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Game of June 13, 2012 at 07:17, 3 players
1. 489 pts Grace_Tjie
2. 135 pts spellcheck
3. 75 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cgorrsu   H4    22    22   cursor
 2. ?ahisuw  10F    30    52   wisha
 3. elmoort   7A    62   114   tremolos
 4. adeorty   8A    54   168   aery
 5. abdenot  11A    78   246   batoned
 6. bceinno  12D    32   278   bone
 7. aiinors  A10    27   305   abrins
 8. ?effhpv   H1    39   344   precursors
 9. definos   4H    80   424   confides
10. aeflmnv   3C    35   459   velamen
11. egiilpt   O4    27   486   spilite
12. aciioty   M3    36   522   idiotcy
13. delowxz   2F    70   592   zero
14. ?aaghru  N10    47   639   hangar
15. egjkltu  15L    69   708   jerk
16. adefnuv  H12    40   748   deva
17. aglttux   4D    45   793   tax
18. dilntuw  13C    32   825   wind
19. efgilqu   L9    42   867   fique

Remaining tiles: ggltuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6268 FileGrace_Tjie  1 15:28  -378  489     1.6268 Grace_Tjie  1 15:28  -378  489 
  2.5128 Filespellcheck  0  8:16  -732  135     2.6667 charmz      0  2:27  -792   75 
  3.6667 Filecharmz      0  2:27  -792   75            Group: novice
                                             1.5128 spellcheck  0  8:16  -732  135 

On 1st draw, CURSOR H4 22 --- CURSOR a light indicator on a computer display [n]
Other tops: CROGS H4 22, CRUORS H4 22
Other moves: COURS H4 20, CRUOR H4 20, CURRS H4 20, SCOUG H8 20, SCROG H8 20
COURS H4 20 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, WISHA 10F 30 --- WISHA used to express surprise [interj]
Other tops: WASHI(N) 10F 30, WASHU(P) 10F 30
Other moves: W(I)SHA 10F 29, W(U)SHU 10F 29, CUSHAW 4H 28, CUSHAW(S) 4H 28, CU(M)SHAW 4H 28
CHAWS 4H 26 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, TREMOLOS 7A 62 --- TREMOLO a vibrating musical effect [n]
Other moves: MERLOT 11I 25, TREMOLO 9G 25, MERLOT 11B 23, METOL 11I 23, METRO 11I 23
COMER 4H 18 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, AERY 8A 54 --- AERY airy [adj] --- AERY the nest of a bird of prey [n]
Other moves: TREATY A7 39, YATTER A4 39, YARTO A4 36, DORTY A4 33, DOTTY A4 33
RAYED 11C 26 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, BATONED 11A 78 --- BATON to strike with a truncheon [v]
Other moves: BROADEN 9G 30, DOBRA 9E 30, BRAD 9G 27, BRAND 9G 27, BREAD 9G 27
ABODE 11B 21 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, BONE 12D 32 --- BONE to debone [v]
Other tops: BONCE 9A 32
Other moves: BACON B10 30, BANCO B10 30, BONCE A11 30, BRONC 9G 30, CABIN B10 30
OBE 10A 27 Grace_Tjie

On 7th draw, ABRINS A10 27 --- ABRIN a poisonous protein [n]
Other moves: IRONS 13B 25, NOIRS 13B 25, RAINS 13B 25, ROANS 13B 25, ROINS 13B 25
BRANS A11 24 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, P(R)ECURSORS H1 39 --- PRECURSOR [n]
Other moves: FEH(S) 13C 35, AHE(D) 10A 33, AHE(M) 10A 33, PEH(S) 13C 33, FEH B13 32
HAE B10 29 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, CONFIDES 4H 80 --- CONFIDE to reveal in trust or confidence [v]
Other moves: INFUSED 5E 44, FENDS 13C 42, FEODS 13C 42, FINDS 13C 42, FONDS 13C 42
EF G2 19 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, VELAMEN 3C 35 --- VELAMEN a thin membranous covering or partition [n]
Other moves: FLEAM N2 32, ENFLAME 3B 30, FEMMY D4 30, AMEN 10A 29, MAVEN 11I 29
SLAVE O4 24 charmz, Grace_Tjie

On 11th draw, SPILITE O4 27 --- SPILITE igneous rock [n]
Other moves: LIPE 3L 26, TIPI 3L 26, GIP 3L 25, PE(R) 2F 24, STIPEL O4 24
PE(R) 2F 24 Grace_Tjie
SPELT O4 21 charmz

On 12th draw, IDIOTCY M3 36 --- IDIOTCY the state of being an idiot [n]
Other moves: ACIDITY M1 34, CRAY 9G 34, TAY 2D 31, TAY N8 31, IDIOCY M3 30
TAY N8 31 Grace_Tjie
YA(R) 2F 30 charmz
ACE N2 10 spellcheck

On 13th draw, ZE(R)O 2F 70 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other moves: DOZE H12 58, ZEX 13C 53, WEX 13C 41, WOX 13C 41, DOWL H12 40
ZEX 13C 53 Grace_Tjie
FOXED K4 32 spellcheck

On 14th draw, HA(N)GAR N10 47 --- HANGAR to place in an aircraft shelter [v]
Other moves: HAUG(H) N10 45, HUG(E)R N10 45, HAAR(S) N10 43, HARA(M) N10 43, HUR(R)A N10 43
HA(N)GAR N10 47 Grace_Tjie
HAUGH(T) I10 14 spellcheck

On 15th draw, JERK 15L 69 --- JERK to move with a sharp, sudden motion [v]
Other moves: JURE 15L 57, JEEL D1 38, JU(N)K 12L 38, JEU M11 36, AKE 10A 35
TURK 15L 27 spellcheck
KEG 13C 25 Grace_Tjie

On 16th draw, DEVA H12 40 --- DEVA a Hindu god [n]
Other tops: DEAF H12 40
Other moves: FAND 13C 32, FEND 13C 32, VEND 13C 32, DEAN H12 31, DUAN H12 31
FAD 13C 23 Grace_Tjie
AVE 13G 14 spellcheck

On 17th draw, TAX 4D 45 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other tops: LAX 4D 45
Other moves: LA(N)X 12L 36, LAX 13C 35, TAX 13C 35, AX 4E 30, FALX K4 28
FAX K4 26 Grace_Tjie
AXEL D1 24 spellcheck

On 18th draw, WIND 13C 32 --- WIND to pass around an object or fixed center [v]
Other moves: LIND 13C 26, TIND 13C 26, DINT 13C 25, INWIT 13A 24, LINT 13C 23
LAW E3 12 Grace_Tjie

On 19th draw, FIQUE L9 42 --- FIQUE a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: QUIFF K1 40, FIQUE K4 34, QUI(N)E 12K 28, FUGIE L9 26, FUGLE L9 26
QUAG J8 14 Grace_Tjie
EQUAL J7 14 spellcheck

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