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Game of June 9, 2012 at 09:27, 3 players
1. 231 pts argomearns
2. 211 pts gmills0
3. 92 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?beiors   H3    72    72   ebriose
 2. enortvw   3F    86   158   overwent
 3. aceipty   5E   110   268   apyretic
 4. ?aacdqu   E5    88   356   aquacade
 5. ilnrtuy   2B    45   401   linty
 6. iorsstz  13B    52   453   zoists
 7. beikrtu   8A    48   501   burka
 8. ademrsu   I9    66   567   remudas
 9. eefhlou  14A    49   616   houf
10. adeegnt  15A    39   655   eat
11. aeegnop   1A    33   688   gape
12. adiiloo  15I    27   715   sialoid
13. aeglorv   O8    95   810   overglad
14. deehiwx   J8    62   872   wexe
15. efhimot   G7    40   912   heft
16. eeinnor   K9    38   950   ronin
17. adeilno  L10    35   985   node
18. egiilmn   3A    31  1016   meng

Remaining tiles: aiijl

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6652 Fileargomearns  1 10:43  -785  231     1.6652 argomearns  1 10:43  -785  231 
  2.5178 Filegmills0     0 10:37  -805  211     2.6445 annelhynz   0  4:08  -924   92 
  3.6445 Fileannelhynz   0  4:08  -924   92            Group: novice
                                             1.5178 gmills0     0 10:37  -805  211 

On 1st draw, (E)BRIOSE H3 72 --- EBRIOSE drunk [adj]
Other tops: BOI(L)ERS H4 72, BORI(D)ES H4 72, BOS(K)IER H4 72, BOS(S)IER H4 72, BO(S)SIER H4 72, BO(U)SIER H4 72, BO(Y)SIER H4 72, BRO(M)ISE H4 72, EBRIOS(E) H3 72, ORBIES(T) H2 72, O(U)REBIS H8 72, REBOI(L)S H2 72, RIBOSE(S) H2 72, RIBO(S)ES H2 72, (D)ISROBE H7 72, (F)IBROSE H2 72, (L)IBEROS H2 72
Other moves: BOI(L)ERS H2 68, BOI(L)ERS H3 68, BOI(L)ERS H6 68, BOI(L)ERS H7 68, BOI(L)ERS H8 68

On 2nd draw, OV(E)RWENT 3F 86 --- OVERGO to exceed [v]
Other tops: OVERW(E)NT 3C 86
Other moves: OVERWENT 9C 70, OVERWENT 9F 70, OVERN(E)W 3C 34, OVERW(E)T 3C 34, REWOV(E)N 3C 34
WOE I7 25 annelhynz

On 3rd draw, APYRETIC 5E 110 --- APYRETIC absence of fever [adj]
Other moves: PACEY 2B 53, PEATY 2B 49, PIETY 2B 49, PICRATE 5E 44, YIPE G7 34
PAY G7 33 annelhynz

On 4th draw, AQUACAD(E) E5 88 --- AQUACADE an exhibition of swimming and diving skills [n]
Other moves: ADEQUAC(Y) 9F 81, AQUAC(A)DE 9A 72, AQU(A)CADE 9A 72, (A)QUACADE 9A 72, QUAC(K) 4A 51

On 5th draw, LINTY 2B 45 --- LINTY covered with lint [adj]
Other tops: NIRLY 2B 45, NITRY 2B 45, RUNTY 2B 45, TRULY 2B 45, UNITY 2B 45
Other moves: PINY F5 31, PITY F5 31, YIN F10 31, INLY 2C 28, LINY 2C 28

On 6th draw, ZOISTS 13B 52 --- ZOIST an advocate of zoism [n]
Other moves: ZORIS G7 51, ZITS G7 50, ZORI G7 50, ZOST(E)RS 12A 50, ZIT G7 49

On 7th draw, BURKA 8A 48 --- BURKA a long loose outer garment worn by some Muslim women [n]
Other moves: BRIZE B10 44, KIBE G7 38, KEB G7 37, BIRK D12 36, KEB 1A 33

On 8th draw, REMUDAS I9 66 --- REMUDA a herd of horses [n]
Other tops: MEASURED 9G 66
Other moves: EARDRUMS C4 64, DAMS 14A 42, MADS 14A 41, MARD 14A 41, MAUD 14A 41
MAD 14A 37 argomearns
RESUMED 9G 14 gmills0

On 9th draw, HOUF 14A 49 --- HOUF to go often to a place [v]
Other moves: FOH 14A 45, HEFTE F10 41, FEH J10 39, FOH J10 39, FOULES 15D 39
FOULES 15D 39 argomearns
FLESH 15F 33 gmills0

On 10th draw, EAT 15A 39 --- EAT to consume food [v]
Other moves: AGED A1 34, EGAD A1 34, EA 15A 33, DENET J10 32, EANED J10 32
GENTS 15E 18 argomearns
MEANT 11I 14 gmills0
GAS 15G 12 annelhynz

On 11th draw, GAPE 1A 33 --- GAPE to stare with open mouth [v]
Other tops: GAPO 1A 33
Other moves: APOGEAN 14I 32, PAGE 1A 32, AGENE A1 31, AGONE A1 31, APOGEE 14I 30
GAPE 1A 33 argomearns
MOPE 11I 16 gmills0

On 12th draw, SIALOID 15I 27 --- SIALOID resembling saliva [adj]
Other moves: LAD 3B 25, ADO J9 22, D(E)I 12D 22, AD 3C 20, ADO J13 20
DIALS 15E 18 argomearns
LIDS 15F 15 gmills0

On 13th draw, OVERGLAD O8 95 --- OVERGLAD too glad [adj]
Other moves: TRAVELOG J5 80, VORLAGE J7 80, OVERGALL L8 76, VARE 3A 30, VAG 3A 29
MOVER 11I 20 gmills0

On 14th draw, WEXE J8 62 --- WEXE to wax [v]
Other moves: WEXE 3A 58, HEX J8 57, WEX J8 57, DEX J8 55, WAX 14H 54
XI J14 50 argomearns
WAX 10D 29 gmills0

On 15th draw, HEFT G7 40 --- HEFT to lift up [v]
Other moves: HEFT F10 38, HOMIE G7 37, HOME G7 36, HOTTIE F10 36, OMIT K10 36
MOUTH B6 24 gmills0
T*M K11 20 argomearns

On 16th draw, RONIN K9 38 --- RONIN (Japanese) a lordless samurai [n]
Other tops: RONNE K9 38
Other moves: RONE K9 36, ROE K9 34, ONER K10 28, ONIE K10 28, ONE K10 26
NOR K11 16 argomearns
MERE 11I 12 gmills0

On 17th draw, NODE L10 35 --- NODE a swollen enlargement [n]
Other moves: AUDILE 12H 32, NED L10 31, NOD L10 31, AUDIO 12H 30, NUDIE 12H 30
PILED C1 16 gmills0

On 18th draw, MENG 3A 31 --- MENG to mix [v]
Other moves: LENG 3A 27, MEG 3A 27, ENG 3B 25, LEG 3B 25, LEG 3A 23
GAM 14H 22 annelhynz
PINGLE C1 18 gmills0

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