANEH 4A 33

On 7th draw, WIPER 1G 37 --- WIPER one that wipes [n]
Other tops: PLEW 1H 37
Other moves: WIPERS 15G 33, WIPE 1G 32, WURLIE 1E 32, PULIER 1F 31, PLEWS 15H 30

On 8th draw, JAW G7 45 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other tops: J*W G7 45
Other moves: JA 1N 42, JAG G7 41, JANE G7 40, JEAN G7 40, GNAWN O1 39
JAW G7 45 Zweep

On 9th draw, KOHLS I7 44 --- KOHL a type of eye makeup [n]
Other moves: KOHL I7 43, FLOSH 4A 37, FLUSH 4A 37, (A)UKS I5 37, FLOUSH 15H 36
HULKS 15H 36 Zweep

On 10th draw, ALEF 6C 32 --- ALEF a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: LEAF 6C 32
Other moves: ALEFS 10C 30, EF 6E 30, LEAFS 10C 30, ALEFS H11 29, ALFS 10D 29
FA 1N 26 Zweep

On 11th draw, CLAVIES 10A 80 --- CLAVIE a tar barrel burnt for luck [n]
Other moves: SCLAVE 2B 43, CALVES 4A 39, CAVIES 4A 39, CLAVES 4A 39, INCAVES O1 39
CAVILS 15G 33 Zweep

On 12th draw, QUIVER 4A 67 --- QUIVER to shake with a slight but rapid motion [v]
Other moves: QUIVERS 15F 57, CINQUE A10 54, CIRQUE A10 54, QUINE 4A 53, QUIRE 4A 53
QUIVERS 15F 57 Zweep

On 13th draw, FACER A8 33 --- FACER one that faces [n]
Other moves: BANGERS 15F 30, BARFS 15H 30, FARCE A7 30, FAVER D8 30, FRABS 15H 30
FRAGS 15H 27 Zweep

On 14th draw, ZO 1N 50 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: DOZENS 15G 48, ZANTE C9 48, DOZES 15H 45, TOZES 15H 42, ZONES 15H 42
ZO 1N 50 Zweep

On 15th draw, ASEITIES 15E 74 --- ASEITY self-origination [n]
Other moves: ITAS N10 31, T(I)ES 3K 29, TAES J5 26, TEES J5 26, TIES J5 26
SIT N9 25 Zweep

On 16th draw, GRONED 14B 29 --- GRONE to utter a low mournful sound [v]
Other moves: DONG D12 28, DREG D12 28, GONG D12 28, GROG D12 28, NOGG D12 28
ZAGGED N1 22 Zweep

On 17th draw, GUN N9 27 --- GUN to shoot with a gun (a portable firearm) [v]
Other tops: GIE N9 27, GIN N9 27, GUE N9 27
Other moves: NIE N9 25, GIVEN D8 22, UG N10 22, GI N9 21, GU N9 21
VEG D10 14 Zweep

On 18th draw, BODICE 2B 39 --- BODICE a corset [n]
Other moves: BOVID D8 28, COVED D8 28, CONDIE 2B 27, DECO O6 27, BANDORE C9 26
DINO O6 21 Zweep

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