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Game of June 12, 2012 at 11:26, 3 players
1. 535 pts dragons11
2. 424 pts una
3. 46 pts AJM

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cnrtty   H7    28    28   centry
 2. ahiltvz  12C    42    70   hazily
 3. adhinos   8E    62   132   adhesion
 4. eemntuu  E11    30   162   mzee
 5. ainopry   F1    74   236   pyranoid
 6. abegmvw  13A    38   274   gambe
 7. ailorst  15E    87   361   sliotar
 8. ceortvx   1D    48   409   export
 9. eiinoss   5E    82   491   inosines
10. aegiotv   3F    78   569   ravigote
11. adertuu  14J    29   598   derat
12. ?aceiko   O8   102   700   paiocke
13. deeglpt  A10    39   739   pegged
14. elortuv   A8    39   778   repegged
15. deflnuw   N6    31   809   flued
16. beintuv   4K    25   834   bint
17. aefouuv  13K    24   858   foe
18. anquvww  10F    32   890   qat
19. jlnuuuw   2B    22   912   jun

Remaining tiles: luuvww

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6808 Filedragons11   4 17:56  -377  535     1.6808 dragons11   4 17:56  -377  535 
  2.6779 Fileuna         6 14:16  -488  424     2.6779 una         6 14:16  -488  424 
  3.  -  FileAJM         1  3:28  -866   46            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  AJM         1  3:28  -866   46 

On 1st draw, C(E)NTRY H7 28 --- CENTRY centre [n]
Other tops: YTTR(I)C H4 28
Other moves: CR(O)NY H8 26, C(A)NTY H8 26, C(A)RNY H8 26, C(A)TTY H8 26, C(E)NTRY H4 26
C(A)TTY H8 26 dragons11

On 2nd draw, HAZILY 12C 42 --- HAZILY in a hazy manner [adv]
Other moves: ZATI 10F 33, ZIT 10F 32, IZAR 11E 26, RITZ 11H 26, RIZA 11H 26
ZIT 10F 32 dragons11

On 3rd draw, ADH(E)SION 8E 62 --- ADHESION the act of adhering [n]
Other moves: AIDOS 13B 38, DINOS 13B 37, DONAS 13B 37, ADOS 13C 36, DZHOS E11 36
HAS 13B 24 dragons11

On 4th draw, MZEE E11 30 --- MZEE an old person in East Africa [n]
Other tops: MEZE E10 30
Other moves: TEME 13A 28, EME 13B 26, NEEM 13A 26, TEEM 13A 26, ME 13C 24
MEN 13B 22 dragons11

On 5th draw, PYRANOID F1 74 --- PYRAN a chemical compound [adj] --- PYRANOID pertaining to a pyran [adj]
Other moves: PIONEY 14A 38, PINEY 14B 36, PONEY 14B 36, ROPEY 14B 36, PIOYE 13A 35
PAYER 14B 24 dragons11

On 6th draw, GAMBE 13A 38 --- GAMBE a leg [n]
Other moves: BEMA E2 33, MABE E2 33, BEGEM 14B 32, WAME 13B 32, MABE 13B 30
WAGE 13B 29 una, dragons11

On 7th draw, SLIOTAR 15E 87 --- SLIOTAR a ball used in the sport of hurling [n]
Other moves: OSTIOLAR K4 82, TONSILAR 5D 82, ORALIST M3 80, RIALTOS M2 78, SLIOTAR M8 78
TAILS 15A 34 una
PORTALS 1F 30 dragons11

On 8th draw, EXPORT 1D 48 --- EXPORT to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v]
Other moves: COPTER 1D 39, OX 14A 39, PREX 1F 39, CONVEX 5D 36, COPER 1D 36
EXPORT 1D 48 una
OX 14A 39 dragons11

On 9th draw, INOSINES 5E 82 --- INOSINE a compound of hypoxanthine and ribose [n]
Other moves: IONISES M2 78, IONISES M4 71, IONISES 2I 70, INOSINES 5A 66, INOSINES L3 66
NOSIES M3 26 dragons11
SINGES A10 24 una

On 10th draw, RAVIGOTE 3F 78 --- RAVIGOTE a spiced vinegar sauce [n]
Other moves: RAVIGOTE 11H 74, VOGIE A11 30, AGGIE A11 27, VEGAS L1 26, VEGOS L1 26
VESTING L3 22 una
GOV A13 21 dragons11

On 11th draw, DERAT 14J 29 --- DERAT to rid of rats [v]
Other tops: DATER 14J 29
Other moves: RATED 4K 27, TARGED A10 27, ARED 4J 26, DATER 4K 26, DERAT 4K 26
DERAT 14J 29 dragons11
DATER 14J 29 una
DA J14 7 AJM

On 12th draw, (P)AIOCKE O8 102 --- PAIOCKE a Shakespearian word for peacock, perhaps [n]
Other moves: CAKIE(R) O10 55, COKIE(R) O10 55, OAKIE(R) O10 49, OAKIE(S) O10 49, ACKE(E) O11 46
OCKE(R) O11 46 dragons11
CA(S)K O12 42 una

On 13th draw, PEGGED A10 39 --- PEG to fasten with a peg (a wooden pin) [v]
Other tops: PLEDGET A9 39
Other moves: LEGGED A10 33, EGGED A11 30, PIECED 7E 29, LEDGE 4K 28, P**D 4K 27
PEGGED A10 39 dragons11, una, AJM

On 14th draw, REPEGGED A8 39 --- REPEG to peg again [v]
Other moves: ERUV 4L 30, VOLTE B6 24, VOTES L1 24, LURVE 2K 22, LOUVER B6 21
REPEGGED A8 39 dragons11, una

On 15th draw, FLUED N6 31 --- FLUE an enclosed passageway for directing a current [adj] --- FLUED having a flue [adj]
Other moves: ENUF 4L 30, WELD 4K 30, WEND 4K 30, DEF 4K 29, WED 4K 29
EF 13L 22 dragons11
EF B10 18 una

On 16th draw, BINT 4K 25 --- BINT a woman [n]
Other tops: BENI 4K 25, BENT 4K 25, BIEN 4K 25, BINE 4K 25, BITE 4K 25, UNITE 2J 25, UNITE 4J 25
Other moves: BEN 4K 23, BET 4K 23, BIN 4K 23, BIT 4K 23, UNIT 4J 23
BENT 4K 25 una
BEE 14D 18 dragons11

On 17th draw, FOE 13K 24 --- FOE an enemy [n]
Other tops: FAE 13K 24
Other moves: EF 13L 22, FAVE 2A 22, FAVER K11 22, FAVER L10 22, FAVOR L10 22
FAVE 2A 22 una
FA 2M 16 dragons11

On 18th draw, QAT 10F 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QUA 2B 26, QUAI 7C 25, QUA 9C 24, WAW 2M 24, WAFER K11 22
QAT 10F 32 dragons11, una

On 19th draw, JUN 2B 22 --- JUN a coin of North Korea [n]
Other moves: JIN E4 21, JOR L12 20, JUN 9C 20, ULU 2J 20, WULL 7K 15
JIN E4 21 una, dragons11

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